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Step 21: Project 11 Ansible, automate project 7 to 10

monotiller edited this page Jul 3, 2022 · 1 revision

Install and configure Ansible on EC2 instance

Ansible was installed onto the jenkins instance:

Then I setup the repository, added the webhook and configured a job to archive all files in Jenkins. The pipeline ran successfully:

Step 2 – Prepare your development environment using Visual Studio Code

I then cloned the repo and opened it in VSCode which is my editor of choice

Begin Ansible development

I created a new branch for development called dev and created the directories playbooks and inventory along with the relevant yml files

Step 4 – Set up an Ansible Inventory

I added the SSH key to the ssh agent:

I also added the ip addresses of the servers to the dev.yml

[nfs] ansible_ssh_user='ec2-user'

[webservers] ansible_ssh_user='ec2-user' ansible_ssh_user='ec2-user'

[db] ansible_ssh_user='ec2-user' 

[lb] ansible_ssh_user='ubuntu'

Create a common playbook

The playbook that is going to be used can be seen below:

- name: update web, nfs and db servers
  hosts: webservers, nfs, db
  remote_user: ec2-user
  become: true
  become_user: root
    - name: ensure wireshark is at the latest version
        name: wireshark
        state: latest

- name: update LB server
  hosts: lb
  remote_user: ubuntu
  become: true
  become_user: root
    - name: Update apt repo
        update_cache: yes

    - name: ensure wireshark is at the latest version
        name: wireshark
        state: latest

This code is ensuring wireshark is at the latest version on both the RHEL and Ubuntu servers, but also updating apt on the Ubuntu servers too. This code was then pushed to GitHub and a pull request was opened. This then appeared on Jenkins

Run first Ansible test

I ran the playbook and it ended up being successful:

On the nfs server I ran wireshark --version: