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Releases: openSUSE/daps

DAPS 2.1.5

07 Dec 16:18
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New Features:

  • parameters for text generation can be set in the config files
    via TXT_PARAMS or via --param/--stringparam on the command line
  • a change introduced in 2.0 made using the original DocBook
    stylesheets for text generation the default. Since this behavior
    is confusing and unexpected, it is reverted with this change:
    • the stylesheets configured via STYLEROOT or --styleroot are
      used by default for text generation
    • to ignore any STYLEROOT definitions, set
      TXT_IGNORE_STYLEROOT="yes" in the config files or use
      --ignore-styleroot on the command line
      (daps -d <DC> text --ignore-styleroot)


  • Fix for issue #294: xmlcatalog returns file:<PATH> rather than
    file://<PATH> on Debian Jessie and openSUSE Tumbleweed and
    caused DAPS to fail with DB5 sources


  • added basic debugging output to test suite (--debug)

DAPS 2.1.4

03 Dec 07:51
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  • Target text shows remarks (issue #293)
  • DAPS checklink doesn't work (issue #296)
  • ASPELL_EXTRA_DICT from ~/.config/daps/dapsrc is ignored (issue #297)
  • DAPS package includes SUSE wordlist (issue #298)
  • Parameter passed with --param is ignored with subcommand text (issue #299)
  • Target locdrop does not generate graphics-setfiles-$(DOCNAME)$(LANGSTRING).tar.bz2
    (issue #302)
  • Translation check for locdrop (issue #306)
  • Add --optipng to unpack-locdrop (issue #307)
  • Add --xmlonly/--imgonly switches to list-srcfiles (issue #310)
  • bigfile creates unresolved xrefs for DocBook5 (issue #314)
  • Improve DocBook5 -> DocBook4 -> Novdoc Stylesheets (issue #311)
  • Enhancements in user guide, thanks to Martin Köditz (issue #315)
  • FO contains wrong image paths when XML contains no profiling PI (issue #316)
  • DB-4-to-5 migration: missing book titles/productnames/productnumbers
    (issue #319)

New Features

  • Option --schema lets you specify an URN to a DocBook 5 schema that is to
    be used for validation. Will be ignored when validating Docbbok4 documents.
    also point to a local file. If the URN begins with the prefix "file://",
    it will not be resolved via xmlcatalog, but rather taken as is (minus
  • Add conversion options to online-docs:
    • --db5todb4: converts DocBook 5 sources to a DocBook 4 bigfile
    • --db5todb4nh: converts DocBook 5 sources to a DocBook 4 bigfile without
      a DOCTYPE declaration
    • --dbtonovdoc: converts DocBook 4/5 to Novdoc


  • Do not set -nocs, hurts us when building Arabic (related: issue #108)
  • Avoid adding version attribute on all elements (commit 3a273d5)

DAPS 2.1.3

22 Sep 13:31
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This release fixes some non-critical bugs and standardizes the way java program calls (fop, jing, xep) can be customized.


  • Fix for issue #284 (spellcheck / getimages use wrong filelist when called with --debug)
  • Fix for issue #283 (spellcheck fails with error on Language)
  • --param and --stringparam were missing for the subcommands package-pdf and package-html
  • all warning messages now go to STDERR, making it possible to always capture the output of a DAPS command on the shell with FOO="$(daps...)


  • added a wrapper for jing allwing to customize java flags, jars, and options
  • standardized customising options for all java programs (fop, jing, xep)

DAPS 2.1.2

04 Aug 09:41
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Minor fix, mainly for the "missing" daps-init man page:


  • man page for daps-init was named daps_init


  • renamed daps_autobuild to daps-autobuild for consistency

DAPS 2.1.1

10 Jul 08:35
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This release contains a few bugfixes mainly for webhelp and pdf. We also added support for the profiling attribute outputformat that was introduced in DocBook 5.1.


  • fix for issue #274 (PDF Index Building Fails Because of Empty Profiling Directory)
  • fix for issue #275 (Avoid Same Target Names in Different Makefiles)
  • fix for issue #276 (PROFILE_URN Detection Depends on Position of PI in Document)
  • fix for issue #277 (Debugging Targets Fail when xml:lang is not set)
  • fix for issue #278 (Avoid Using "LANGUAGE" as a Variable Name)
  • fix for issue #280 (Webhelp: Common/ Directory Contains Dead Symbolic Links)

New Features:

  • added support for profiling attribute outputformat by introducing PROFOUTPUTFORMAT (issue #279)


  • replaced Chinese font "FZSongTi" with "wqy-microhei" in the default config file for XEP (XEP_CONFIG_FILE=etc/xep/xep-daps.xml)

DAPS 2.1

02 Jul 16:27
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DAPS 2.1

Since we have been asked for webhelp support multiple time after having released 2.0 and implementing it took less time than expected, we proudly present _DAPS 2.1 with webhelp support_. And while we were at it, we also did a few other changes...

