The latest release notes will be available from the GitHub release page
This version supports JDK17 #660.
Important: If you need to use DirectByteBuffer (raw memory access) in JDK17 or later, specify two JVM options to allow accessing native memory:
Internal updates:
- Use SPDX-ID in license name #653
- Update airframe-json, airspec to 22.6.4 #659
- Update akka-actor to 2.6.19 #647
Internal updates:
- Update jackson-databind to 2.13.3 #650
- Update akka-actor to 2.6.19 #631
- Update airframe-json, airspec to 22.6.1 #649
- Update scalacheck to 1.16.0 #636
- Update scala-collection-compat to 2.7.0 #632
- Update sbt-sonatype to 3.9.13 #644
- Update airframe-json, airspec to 22.5.0 #643
- Update sbt to 1.6.2 #630
Bug fixes and improvements:
- Keep consistent read size after closing MessageUnpacker (#621) @okumin
- Fixed examples relative link in README (#622) @zbuster05
- Add an ObjectMapper shorthand @cyberdelia (#620)
- Specify the bufferSize of the ArrayBufferOutput (#597) @szh
Internal updates:
- Update akka-actor to 2.6.18 (#614) @Scala Steward
- Update airframe-json, airspec to 22.2.0 (#626) @Scala Steward
- Update junit-interface to 0.13.3 (#617) @Scala Steward
- Update sbt-scalafmt to 2.4.6 (#616) @Scala Steward
- Upgrade sbt to 1.5.6 (#610) @Taro L. Saito
- Update scala-collection-compat to 2.6.0 (#604) @Scala Steward
Known issues:
- Unpack method doesn't work in JDK17 #600
This version support reading and writing Timestamp values. Packer and unpacker interfaces added pack/unpackTimestamp methods.
Timestamp value in MessagePack is an extension type value whose code is -1. You can read TimestampValue object with MessgageUnapcker.unpackValue method. If you are using low-level unpack methods (e.g., unpackInt, unpackExtension, etc.), you need to read unpackExtensionHeader first, and if extHeader.isTimestampType() is true, call unpackTimestamp(extHeader).
Timestamp values are represented with java.time.Instant objects. You can extract the unixtime value with Instant.getEpochSecond(), unixtime with milliseconds resolution with Instant.toEpochMilli(), and nano-resolution time with Instant.getNano().
As TimestampValue is just a sub class of ExtensionValue, no change requierd in your code that are traversing MessagePack data with MessageUnpacker.unpackValue method.
Dependency updates:
- Update jackson-databind to #559
Internal updates:
- Update akka-actor to 2.6.14 #579
- Fix for Scala 2.13 syntax #577
- Update airframe-json, airspec to 21.6.0 #576
- Update scala-library to 2.13.6 #568
- Update sbt to 1.5.3 #575
- Rebuild with JDK8 for Android compatibility #567
- Produce stable map values #548
- Fixes #544: Fix a bug in reading EXT32 of 2GB size #545
- Add a warning note for the usage of MessageUnpacker.readPayloadAsReference #546
Intenral changes:
- Add a script for releasing a new version of msgpack-java at CI
- Publish a snapshot version for every main branch commit #556
- Use dynamic versioning with Git tags v0.x.y format #555
- Update ScalaTest and ScalaCheck versions #554
- Remove findbugs #553
- Update build settings to use latest version of sbt and plugins #552
- Run GitHub Actions for develop and main branches #551
- Remove Travis build #550
- Support extension type key in Map #535
- Remove addTargetClass() and addTargetTypeReference() from ExtensionTypeCustomDeserializers #539
- Fix a bug BigDecimal serializaion fails #540
- Fix indexing bug in ValueFactory #525
- Support numeric types in MessagePackParser.getText() #527
- Use jackson-databind 2.10.5 for security vulnerability #528
- (internal) Ensure building msgpack-java for Java 7 target #523
- Rebuild 0.8.19 with JDK8
- Support JDK11
- msgpack-jackson: Fixes #515
- (internal) Update sbt related dependencies #507
- Use jackson-databind for security vulnerability #511
- Fix OOM exception for invalid msgpack messages #500
- Use jackson-databind 2.9.9 for security vulnerability #505
- Fix NPE at ObjectMapper#copy with MessagePackFactory when ExtensionTypeCustomDeserializers isn't set #471
- Suppress a warning in ValueFactory #457
- Add MessagePacker#clear() method to clear position #459
- Support ObjectMapper#copy with MessagePackFactory #454
- Use jackson-databind for security vulnerability #467
- (internal) Remove "-target:jvm-1.7" from scalacOptions #456
- (internal) Replace sbt
command withtestOnly
#445 - (internal) Use JavaConverters instead of JavaConversions in unit tests #446
- Add MessageUnpacker.tryUnpackNil() for peeking whether the next value is nil or not.
