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Combo Boxes

palexdev edited this page Jan 22, 2022 · 1 revision

Combo Boxes




  • Style Class: mfx-combo-box

  • Default Stylesheet: MFXComboBox.css

  • Default Skin:

  • Default Cell:


Property Description Type
showing Specifies whether the popup is showing Boolean
popupAlignment Specifies the popup's position Alignment
popupOffsetX Specifies the popup's x offset, the amount of pixels to add to the computed x position (from popupAlignment) Double
popupOffsetY Specifies the popup's y offset, the amount of pixels to add to the computed y position (from popupAlignment) Double
animationProvider Specifies the animation of the trailing icon used to open the popup BiFunction
value Specifies the combo box's value, which does not necessarily coincides with the currently selected item T[Generic]
converter Specifies the StringConverter used to convert a generic item to a String. It is used to set the combo box text when an item is selected StringConverter
items Specifies the combo box's items list ObservableList
selectionModel The model holding the combo box's selection ISingleSelectionModel
cellFactory Specifies the function used to create the items cells in the popup Function
onCommit Specifies the action to perform when pressing the Enter button on the combo box Consumer
onCancel Specifies the action to perform when pressing the key combination Ctrl+Shift+Z on the combo box Consumer

Styleable Properties

Property Description CSS Property Type Default Value
scrollOnOpen Specifies whether the combo box list should scroll to the current selected value on open -mfx-scroll-on-open Boolean false

CSS Selectors

  • .mfx-combo-box

  • .mfx-combo-box .caret (the icon to open/close the popup)

  • .mfx-combo-box .combo-popup (to access the combo box's popup)

  • .mfx-combo-box .combo-popup .virtual-flow (the combo box's cells container)

  • .mfx-combo-box .combo-popup .virtual-flow .scrollbar

  • .mfx-combo-box .combo-popup .virtual-flow .mfx-combo-box-cell

  • .mfx-combo-box .combo-popup .virtual-flow .data-label (the cell's text)

    There are other selectors, but they are the same as MFXTextField, refer to its wiki


  • Style Class: mfx-filter-combo-box

  • Default Stylesheet: MFXFilterComboBox.css

  • Default Skin:

  • Default Cell: (important for selection to work properly)


In addition to the properties inherited by MFXComboBox:

Property Description Type
searchText Specifies the text used to filter the items list.  By default this text is bound bidirectionally with the text-field's used in the popup String
filterList This is the list on which filtering and sorting are made. The original list remains untouched! TransformableList
filterFunction Specifies the function used to build a Predicate from the search text, the predicate is then used to filter the list Function
resetOnPopupHidden Specifies whether to reset the filter state, such as the searchText when the popup is closed Boolean

Styleable Properties

This combo box has the same styleable properties as MFXComboBox

CSS Selectors

This combo box has the same CSS selectors as MFXComboBox, the only difference is that the base style class is .mfx-filter-combo-box

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