Download & Installation

Download DAPS 2.1
For download alternatives and installation instructions refer to

New Features

  • added support for webhelp

    Please note the following when using the DocBook webhelp
    • building with ROOTID should be avoided (does not generate sidebar)
    • building webhelp is slow; speed up by adjusting the chunk size

      recommended parameters are 1 and chunk.section.depth 0
  • added support for <xi:include ... parse="text"> (issue #71)
  • handling of passing XSLT parameters on the command line has been
    improved (issue #263), use
    • --param "KEY=VALUE" and --stringparam "KEY=VALUE"
    • each parameter can be specified multiple times
    • both parameters are supported for the following subcommands:
      epub, html, man, pdf, text, webhelp
    • changes only apply to the command-line - settings in the DC-file
      still need to be done with XSLTPARAM as before
    • use of --xsltparam still supported for compatibility reasons, but
      should be avoided; support will be removed in future versions

Bugfixes and Enhancements

  • improved handling of documents that do not need to be profiled
  • daps_autobuild: changed the order of builds to increase performance
  • bugfix package-src: removed extraneous text
  • bugfix daps_autobuild: in case no rebuild was necessary, rsync deleted the previous results
  • bugfix DB4 -> DB5 migration: Fixed various issues in the migration stylesheet


If you have got questions regarding DAPS, please use the discussion forum at . We will do our best to help.

Bug Reports

To report bugs or file enhancement issues, use the issue Tracker at .

The DAPS Project

DAPS is developed by the SUSE Linux documentation team and used to generate the product documentation for all SUSE Linux products. However, it is not exclusively tailored for SUSE documentation, but supports every documentation written in DocBook 4 and DocBook 5.

DAPS has been tested on Debian Wheezy, Fedora 20/21 openSUSE 13.x, SLE 12, and Ubuntu 14.10.

DAPS is hosted on GitHub.

DAPS 2.0

19 Jun 11:07
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DAPS 2.0

After more than two years of development, 15 pre-releases and more than 2000 commits we proudly present release 2.0 of the DocBook Authoring and Publishing Suite, in short DAPS 2.0.

DAPS lets you publish your DocBook 4 or Docbook 5 XML sources in various output formats such as HTML, PDF, ePUB, man pages or ASCII with a single command. It is perfectly suited for large documentation projects by providing profiling support and packaging tools. DAPS supports authors by providing linkchecker, validator, spellchecker, and editor macros. DAPS exclusively runs on Linux.

Download & Installation

For download and installation instructions refer to

Highlights of the DAPS 2.0 release include:

  • fully supports DocBook 5 (production ready)
  • daps_autobuild for automatically buildingand releasing books from different sources
  • support for ePUB 3 and Amazon .mobi format
  • default HTML output is XHTML, also supports HTML5
  • now supports XSLT processor saxon6 (in addition to xsltproc)
  • improved "scriptability"
  • properly handles css, javascript and images for HTML and ePUB builds
    (via a "static/" directory in the respective stylesheet folder)
  • added support for JPG images
  • supports all DocBook profiling attributes
  • improved performance by only loading makefiles that are needed
    for the given subcommand
  • added a comprehensive test suite to ensure better code quality when
  • tested on Debian Wheezy, Fedora 20/21 openSUSE 13.x, SLE
    12, and Ubuntu 14.10.

❗ Please note that this DAPS release does not support webhelp. It is planned to re-add webhelp support with DAPS 2.1. ❗

For a complete Changelog refer to


If you have got questions regarding DAPS, please use the discussion forum at . We will do our best to help.

Bug Reports

To report bugs or file enhancement issues, use the issue Tracker at .

The DAPS Project

DAPS is developed by the SUSE Linux documentation team and used to
generate the product documentation for all SUSE Linux products.
However, it is not exclusively tailored for SUSE documentation, but
supports every documentation written in DocBook.
DAPS has been tested on Debian Wheezy, Fedora 20/21 openSUSE 13.x, SLE
12, and Ubuntu 14.10.