- Add MessageBufferPacker.getBufferSize().
- Improved MessageUnpacker.readPayload performance #436
- Fixed a bug that ChannelBufferInput#next blocks until the buffer is filled. #428
- (internal) Upgraded to sbt-1.0.4 for better Java9 support
- (internal) Dropped Java7 tests on TravisCI, but msgpack-java is still built for Java7 (1.7) target
- Fix ambiguous overload in Java 9 #415
- Make MessagePackParser accept a string as a byte array field #420
- Support MessagePackGenerator#writeNumber(String) #422
- Fix warnings in build.sbt #402
- Add ExtensionTypeCustomDeserializers and MessagePackFactory#setExtTypeCustomDesers #408
- Avoid a CharsetEncoder bug of Android 4.x at MessagePacker#packString #409
- Fixed NPE when write(add)Payload are used at the beginning #392
- Fixed a bug of unpackString #387 at the buffer boundary
- Add DirectByteBuffer support
- Add Flushable interface to MessagePacker
- Fix Unexpected UTF-8 encoder state
- Make MessageUnpacker.hasNext extensible
- Added skipValue(n)
- [msgpack-jackson] Ignoring uknown propertiers when deserializing msgpack data in array format
- Fixed a problem when reading malformed UTF-8 characters in packString. This problem happens only if you are using an older version of Java (e.g., Java 6 or 7)
- Support complex-type keys in msgpack-jackson
- Fixed a bug that causes IndexOutOfBoundsException when reading a variable length code at the buffer boundary.
- Add PackerConfig.withStr8FormatSupport (default: true) for backward compatibility with earier versions of msgpack v0.6, which doesn't have STR8 type.
- msgpack-jackson now supports
to serialize POJOs in an array format. See also - Small performance optimization of packString when the String size is larger than 512 bytes.
- Embed bundle parameters for OSGi
- Fix a bug (#348), which wrongly overwrites the buffer before reading numeric data at the buffer boundary
- Add some missing asXXX methods in Value
- ValueFactory.MapBuilder now preserves the original element order (by using LinkedHashMap)
- Fix ExtensionType property
- MessagePack.Packer/UnpackerConfig are now immuable and configurable with withXXX methods.
- Add bufferSize configuration parameter
- Allow setting null to ArrayBufferInput for advanced applications that require dedicated memory management.
- Fix MessageBufferPacker.toXXX to properly flush the output
- Modify ValueFactory methods to produce a copy of the input data. To omit the copy, use
flag. - Improve the performance of MessagePackParser by unpacking data without using org.msgpack.value.Value.
- Split MessagePack.Config into MessagePack.Packer/UnpackerConfig
- Changed MessageBuffer API
- It allows releasing the previously allocated buffers upon call.
- MessageBufferOutput now can read data from external byte arrays
- MessagePacker supports addPayload(byte[]) to feed the data from an external data source
- This saves the cost of copying large data to the internal message buffer
- Performance improvement of packString
- Add MessageBufferPacker for efficiently generating byte array(s) of message packed data
- Fix ImmutableLongValueImpl#asShort #287
- Support non-string key in jackson-dataformat-msgpack
- Update the version of jackson-databind to 2.6.3
- Several bug fixes
- Add a prototype of Value implementation
- Apply strict coding style
- Several bug fixes
- Fix #217 when reading from SockectInputStream
- Support Extension type (defined in MessagePack) in msgpack-jackson
- Support BigDecimal type (defined in Jackson) in msgpack-jackson
- Fix MessageUnpacker#unpackString #215, #216
- Google App Engine (GAE) support
- Add MessagePacker.getTotalWrittenBytes()
- Fix skipValue #185
- Supporting some java6 platform and Android