released this
23 Sep 13:31
[#174824788] subscription feed on user delete #81
[#174710415] Send confirmation email to user after data delete #86
[#17482372] Add token name to GetUser from Azure ADB2C #85
[#174823724] Add token name to GetUser from Azure ADB2C #84
[#174850132] Prevent errors on missing notification #82
[#174770172] Service metadata mapping refactoring #83
[#174844930] Restrict subscription(s) output payload properties #80
prevent errors when no notification i found #79
test for backup and delete #74
[#174768399] Add subscriptionKeys to subscription #71
[#174727490] add fiscalcode ref #70
[#174644239] - Fix GetServices returns all services #69
[#174644239] - Fix GetServices returns all services #68
[#174824788] subscription feed on user delete (#81 ) #174824788
[#174710415] Send confirmation email to user after data delete (#86 ) #174710415
[#17482372] Add token name to GetUser from Azure ADB2C (#85 ) #17482372
[#174823724] Add token name to GetUser from Azure ADB2C (#84 ) #174823724
[#174850132] Prevent errors on missing notification (#82 ) #174850132
[#174770172] Service metadata mapping refactoring (#83 ) #174770172
[#174844930] Restrict subscription(s) output payload properties (#80 ) #174844930
[#174768399] Add subscriptionKeys to subscription (#71 ) #174768399
[#174727490] add fiscalcode ref (#70 ) #174727490
[#174644239] - Fix GetServices returns all services (#69 ) #174644239
[#174644239] - Fix GetServices returns all services (#68 ) #174644239
You can’t perform that action at this time.