The DAPS project moved from SourceForge to GitHub and is now available

Updating from DAPS 1.1.x to DAPS 2.0

Large parts of DAPS have been rewritten for 2.0. Although we have tried
to be backwards compatible, there are a few changes you should be
aware of:


  • HTML:
    • html-single has been replaced by html --single
    • 'jsphas been replaced withhtml --jsp`
    • replaced support for HTML4 with support for HTML5 (--html5); xhtml remains the default, html4 is no longer supported
    • to nullify a CSS-file definition for HTML or EPUB (HTML_CSS or
      EPUB_CSS) from the DC-file, specify --css none
  • PDF
    • color-pdf has been replaced by pdf (now produces color PDFs)
    • pdf has been replaced by pdf --grayscale --cropmarks
  • file lists:
    • projectfiles and projectgraphics have been replaced with
      list-srcfiles (see daps help list-srcfiles for more options)
  • General:
    • the number of subcommands has been significantly reduced, see daps --commands, daps help and daps help <SUBCOMMAND> for more information
    • all dist-* subcommands have been removed
    • when calling deprecated targets, an error message hinting at a valid alternative (if existing) is shown
  • new subcommands
    • clean-package removes all generated package data for the given DC-file. Generated images and profiled sources will not be deleted.
    • dapsenv shows a list of the most important make variables and their values
    • images generates images only for a given rootid. Intended for debugging purposes
    • package-src (creates a tarball with profiled XML sources and images); switch --set-date allows to specify a build date (default date is now)
    • list-file lists the filename that contains the ID specified with the mandatory paramater --rootid.
  • subcommand bigfile now generates a bigfile for the given rootid (rather than for the complate set); subcommand bigfile-reduced has been dropped
  • subbcommands package-pdf and package-html now have switches --dcoumentfiles, --desktopfiles and --pagefiles which generate the resource files for GNOME and KDE

Config files

  • the user config file has moved to $HOME/.config/daps/dapsrc. If a config file is detected in the previous location ($HOME/.daps/config) the user will be prompted to move the file
  • New config file variables:
    • CONVERT_OPTS_JPG: command-line options for ´convert´ for converting jpg images to grayscale
    • FOP_STACKSIZE: set the stacksize for fop
    • META, META_STR: permanently run html and PDF builds with --meta
    • STATIC_DIR: custom static directory location
    • TXT_USE_DBSTYLES: if set to "yes" uses the default DocBook HTML stylesheets when generating text output; if set to "no" uses the HTML stylesheets specified with styleroot


  • ´-v0´ only shows the resulting filename; if no verbosity level is specified, this level is the default verbosity when the output device is not a terminal (e.g. a pipe)
  • ´-v1´ shows a result message plus filename; if no verbosity level is specified, this level is the default verbosity when the output device is a terminal
  • ´-v2´ shows additional messages
  • ´-v3´ shows the complete make output from ´make -j1´ (commands are executed successively, not parallel)
  • ´--debug´ shows the complete make output from ´make -jx´ (commands are executed inparallel)

DAPS 2.0~rc7

10 Jun 14:15
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DAPS 2.0~rc7 Pre-release


  • replaced with daps_autobuild
    • uses an XML file as a config file (can be validated with a schema that is also provided)
    • supports git and svn repos
  • locdrop subcommand can now read information about translated files
    from in-file tag provided by docmanager


  • DB5 fix for subcommand productinfo
  • fixed two issues in the unpack-locdrop target
  • fixed stylesheet issues when using saxon as a parser
  • Added missing dependency on $(RESULT_DIR) for epub
  • bash code cleanup
  • Changed default DB5 schema fom docbook.rng to docbookxi.rng (supports xi:includes)


  • Documentation: now covers all 2.0 changes

DAPS 2.0~rc6

10 Jun 14:16
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DAPS 2.0~rc6 Pre-release


  • due to an error in, the contents of daps_xslt/relnotes were installed to daps_xslt/xhtml and vice versa.

DAPS 2.0~rc5

10 Jun 14:16
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DAPS 2.0~rc5 Pre-release


  • various fixes for ePUB:
    • ePUB 2 builds without warnings/errors in epubcheck
    • ePUB3 shows a few warnings/errors in epubcheck resulting from errors in the stylesheets
    • make sure ePUB gets a correct date format (YYYY-MM-DD)
  • stylesheets for mallard and desktop file generation can now handle DocBook 5
  • fixed for PDF: callout graphics were not shown when using the DocBook stylesheets
  • adjusted the test suite; made sure all tests are passed
  • man pages for daps-init, daps-susespell and daps-envconvert will now be correctly installed
  • added various XSLT parameters to the documentation's DC-files to make them look better when build with the upstream stylesheets