Releases: netcorepal/netcorepal-cloud-framework
Releases · netcorepal/netcorepal-cloud-framework
What's Changed
- 修正规划能力状态、修正组件说明 by @witskeeper in #34
- add KnownExceptionDelegatingHandler by @witskeeper in #37
- Add RowVersion Type as ConcurrencyToken for Entity by @witskeeper in #41
- update docs by @witskeeper in #42
- 仓储支持批量新增 by @Yunus4832 in #43
- docs index add rules-of-ddd by @witskeeper in #44
- docs by @witskeeper in #45
- use cap-8.2.0、KubernetesClient 12.1.1 by @witskeeper in #46
- docs by @witskeeper in #47
- fix image by @witskeeper in #48
- 添加调试环境准备说明 by @witskeeper in #49
- sync by @witskeeper in #50
- Dev by @witskeeper in #51
- 移除多余的ToList调用 by @witskeeper in #58
- 修正注释错别字 by @witskeeper in #59
- feat: 1.添加领域事件转换为集成事件的转换器;2.自动生成领域事件订阅和集成事件发布代码 by @santubeikawhi in #56
- feat: 修改代码生成器,修改domainEvent命名空间为global::{Namespace}.{Name} by @santubeikawhi in #63
- add NetCorePal.Extensions.DistributedTransactions.CAP.SqlServer by @witskeeper in #65
- Improved locking performance on .NET 9.0+ by @MarkCiliaVincenti in #62
- 添加项目结构说明 by @witskeeper in #69
- 修正注释 by @witskeeper in #70
- Dependency update. Breaking change does not affect this project. by @MarkCiliaVincenti in #72
- breaking change:移除强类型id与对应基础类型的隐式转换 by @witskeeper in #73
- fix EntityIdJsonConverter by @witskeeper in #77
- fix NewtonsoftEntityIdJsonConverter by @witskeeper in #76
- use dotnet9rc by @witskeeper in #80
- 移除dotnet7 by @witskeeper in #81
- cleanup by @witskeeper in #82
- fix ci , UseNpgsql by @witskeeper in #84
- OpenTelemetry support by @ZUOXIANGE in #83
- 消除告警 by @witskeeper in #85
- fix Dockerfile by @witskeeper in #86
- fix dockerfile by @witskeeper in #87
- Adjust KnownExceptionValidationBehavior 使用 ValidateAsync 以支持异步验证器 by @Zzzzjle in #88
- 移除net6.0支持 by @witskeeper in #94
- Added support for pagination functionality by @Frogley in #95
- break change: move PagedData、ResponseData to NetCorePal.Extensions.Dto by @witskeeper in #98
- 实现IQuery+IQueryHandler模式 by @witskeeper in #99
- AddAllQueries给IQuery注入将AddTransient改为AddScoped by @MingHuiJian in #100
- 修正测试用例 AddAllQueriesTests,并移至正确的项目中 by @witskeeper in #101
- 添加模型绑定器的错误处理AddKnownExceptionModelBinderErrorHandler by @witskeeper in #102
- 添加EntityId Json序列化扩展 by @witskeeper in #104
- AddEnvIntegrationFilters添加EnvOptions的配置和验证 by @witskeeper in #105
- Update Backport.System.Threading.Lock; revert LangVersion to latest by @MarkCiliaVincenti in #108
- break change: move NewtonsoftEntityIdJsonConverter to NetCorePal.Exte… by @witskeeper in #109
- 提供传入IPageRequest的分页方法重载 by @Zzzzjle in #114
- add whereif by @witskeeper in #117
- 重构MultiEnv模块的注册 by @witskeeper in #107
- use dotnet9 by @witskeeper in #111
- breakchange: 将 AddDomainEvent 方法的访问修饰符从 public 修改为 protected by @Zzzzjle in #121
- PageData.cs:修复 PagedData 无法正确序列化问题;添加新增
属性用于获取默认实例 by @Zzzzjle in #122 - update Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql to support dotnet9 by @witskeeper in #123
New Contributors
- @Yunus4832 made their first contribution in #43
- @santubeikawhi made their first contribution in #56
- @MarkCiliaVincenti made their first contribution in #62
- @ZUOXIANGE made their first contribution in #83
- @Zzzzjle made their first contribution in #88
- @Frogley made their first contribution in #95
- @MingHuiJian made their first contribution in #100
Full Changelog: v1.2.1...v2.0.0
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.2.1
What's Changed
- fix GetHashCode Dead when Id is Null by @witskeeper in #19
- 添加NetCorePal.Extensions.Snowflake.Redis by @witskeeper in #24
- fix skywalking trace broken when command in backgroundservice #25 by @witskeeper in #26
- add backgroundservice with trace test case by @witskeeper in #27
- add domain docs by @witskeeper in #28
- add test case Int64StronglyTypedId_FromRoute_Should_Work_Test by @witskeeper in #29
- add hangfire ContainerJobActivator by @witskeeper in #30
Full Changelog: v1.1.1...v1.2.0
What's Changed
- fix Directory.Build.props by @witskeeper in #9
- add xml document for the source generator code by @witskeeper in #11
- fix release ci by @witskeeper in #12
New Contributors
- @witskeeper made their first contribution in #9
Full Changelog: v1.0.4...v1.1.0
remove DomainEventUnitOfWorkBehavior,不支持在domainEvent中处理事务
ConsulWorkerIdGenerator Support HealthChecks