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Date Pickers

palexdev edited this page Jan 22, 2022 · 1 revision

Date Pickers




  • Style Class: mfx-date-picker

  • Default Stylesheet: MFXDatePicker.css

  • Default Skin:

  • Default Cell:


Property Description Type
showing Specifies whether the popup is showing Boolean
popupAlignment Specifies the popup's position Alignment
popupOffsetX Specifies the popup's x offset, the amount of pixels to add to the computed x position (from popupAlignment) Double
popupOffsetY Specifies the popup's y offset, the amount of pixels to add to the computed y position (from popupAlignment) Double
value Specifies the current selected date LocalDate
converterSupplier Specifies the Supplier used to create a StringConverter capable of converting LocalDates to a String Supplier
monthConverterSupplier Specifies the Supplier used to create a  StringConverter capable of converting Months to a String Supplier
dayOfWeekConverterSupplier Specifies the Supplier used to create a  StringConverter capable of converting DayOfWeeks to a String Supplier
cellFactory Specifies the function used to create the day cells in the grid Function
onCommit Specifies the action to perform when pressing the Enter button on the combo box Consumer
onCancel Specifies the action to perform when pressing the key combination Ctrl+Shift+Z on the combo box Consumer
locale Specifies the Locale used by the date picker.
The Locale is mainly responsible for changing the language and the grid disposition (different week start for example)
currentDate Specifies the current date LocalDate
yearsRange Specifies the years range of the date picker NumberRange
gridAlgorithm Specifies the BiFunction used to generate the month grid which is a bi-dimensional array of integer values BiFunction
startingYearMonth The YearMonth at which the date picker will start.
Note that this will be relevant only for the first initialization. Setting this afterwards won't take any effect
closePopupOnChange Whether the popup should stay open on value change or close Boolean

CSS Selectors

  • .mfx-date-picker

  • .mfx-date-picker .mfx-icon-wrapper (contains the icon)

  • .mfx-date-picker .mfx-icon-wrapper .mfx-ripple-generator

  • .mfx-date-picker .mfx-icon-wrapper .mfx-font-icon (the actual icon)

  • .mfx-date-picker .date-picker-popup (to access the popup)

  • .mfx-date-picker .date-picker-popup .content (top container, should not be necessary, will be omitted in the following)

  • .mfx-date-picker .date-picker-popup .left-arrow (icon container)

  • .mfx-date-picker .date-picker-popup .left-arrow .mfx-ripple-generator

  • .mfx-date-picker .date-picker-popup .left-arrow .mfx-font-icon (the actual icon)

  • .mfx-date-picker .date-picker-popup .right-arrow (icon container)

  • .mfx-date-picker .date-picker-popup .right-arrow .mfx-ripple-generator

  • .mfx-date-picker .date-picker-popup .right-arrow .mfx-font-icon (the actual icon)

  • .mfx-date-picker .date-picker-popup .months-combo

  • .mfx-date-picker .date-picker-popup .years-combo

  • .mfx-date-picker .date-picker-popup .week-day

  • .mfx-date-picker .date-picker-popup .mfx-date-cell

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