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Integrating a new PSP

Mohamed Osman edited this page Oct 1, 2019 · 11 revisions

PSP Integration

In order to integrate a new PSP, a new module named by the PSP name should be added to the backend project. Then the PSP name should be added to the PaymentServiceProvider enum.

enum class PaymentServiceProvider {

The main component in a PSP integration is the Psp interface. It contains all the necessary functions:

  • calculatePspConfig,
  • registerAlias,
  • preauthorize,
  • capture,
  • authorize,
  • reverse,
  • refund
  • deleteAlias.

The interface should be inherited from a new PSP module.

Calculate PSP config

This function is used to calculate the PSP configuration that will be returned to the Mobile SDK during the Alias creation. This configuration will contain important data to register an Alias like:

  • credit card check hash for BS Payone,
  • client token for Braintree,
  • payment session for Adyen.

During this call, a configuration for the PSP (BS Payone, Braintree, Adyen) will be sent and a configuration with the extra data will be returned to the mobile SDK.

Register Alias

If the backend is communicating with a PSP during the Alias creation, this call should be implemented. PspRegisterAliasRequestModel contains the following fields:

Parameter Name Description Type
aliasId Stash! alias id String
aliasExtra The extra information for the wanted alias(CC, SEPA or PAY_PAL) AliasExtra
pspConfig PSP configuration PspConfig


Parameter Name Description Type
ccConfig Credit card configuration CreditCardConfig
sepaConfig SEPA configuration SepaConfig
payPalConfig PayPal configuration PayPalConfig
personalData Personal data PersonalData
paymentMethod CC, SEPA or PAY_PAL String
payload Adyen payload String


Parameter Name Description Type
ccMask Credit Card mask, e.g. VISA-1111 String
ccExpiry Credit Card expiry date String
ccType Credit Card type String
ccHolderName Credit Card holder name String


Parameter Name Description Type
iban International bank account number String
bic Bank identifier code String


Parameter Name Description Type
nonce PayPal nonce String
billingAgreementId Billing agreement id String
deviceData Device data collected by client String


Parameter Name Description Type
email Customer's email String
customerIp Account holder's IP String
firstName Account holder's first name String
lastName Account holder's last name String
street Account holder's street String
zip Account holder's zip String
city Account holder's city String
country Account holder's country code String
customerReference Customer reference String


Parameter Name Description Type
merchantId Merchant id String
portalId Portal identifier String
key Key String
accountId Account id String
sandboxMerchantId Sandbox (test) merchant id String
sandboxPublicKey Sandbox (test) public key String
sandboxPrivateKey Sandbox (test) private key String
publicKey Production (live) public key String
privateKey Production (live) private key String
default A flag whether is a default config or not
currency Merchant's currency String
country Merchant's currency String
locale Merchant's locale String
urlPrefix Live URL prefix String

PspRegisterAliasResponseModel will be returned. It contains the following fields:

Parameter Name Description Type
pspAlias An alias returned by the PSP String
billingAgreementId The billing agreement id returned by PayPal String
registrationReference Customer reference String


This call is used for the preauthorization. It reserves the sent amount during a transaction. PspPaymentRequestModel contains the following fields:

Parameter Name Description Type
aliasId Stash! alias id String
aliasExtra The extra information for the wanted alias(CC, SEPA or PAY_PAL) AliasExtra
paymentData Payment details PaymentData
pspAlias The alias returned by PSP String
pspConfig PSP configuration PspConfig
purchaseId The merchant's transaction id String


Parameter Name Description Type
amount Amount in smallest currency unit (e.g. cent) Int
currency Currency String
reason Reason of the transaction String

PspPaymentResponseModel will be returned, and it contains the following fields:

Parameter Name Description Type
pspTransactionId The transaction id returned by PSP String
status SUCCESS or FAIL String
customerId The PSP customer id String
error If the PSP returned an error, it will be mapped to an internal error String
errorMessage The PSP error message String


This call id used to charge the reserved amount during the preauthorization. The PspCaptureRequestModel contains the following fields:

Parameter Name Description Type
pspTransactionId The preauthorized transaction id returned by PSP String
amount The amount that will be captured Int
currency Currency String
pspConfig PSP configuration PspConfig
purchaseId The merchant's transaction id String

The PspPaymentResponseModel will be returned.


This call is used for the "automatic" payment. It is the combination of the preauthorization and the capture. The request and response models are similar to the preauthorization ones.


This call is used to cancel a transaction. It can be used only for the preauthorized transactions. The PspReversalRequestModel contains the following fields:

Parameter Name Description Type
pspTransactionId The preauthorized transaction id returned by PSP String
currency Currency String
pspConfig PSP configuration PspConfig
purchaseId The merchant's transaction id String

The PspPaymentResponseModel will be returned.


This call is used to refund a transaction. It can be used for the authorized and captured transactions, and it can be a partial refund. The PspRefundRequestModel contains the following fields:

Parameter Name Description Type
pspTransactionId The authorized or captured transaction id returned by PSP String
amount The amount that will be captured Int
currency Currency String
action AUTH or CAPTURE String
pspConfig PSP configuration PspConfig
purchaseId The merchant's transaction id String
paymentMethod CC, SEPA or PAY_PAL String

The PspPaymentResponseModel will be returned.

Delete Alias

This call is used to delete an alias in a PSP. The PspDeleteAliasRequestModel contains the following fields:

Parameter Name Description Type
aliasId Stash! alias id String
pspAlias The PSP alias id Int
pspConfig PSP configuration PspConfig
paymentMethod CC, SEPA or PAY_PAL String

If a request is successful, nothing will be returned. Otherwise, the appropriate error will be returned.

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