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Templates specification

dingdingbin edited this page Dec 6, 2017 · 5 revisions

groups key marks the template itself, anything else is metadata


The first landmark group is called 'mouth'

it is made up of six points

  • label: mouth points: 6
  • label: nose points: 3

    Pairs of numbers immediately following a declaration

    of a group specify connectivity information. Here,

    The first entry of the nose group is joined to the second

    (0-based indexing) and the second to the third. This will

    be visualized in the landmarker.

    • 0 1
    • 1 2
  • label: left_eye points: 8 connectivity:

    Slice notation is abused to construct straight chains

    of connectivity. This is expanded out into

    0 1

    1 2


    6 7

    • 0:7
    • 7 0
  • label: right_eye points: 8

    The cycle shortcut

    connectivity: cycle
  • label: chin points: 1