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API: Moving from v1 to v2

James Booth edited this page Feb 7, 2015 · 3 revisions

What's happening?

The v1 of the API had some deficiencies that have been addressed in a revised specification - v2. v2 of the client and server was rolled out on 7th January 2015.

What's changed?

Only the landmark specification itself has changed - the rest of the API is left unchanged. Due to the breaking change the root of the API has been bumped from ap1/v1 to ap1/v2.

Why change the landmark format?'s v1 format was built on the concept of unique landmark groups. Each group had it's own set of points and connectivity - and no connectivity could exist between groups. Furthermore, each landmark belonged to exactly one group.

This markup makes a lot of sense for the restricted setting that was designed for. However, menpo (the library that's server component depends on) has a more flexible landmarking model. In this model a landmark definition (confusingly also called a LandmarkGroup) contains one master ordered set of points with optional connectivity information. Sub groups (known as Labels) are then taken from the master point set. In this definition a point can exist in many Labels, and connectivity is permitted between Labels.

Two important goals are on the horizon for, one is to be available as an IPython widget from inside Menpo, and second is to have a predictive mode that utilises menpo on the server to do interesting things to aid annotators. As we aim to bring menpo and the landmarker closer together, the difference in the annotation formats becomes an increasing pain.

v2 of the LJSON format (the format used directly to communicate annotations between the server and client component of addresses this gap by adopting the menpo annotation model.

I saw an error saying is running in legacy mode - what does that mean?

It means you are still using a v1 landmarkerio-server. Updating the landmarking format in caused lots of breaking changes to the codebase, so the client available at assumes it is talking to a v2 server. To give people already using the landmarker a chance to upgrade, for a limited time only the landmarker will check to see if a v1 endpoint is available. If it is it will redirect you to, a freeze of the landmarker before the v2 changes. This version of the tool prominently displays the legacy message.

Any updates and improvements to and the server will only be happening on top of this v2 client, so you are encouraged to update your server at your earliest convenience.

How do I upgrade to landmarkerio v2?

Just get the latest version of our conda package by activating your landmarker conda environment and then running

(lmio) > conda install -c menpo landmarkerio

Note that you will have to 'upgrade' any ljson files you have to the new format. You only need to do this once. landmarkerio ships with a command line utility for this purpose - just run:

lmioconvert ./some/path

to recursively update all LJSON files found in place to the new standard. Please please make a backup of your landmarks before running the tool - you have been warned!

Is the template specification the same for v2

Yes, for now the template format is the same as it was before. This template format is no longer powerful enough to do everything that the new landmarker can handle (e.g. one point in multiple groups) but we will update the template specification to something based on YAML down the line.