Provide some useful utils for the php CLI application.
- Simple CLI arguments and options parser.
- Terminal console color render
- CLI code highlighter
- Build simple CLI application
- CLI ENV information helper
- Required PHP 8.0+
composer require toolkit/cli-utils
Color::printf('<info>%s</info> world', 'hello');
Color::println('hello world', 'info');
Color::println('hello world', 'error');
Color::println('hello world', 'warning');
Color::println('hello world', 'success');
echo Color::render('hello world', 'success');
use Toolkit\Cli\Util\Clog;
// run: php example/log.php
foreach (Clog::getLevelNames() as $level) {
Clog::log($level, "example log $level message");
use Toolkit\Cli\CliApp;
// run:
// php example/mycmd
// php example/mycmd -i abc --lon def ag1 ag2 ag3
$cmd = CliApp::new('cmd1', 'this is my cli application');
$cmd->addOpt('info', 'i', 'Output some information');
$cmd->addOpt('long-option-name', 'lon', 'this is a long option for command');
$cmd->addArg('arg1', 'this is first argument');
$cmd->setHandler(function (CliApp $cmd) {
var_dump($cmd->getOpts(), $cmd->getArgs(), $cmd->getRemainArgs());
use Toolkit\Cli\Util\Terminal;
* @method static showCursor()
* @method static hideCursor()
* @method static savePosition()
* @method static restorePosition()
* @method static toTop()
* @method static toColumn(int $step)
* @method static up(int $step = 1)
* @method static down(int $step = 1)
* @method static forward(int $step = 1)
* @method static backward(int $step = 1) Moves the terminal cursor backward
* @method static toPrevNLineStart(int $step = 1)
* @method static toNextNLineStart(int $step = 1)
* @method static coordinate(int $col, int $row = 0)
* @method static clearScreen()
* @method static clearLine()
* @method static clearToScreenBegin()
* @method static clearToScreenEnd()
* @method static scrollUp(int $step = 1)
* @method static scrollDown(int $step = 1)
* @method static showSecondaryScreen()
* @method static showPrimaryScreen()
This is inspire
use Toolkit\Cli\Util\Highlighter;
// this is an comment
$rendered = Highlighter::create()->highlight(file_get_contents(__FILE__));
use Toolkit\Cli\Download;
$url = '';
$down = Download::file($url, '');
// $down->setShowType('bar');
// $down->setDebug(true);
Progress bar
Progress text
- Build rich console application
- Generic flags parse library, build simple console application.