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pkggen.exe howto

Media Explorer edited this page Feb 27, 2023 · 2 revisions

Microsoft (C) PkgGen


PkgGen.exe [project] [output] [version] [cpu] [languages] [resolutions] [variables] [diagnostic] [wmxsd] [convert] [product] [wowdir] [wowbuild] [usentverp] [processInf] [makecab] [quiet] [toc] [compress] [config] [build] [xsd] [onecore] [nohives] [sdxRoot] [razzleToolPath] [razzleDataPath] [nttree] [buildNttree] [capabilityListCfg] [buildBranch] [manifestSddlTxt] [ntdevLssettingsLsconfig] [bldNumpH] [cmiV2Dll] [csiXsdPath] [pkgXsdPath] [sharedXsdPath] [wmXsdPath] [spkgGenToolDirs] [json] [toolPaths] [isRazzleEnv] [cfg]

[project] Full path to input file : .wm.xml, .pkg.xml, .man

                         Values:<Free Text> Default=NULL

[output] Output directory or file.

                         Values:<Free Text> Default="."

[version] Version string in the form of ...

                         Values:<Free Text> Default=""

[cpu] CPU type. Values: (x86|arm|arm64|amd64)

                         Values:<x86 | amd64 | arm | arm64> Default=arm

[languages] Supported language identifier list, separated by ';'

                         Values:<Free Text> Default=NULL

[resolutions] Supported resolution identifier list, separated by ';'

                         Values:<Free Text> Default=NULL

[variables] Additional variables used in the project file,syntax:=;=;....

                         Values:<Free Text> Default=NULL

[diagnostic] Enable debug output.

                         Values:<true | false> Default=False

[wmxsd] Path to write the windows manifest schema.

                         Values:<Free Text> Default=NULL

[convert] The type of conversion operation to perform. Values: (wm2csi|csi2wm|pkg2csi|pkg2wm|csi2pkg|pkg2cab)

                         Values:<wm2csi | csi2wm | pkg2wm | pkg2csi | csi2pkg | pkg2cab | wmxsd> Default=pkg2cab

[product] Supported product identifier

                         Values:<Free Text> Default="windows"

[wowdir] Output directory for guest packages

                         Values:<Free Text> Default=NULL

[wowbuild] HostOnly, GuestOnly, or Both

                         Values:<HostOnly | GuestOnly | Both> Default=Both

[usentverp] Use NtverpUtils to get the Windows product version

                         Values:<true | false> Default=False

[processInf] Process the driver's INF like the build does

                         Values:<true | false> Default=False

[makecab] Generate CAB(s) when using wm.xml

                         Values:<true | false> Default=False

[quiet] Only log warnings and errors

                         Values:<true | false> Default=False

[toc] Building TOC files instead of the actual package

                         Values:<true | false> Default=False

[compress] Compressing the generated package.

                         Values:<true | false> Default=False

[config] File with globally defined variables.

                         Values:<Free Text> Default=NULL

[build] Build type string Values: (fre|chk)

                         Values:<fre | chk> Default=fre

[xsd] Path to write the auto-generated windows phone manifest schema

                         Values:<Free Text> Default=NULL

[onecore] The package is for onecore products, this sets nohives = true for BSP's

                         Values:<true | false> Default=False

[nohives] Indicates whether or not this package has no hive dependency

                         Values:<true | false> Default=False

[sdxRoot] Location of SdxRoot.

                         Values:<Free Text> Default="%sdxroot%"

[razzleToolPath] Location of RazzleToolPath.

                         Values:<Free Text> Default="%RazzleToolPath%"

[razzleDataPath] Location of RazzleDataPath

                         Values:<Free Text> Default="%RazzleDataPath%"

[nttree] Location of _NTTREE

                         Values:<Free Text> Default="%_nttree%"

[buildNttree] Location of build.nttree

                         Values:<Free Text> Default="%build.nttree%"

[capabilityListCfg] Location of capabilityList.cfg

                         Values:<Free Text> Default="%RazzleToolPath%\managed\v4.0\capabilitylist.cfg"

[buildBranch] _BuildBranch

                         Values:<Free Text> Default="%_BuildBranch%"

[manifestSddlTxt] Location of manifest_sddl.txt

                         Values:<Free Text> Default="%RazzleToolPath%\manifest_sddl.txt"

[ntdevLssettingsLsconfig] Location of NTDEV_LSSettings.lsconfig

                         Values:<Free Text> Default="% RazzleToolPath %\locstudio\NTDEV_LSSettings.lsconfig"

[bldNumpH] Location of bldnump.h

                         Values:<Free Text> Default="%PUBLIC_ROOT%\sdk\inc\bldnump.h"

[cmiV2Dll] Location of cmiv2.dll

                         Values:<Free Text> Default="%RazzleToolPath%\x86\cmiv2.dll"

[csiXsdPath] Path to PkgBldr.CSI.Xsd.

                         Values:<Free Text> Default="%RazzleToolPath%\managed\v4.0\PkgBldr.CSI.Xsd"

[pkgXsdPath] Path to PkgBldr.PKG.Xsd.

                         Values:<Free Text> Default="%RazzleToolPath%\managed\v4.0\PkgBldr.PKG.Xsd"

[sharedXsdPath]ъъъъъъъъъъъ Path to PkgBldr.Shared.Xsd.

                         Values:<Free Text> Default="%RazzleToolPath%\managed\v4.0\PkgBldr.Shared.Xsd"

[wmXsdPath] Path to PkgBldr.WM.Xsd.

                         Values:<Free Text> Default="%RazzleToolPath%\managed\v4.0\PkgBldr.WM.Xsd"

[spkgGenToolDirs] Directories containing tools needed by spkggen.exe

                         Values:<Free Text> Default="%RazzleToolPath%\x86"

[json] Generate JSON's in the specifed depot when conerting from pkg.xml to wm.xml

                  Values:<Free Text> Default=NULL

[toolPaths] Dictionary of tool paths needed by pkggen.exe

                         Values:<String=String>, Multiple values seperated by ';' 

[isRazzleEnv] Razzle Environment presence
Values:<true | false> Default=False

[cfg] A configuration file used to configure the enviornment. If supplied the configuration file will override the command line. Used as named argument only. Values:

