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Lukas Schmelzeisen edited this page Nov 26, 2013 · 4 revisions

Currently working on

ToDo (outdated)

  • Keeping data scheme up to date / incorporate discussed changes.
  • Finishing SDD API.
  • Finding SDD back end datastore and caching datastore.
  • Implementing SDD.
  • Finding and documenting requirements for componentSearch
  • Finishing API for search requirements, and accordance with SDD API.
  • Testing how performant creating lots of Solr cores is.
  • Implementing Search.

Stuff I've done so far (outdated)


I'm maintaining this list for myself to get an overview over the work completed. It might become more/less detailed over time.

Day Time Description
2013-07-16 17:00-20:00 Installing SSH, learning Git(hub)
2013-07-21 21:00-00:00 Learning GIT (game branching game)
2013-08-22 10:00-18:00 Wiki: clearing up requirements, adding components
2013-07-30 21:00-22:00 Editing Wiki, Setting up XMPP/Mumble
2013-08-01 11:00-18:30 Learning Nutch, Solr
21:00-00:00 Started creating a simple web crawler / full text seacher.
2013-08-02 11:00-19:00 Doing a simple Nutch + Solr setup.
2013-08-03 18:00-18:45 Understanding Nutch configuration.
2013-08-05 11:00-18:00 Expanding on Nutch knowledge.
2013-08-06 11:00-19:30 Understanding HBase.
2013-08-07 11:00-17:30 Working on a Zookeeper+Hadoop+HBase+Tomcat+Solr+Nutch setup.
2013-08-08 11:00-21:00 Finishing techStack setup.
2013-08-09 11:00-17:30 Doing Nutch configuration.
2013-08-12 11:00-17:00 Reading Solr Reference Guide (mainly understanding Solr architecture + Schema.xml).
2013-08-13 11:00-18:30 Reading Solr Reference Guide (Query Syntax).
Creating basic componentSearch requirements.
Creating a basic overview of Solr in technologySolr.
2013-08-19 15:00-18:15 Getting up to date with components. Creating a search servlet frame.
2013-08-20 13:00-17:40 Fixing Patrick's HBase setup.
Importing Rene's crawl data of the metal web.
Learning JSON-simple Java library.
21:20-23:20 Some basic code refactoring for the searchServer.
Implementing JsonPrettyPrinter.
2013-08-21 10:40-12:00 Refining JsonPrettyPrinter.
Adding Test Cases.
15:40-17:15 Implementing Highlighting.
2013-08-22 11:00-17:15 Upgrading to Solr 4.4.0 (from Solr 4.3.1).
Getting an overview of Solr configuration.
Configurating our solrconfig.xml accordingly.
Switching solr.xml configuration for legacy mode to core discovery.
Documenting what I know about Solr.
2013-08-23 13:15-20:00 Reworked requirments of search component.
Documented what I currently know about Solr in technoloySolr.
2013-08-26 11:30-14:30 Designing a first version of an UML Data Scheme.
2013-08-27 10:00-11:00 Meeting.
11:00-11:45 Reading Part I Chapter 1 of "Programming the Semantic Web".
11:45-12:45 Developing a first draft of search API.
12:45-15:40 Continueing on UML Data Scheme.
2013-08-29 21:30-22:20 Continueing on UML Data Scheme.
2013-08-30 11:00-12:00 Planning further proceeding.
12:00-14:40 Talking to Rene.
14:40-16:45 Rereading Solr Reference Guide. Creating Solr Data Scheme.
16:45-17:45 Addind Documents to Solr.
17:45-18:15 Some research on creating new cores.
2013-09-02 11:30-14:00 Meeting with Rene.
14:00-17:30 Designing SDD API.
17:30-18:00 Reading w3c documents: "URIs, Addressability, and the use of HTTP GET and POST", "'Deep Linking' in the World Wide Web".
2013-09-03 11:00-13:00 Meeting.
13:00-15:15 Creating "Create-Request" part of SDD API.
15:30-17:00 Talking with Rene+Sebastian about data scheme.
17:00-18:50 Updating UML data scheme.
2013-09-04 15:00-18:00 Continueing on UML Data Scheme.
2013-09-05 11:20-12:15 Discussion UML Data Scheme with Sebastian.
12:15-15:40 Discussion UML Data Scheme with Sebastian + Rene.
15:40-17:30 Making changes to UML Data Scheme as talked about.
22:20-22:50 Updating SDD API.
2013-09-06 12:15-13:15 Discussing SDD API with Rene.
13:15-16:00 Continueing on UML Data Scheme.
2013-09-09 11:00-12:00 Continueing on UML Data Scheme.
