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Step 6: Linux administration

monotiller edited this page May 27, 2022 · 2 revisions

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Understanding the directory tree structure

Introduction to the directory tree structure on Linux

Useful commands

  • mkdir # Makes a directory
  • ls # Lists contents of a directory
  • tree # Shows a tree of directories
  • sudo # Fixes everything, all my problems have been solved this way
  • rm -rf # Removes a folder -r = recursively and -f = force
  • df # Disk Free, shows information about current disk usage
  • free # Shows stats on RAM and swap memory

Useful flags

  • -h # Human readable, converts units to be easier to read

Symlinks are super useful to link files to new directories so one file can appear in many places. A few examples I have are my .vimrc configs/plugin which I store in a git repository that is stored elsewhere, another is on my webserver I have a folder for my encryption certificates which allows me to have a folder to automate renewals whilst distributing those out to the folders they need to be in

Linux Directories

  • /boot directory stores data related to booting up the system
  • /cdrom is where attached CDs to the system are accessed from, similar to /media and /mnt
  • /dev location of device files. A device file is an interface to a device driver
  • /etc is where configuration files are kept
  • /home where users keep files related to their account (documents, photos, videos)
  • /lib Libraries are a collection of resources used by the computer, also considered modules
  • /lost+found found in each partition, used for things like system recover
  • /opt custom applications that are not essential to the operating system
  • /proc process folder. An instance of an application
  • /root the home folder for the root user
  • /run mountpoint for tempfs filesystem in the computer's memory. Temporary data about processes are kept in there. Processes have the extension pid
  • /bin this is where binaries are kept
  • /sbin binaries for the system
  • /snap flatpak is better 😏
  • /srv Where service folders are kept, not so commonly used anymore, /opt is getting more popular
  • /sys mounted on a virtual file system
  • /tmp where temporary files are kept on disk. Sometimes emptied on OS restart
  • /usr where programs and libraries are stored
  • /var dynamic data and libraries used on the operating system and computer
    • /var/spool for example is a folder related to mail services

Beginner Linux administration

Linux commands

  • wget downloads files to local drive
  • curl similar to wget but has more options on how to download objects. Can run basic syntax on them too such as for extracting archives
  • vim text editor, heavily relies on keyboard only navigation
  • grep similar to cat or bat, but lets you filter contents of a file (useful for CSV files, for example). Doesn't support highlighting but when piped with cat it can!
  • diff show the differences between two files
  • useradd adds a new user to the system
    • -m can be used to create a home directory for them too
  • passwd allows you to set a password for a user
  • history shows history of commands entered in to the terminal. I personally use fish and autocomplete because I find it quicker

Linux inode

  • Two files that store data about a file
    • Inode - Metadata about the file
    • File table - file names and inode number
  • ls -i on an object will return its inode number:
 monotiller@laptop  ~  ls -i .zshrc
36685457 .zshrc
  • stat lets you view the inode data
 monotiller@laptop  ~  stat .zshrc                                                    
16777234 36685457 -rw-r--r-- 1 monotiller staff 0 4510 "Apr  7 20:47:35 2022" "Apr  7 16:21:28 2022" "Apr  7 16:21:28 2022" "Feb 25 14:26:49 2022" 4096 16 0 .zshrc

Linux Terminal file descriptors and redirections

  • find finds file with names, can also use wildcards
  • ps shows currently running processes

Linux Terminal – user groups permissions

Video repeated from previous lesson

Linux Terminal permissions – (/chmod)

  • chmod allows you to change the permissions set on a folder or directory
  • Add -r to introduce these changes to child directories and files
  • Numbers are used to determine the state of permissions:
    • Read = 4
    • Write = 2
    • Execute = 1
    • No permissions = 0
  • You can use simple addition to combine permissions:
    • Read and write = 6
    • RWX = 7
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