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HOME > EN > Performance

Performance Banchmark

The performance benchmark for SRS, compare with nginx-rtmp single process.

Provides detail benchmark steps.

The latest data, read performance.


The client and server use lo net interface to test:

  • Hardware: VirtualBox on ThinkPad T430
  • OS: CentOS 6.0 x86_64 Linux 2.6.32-71.el6.x86_64
  • CPU: 3 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3520M CPU @ 2.90GHz
  • Memory: 2007MB


Login as root, set the fd limits:

  • Set limit: ulimit -HSn 10240
  • View the limit:
[root@dev6 ~]# ulimit -n
  • Restart SRS:sudo /etc/init.d/srs restart


NGINX-RTMP version and build command.

  • NGINX: nginx-1.5.7.tar.gz
  • NGINX-RTMP: nginx-rtmp-module-1.0.4.tar.gz
  • Read nginx-rtmp
  • Build:
./configure --prefix=`pwd`/../_release \
--add-module=`pwd`/../nginx-rtmp-module-1.0.4 \
--with-http_ssl_module && make && make install
  • Config nginx:_release/conf/nginx.conf
user  root;
worker_processes  1;
events {
    worker_connections  10240;
        listen 19350;
        application live{
            live on;
  • The limit of fd:
[root@dev6 nginx-rtmp]# ulimit -n
  • Start: ./_release/sbin/nginx
  • Check nginx started:
[root@dev6 nginx-rtmp]# netstat -anp|grep 19350
tcp        0      0     *                   LISTEN      6486/nginx


SRS version and build.

  • SRS: SRS 0.9
  • Build: ./configure && make
  • Config SRS:conf/srs.conf
listen              1935;
max_connections     10240;
vhost __defaultVhost__ {
    gop_cache       on;
  • Check limit fds:
[root@dev6 trunk]# ulimit -n
  • Start SRS: nohup ./objs/srs -c conf/srs.conf >/dev/null 2>&1 &
  • Check SRS started:
[root@dev6 trunk]# netstat -anp|grep "1935 "
tcp        0      0      *                   LISTEN      6583/srs

Publish and Play

Use centos to publish RTMP:

  • Start FFMPEG:
for((;;)); do \
    ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg \
        -re -i doc/source.200kbps.768x320.flv \
        -acodec copy -vcodec copy \
        -f flv -y rtmp://; \
    sleep 1; 
  • SRS RTMP stream URL: rtmp://
  • Online play SRS RTMP: Online Player
  • Nginx-RTMP stream URL: rtmp://
  • Online play nginx-rtmp RTMP: Online Player


The RTMP load test tool, read srs-bench

The sb_rtmp_load used to test RTMP load, support 800-3k concurrency for each process.

  • Build: ./configure && make
  • Start: ./objs/sb_rtmp_load -c 800 -r <rtmp_url>

Record Data

Record data before test:

  • Use top command:
srs_pid=`ps aux|grep srs|grep conf|awk '{print $2}'`; \
nginx_pid=`ps aux|grep nginx|grep worker|awk '{print $2}'`; \
load_pids=`ps aux|grep objs|grep sb_rtmp_load|awk '{ORS=",";print $2}'`; \
top -p $load_pids$srs_pid,$nginx_pid
  • The connections:
srs_connections=`netstat -anp|grep srs|grep ESTABLISHED|wc -l`; \
nginx_connections=`netstat -anp|grep nginx|grep ESTABLISHED|wc -l`; \
echo "srs_connections: $srs_connections"; \
echo "nginx_connections: $nginx_connections";
  • The bandwidth in NBps:
[root@dev6 nginx-rtmp]# dstat -N lo 30
----total-cpu-usage---- -dsk/total- -net/lo- ---paging-- ---system--
usr sys idl wai hiq siq| read  writ| recv  send|  in   out | int   csw 
  0   0  96   0   0   3|   0     0 |1860B   58k|   0     0 |2996   465 
  0   1  96   0   0   3|   0     0 |1800B   56k|   0     0 |2989   463 
  0   0  97   0   0   2|   0     0 |1500B   46k|   0     0 |2979   461 
  • The table
Server CPU Mem Conn ENbps ANbps sb Lat
SRS 1.0% 3MB 3 - - - 0.8s
nginx-rtmp 0.7% 8MB 2 - - - 0.8s

Memory(Mem): The memory usage in MB.

