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Mohamed Osman edited this page Sep 30, 2019 · 20 revisions

For a transaction to be authorized, certain information regarding the transaction is requested:

  • Secret key is used to validate the API key. Then, the API key is mapped to the correct merchant.
  • PSP test mode flag is sent to validate the transaction mode on the PSP side.
  • Alias is fetched by using the passed alias ID and the active flag.

The payment information is then gathered by combining the alias information and the merchant PSP configuration.

Using the idempotent key, a new transaction will be stored in the database using the transaction details passed in the request if the idempotent key does not exist. If it exists and the passed information is similar to the transaction information in the database, the new transaction is not created.


Authorize Transaction

A transaction can be authorized by providing the following parameters in a request header:

Parameter Name Description Type Required
Secret-Key The secret API key defined for the merchants String Yes
Idempotent-Key Unique key for the request String Yes
PSP-Test-Mode A flag defining if the alias is for the PSP test mode Boolean No

Request body:

Parameter Name Description Type Required
aliasId Stash! alias id String Yes
paymentData Payment details PaymentData Yes
purchaseId Merchant's transaction id String No
customerId Merchant's customer id String No


Parameter Name Description Type Required
amount Amount in smallest currency unit (e.g. cent) Int Yes
currency Currency String Yes
reason Reason of the transaction String Yes

Response body:

Parameter Name Description Type
transactionId Stash! transaction id String
amount Amount in smallest currency unit (e.g. cent) Int
currency Currency String
status SUCCESS or FAIL or PENDING String
action AUTH String

The Swagger documentation can be found here.

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