12:00-17:30 Started impelementing SDD.
2013-09-10 11:00-17:00 Learning how to access / handle MongoDB.
Getting introduced to Neo4j.
Creating Requirements for MUIDs.
Starting on basic implementation for ReadRequest.
2013-09-11 15:20-17:00 Implemented basic structure for ReadRequest.
18:00-19:10 Starting on basic implementation for CreateRequest.
21:50-22:40 Reading Graphity Source + Starting with basic ContextListener.
2013-09-12 12:30-15:00 Continueing on SDD CreateRequest.
19:00-20:25 Continueing on SDD CreateRequest.
2013-09-13 11:00-13:00 Build up chairs + tables in conference tent.
13:00-20:00 Finishing basic SDD CreateRequest.
2013-09-14 14:45-15:10 Implemented basic DeleteRequest.
16:20-16:50 Some SDD Code Cleanup.
2013-09-16 14:20-15:30 Implemented basic UpdateRequest.
15:30-17:40 Starting implementing code generator.
2013-09-17 11:10-13:45 Continuing work on code generator.
15:30-17:05 Continuing work on code generator.
21:55-22:30 Continuing work on code generator.
2013-09-18 11:00-14:00 Meeting.
14:00-16:35 Learning StringTemplate library.
2013-09-19 11:00-14:00 Now generating code with StringTemplate.
14:50-15:20 Some code cleanup in SDD.
17:50-18:15 Implemented attribute arrays in SDD.
18:15-19:00 Code cleanup in SDD.
20:10-22:00 Started implementing actual error handling in the code.
2013-09-20 11:00-12:00 Finished implementing exception handling.
12:00-17:00 Implemented UpdateRequest + code cleanup.
2013-09-23 12:30-17:40 Deploying JsonPrettyPrinter to de.metalcon.utils maven repository.
Started implemententing graph update in SDD.
2013-09-24 11:00-18:00 Meeting.
Trying to fix weird neo4j bugs.
2013-09-25 10:00-18:15 Designing Views.
2013-09-26 11:30-14:00 Benchmarking Neo4j 1.9.4.
14:00-17:20 Designing Views.
2013-09-30 11:00-17:40 Designing TabViews + ListItems.
2013-10-01 11:30-19:40 Implementing basic recursive update + some benchmark on SDD.
Some Work on Views.
2013-10-02 11:30-18:10 Rewriting SDD.
2013-10-03 13:15-15:00 Rewriting SDD.
18:00-20:00 Rewriting SDD.
21:00-21:50 Rewriting SDD.
23:00-00:30 Rewriting SDD.
2013-10-04 13:20-15:15 Rewriting SDD.
2013-10-07 11:00-17:10 MySQL import + LevelDB benchmark.
2013-10-08 11:00-12:30 Meeting.
2013-10-10 11:45-18:30 Rewriting SDD.
2013-10-15 11:00-17:05 Rewriting SDD.
2013-10-22 11:00-15:30 Rewriting SDD.
20:50-23:20 Rewriting SDD.
2013-10-23 12:00-13:50 Rewriting SDD.
17:00-17:45 Rewriting SDD.
22:00-24:00 Rewriting SDD.
2013-10-24 12:20-13:50 Rewriting SDD.
2013-10-25 10:50-11:40 Rewriting SDD.
2013-10-29 11:10-15:45 Rewriting SDD.
2013-11-03 21:30-23:30 Rewriting SDD.
2013-11-04 11:45-15:45 Rewriting SDD.
2013-11-05 11:00-15:00 Rewriting SDD.
2013-11-06 11:15-12:30 Rewriting SDD.
2013-11-07 12:25-13;10 Rewriting SDD.
2013-11-11 14:00-15:45 Implemented SDD Delete, merged EntityAttrUpdate and EntityRelUpdate.
2013-11-12 11:00-12:00 Meeting.
13:00-14:30 Starting on Middleware. Researching Technology.
15:00-15:50 Researching Spring.
21:45-23:00 Tutorial on Spring Framework.
2013-11-14 11:45-12:45 Continuing on Spring Tutorial.
2013-11-16 18:30-20:30 Learning Spring.
2013-11-17 12:00-14:00 Creating first middleware version.
15:30-21:45 Reading Spring Framework Documentation.
2013-11-18 13:30-15:00 Reading Spring Framework Documentation.
2013-11-19 11:00-12:00 Meeting.
12:30-15:55 Reading Spring Framework Documentation.
2013-11-20 12:00-14:30 Reading Spring Framework Documentation.
2013-11-21 12:00-13:45 Reading Spring Framework Documentation.
21:30-00:00 Reading Spring Framework Documentation.
2013-11-22 12:00-13:15 Reading Spring Framework Documentation.
15:15-19:00 Starting to program Middleware.
19:45-20:15 Reading FreeMarker Documentation Template Guide.
2013-11-23 13:00-15:15 Reading FreeMarker Documentation Template Guide.
16:30-19:00 Programming Model view.
2013-11-25 14:30-16:00 Researching Template Workflow + HTML beautifier.
2013-11-26 11:00-12:00 Meeting.
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