Clients(Conn): The connections/clients to server.

ExpectNbps(ENbps): The expect network bandwidth in Xbps.

ActualNbps(ANBps): The actual network bandwidth in Xbps.

srs-bench(srs-bench/sb): The mock benchmark client tool.

Latency(Lat): The latency of client.

Benchmark SRS

Let's start performance benchmark.

  • Start 500 clients
./objs/sb_rtmp_load -c 500 -r rtmp:// >/dev/null &
  • The data:
Server CPU Mem Conn ENbps ANbps sb Lat
SRS 9.0% 8MB 503 100Mbps 112Mbps 12.6% 0.8s
  • The data for 1000 clients:
Server CPU Mem Conn ENbps ANbps sb Lat
SRS 23.6% 13MB 1003 200Mbps 239Mbps 16.6% 0.8s
  • The data for 1500 clients:
Server CPU Mem Conn ENbps ANbps sb Lat
SRS 38.6% 20MB 1503 300Mbps 360Mbps 17% 0.8s
  • The data for 2000 clients:
Server CPU Mem Conn ENbps ANbps sb Lat
SRS 65.2% 34MB 2003 400Mbps 480Mbps 22% 0.8s
  • The data for 2500 clients:
Server CPU Mem Conn ENbps ANbps sb Lat
SRS 72.9% 38MB 2503 500Mbps 613Mbps 24% 0.8s

Benchmark NginxRTMP

Let's start performance benchmark.

  • Start 500 clients:
./objs/sb_rtmp_load -c 500 -r rtmp:// >/dev/null &
  • The data for 500 clients:
Server CPU Mem Conn ENbps ANbps sb Lat
nginx-rtmp 8.3% 13MB 502 100Mbps 120Mbps 16.3% 0.8s
  • The data for 1000 clients:

| Server | CPU | Memory | Clients | ExpectNbps | ActualNbps | srs-bench | Latency

| nginx-rtmp | 27.3% | 19MB | 1002 | 200Mbps | 240Mbps | 30% | 0.8s |
  • The data for 1500 clients:
Server CPU Mem Conn ENbps ANbps sb Lat
nginx-rtmp 42.3% 25MB 1502 300Mbps 400Mbps 31% 0.8s
  • The data for 2000 clients:
Server CPU Mem Conn ENbps ANbps sb Lat
nginx-rtmp 48.9% 31MB 2002 400Mbps 520Mbps 33% 0.8s
  • The data for 2500 clients:
Server CPU Mem Conn ENbps ANbps sb Lat
nginx-rtmp 74.2% 37MB 2502 500Mbps 580Mbps 35% 0.8s

Performance Compare

Server CPU Mem Conn ENbps ANbps sb Lat
nginx-rtmp 8.3% 13MB 502 100Mbps 120Mbps 16.3% 0.8s
SRS 9.0% 8MB 503 100Mbps 112Mbps 12.6% 0.8s
nginx-rtmp 27.3% 19MB 1002 200Mbps 240Mbps 30% 0.8s
SRS 23.6% 13MB 1003 200Mbps 239Mbps 16.6% 0.8s
nginx-rtmp 42.3% 25MB 1502 300Mbps 400Mbps 31% 0.8s
SRS 38.6% 20MB 1503 300Mbps 360Mbps 17% 0.8s
nginx-rtmp 48.9% 31MB 2002 400Mbps 520Mbps 33% 0.8s
SRS 65.2% 34MB 2003 400Mbps 480Mbps 22% 0.8s
nginx-rtmp 74.2% 37MB 2502 500Mbps 580Mbps 35% 0.8s
SRS 72.9% 38MB 2503 500Mbps 613Mbps 24% 0.8s

Performance Banchmark 4k

The performance is refined to support about 4k clients.

