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Media Explorer edited this page Feb 27, 2023 · 4 revisions



OemCustomizationTool.exe: Generates customization packages.


OemCustomizationTool.exe [/output=Output Directory]

     [/version=Version String] [/warnOnMappingNotFound] [/diagnostic]


Required. The path to the Customization XML file.

                    If drawing from multiple sources, this file must 

                    include the other Customization XMLs. If a 

                    customization is repeated in multiple files in the 

                    include hierarchy, the last one in the hierarchy wins.

                    Environment variables should be quoted with the percent 

                    sign character, e.g., %CUSTOM_PATH%.

Required. The path to the directory which contains Config

                        XML files. All *.xml files in this directory are processed. 

                        Mappings specified in config files must be unique, i.e., if 

                        a mapping appears more than once, an exception is thrown.

                        Environment variables should be quoted with the percent 

                        sign character, e.g., %CUSTOM_PATH%.

/output=Output Directory Optional. The path to the directory where the output package(s)

                    should be saved. Default location is present working directory.

                    Environment variables should be quoted with the percent 

                    sign character, e.g., %CUSTOM_PATH%.

/version=Version String Optional. Specifies the version of the package using the format

                        "<major>.<minor>.<hotfix>.<build>". Default is "".

/warnOnMappingNotFound Optional. If a setting in the CustomizationXML does not have

                     a corresponding mapping in the ConfigXML, the tool will raise 

                      an exception and stop processing by default. If this option 

               is specified, the tool will issue a warning and continue processing.

/diagnostic Optional. Enable verbose debugging messages to console. Default

                    is disabled.

[OCT|Program.Main()]: Exiting. Try again with the expected parameters.