[winlin@dev6 srs]$ ./objs/srs -v
top - 19:52:35 up 1 day, 11:11,  8 users,  load average: 1.20, 1.05, 0.92
Tasks: 171 total,   4 running, 167 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu0  : 26.0%us, 23.0%sy,  0.0%ni, 34.0%id,  0.3%wa,  0.0%hi, 16.7%si,  0.0%st
Cpu1  : 26.4%us, 20.4%sy,  0.0%ni, 34.1%id,  0.7%wa,  0.0%hi, 18.4%si,  0.0%st
Cpu2  : 22.5%us, 15.4%sy,  0.0%ni, 45.3%id,  1.0%wa,  0.0%hi, 15.8%si,  0.0%st
Mem:   2055440k total,  1972196k used,    83244k free,   136836k buffers
Swap:  2064376k total,     3184k used,  2061192k free,   926124k cached

  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND                                                                          
17034 root      20   0  415m 151m 2040 R 94.4  7.6  14:29.33 ./objs/srs -c console.conf                                                        
 1063 winlin    20   0  131m  68m 1336 S 17.9  3.4  54:05.77 ./objs/sb_rtmp_load -c 800 -r rtmp://               
 1011 winlin    20   0  132m  68m 1336 R 17.6  3.4  54:45.53 ./objs/sb_rtmp_load -c 800 -r rtmp://               
18736 winlin    20   0  113m  48m 1336 S 17.6  2.4   1:37.96 ./objs/sb_rtmp_load -c 800 -r rtmp://               
 1051 winlin    20   0  131m  68m 1336 S 16.9  3.4  53:25.04 ./objs/sb_rtmp_load -c 800 -r rtmp://               
18739 winlin    20   0  104m  39m 1336 R 15.6  2.0   1:25.71 ./objs/sb_rtmp_load -c 800 -r rtmp://   
[winlin@dev6 ~]$ dstat -N lo 30
----total-cpu-usage---- -dsk/total- ---net/lo-- ---paging-- ---system--
usr sys idl wai hiq siq| read  writ| recv  send|  in   out | int   csw 
  3   2  92   0   0   3|  11k   27k|   0     0 |   1B   26B|3085   443 
 32  17  33   0   0  17| 273B   60k|  69M   69M|   0     0 |4878  6652 
 34  18  32   0   0  16|   0    38k|  89M   89M|   0     0 |4591  6102 
 35  19  30   0   0  17| 137B   41k|  91M   91M|   0     0 |4682  6064 
 33  17  33   0   0  17|   0    31k|  55M   55M|   0     0 |4920  7785 
 33  18  31   0   0  17|2867B   34k|  90M   90M|   0     0 |4742  6530 
 32  18  33   0   0  17|   0    31k|  66M   66M|   0     0 |4922  7666 
 33  17  32   0   0  17| 137B   39k|  65M   65M|   0     0 |4841  7299 
 35  18  30   0   0  17|   0    28k| 100M  100M|   0     0 |4754  6752 
 32  17  33   0   0  18|   0    41k|  44M   44M|   0     0 |5130  8251 
 34  18  32   0   0  16|   0    30k| 104M  104M|   0     0 |4456  5718 

SRS 4k

Performance Banchmark 6k

SRS2.0.15, not SRS1.0, performance is refined to support 6k clients. That is 4Gbps for 522kbps bitrate, for a single SRS process. Read

Performance Banchmark 7.5k

SRS2.0.30 refined to support 7.5k clients, read

Winlin 2014.11

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