Version 0.4.7
- Increased the limit of the number of concurrent GitHub Actions that could be run in parallel (#273)
- Fixed an issue where GitHub Actions were only being triggered on pushes and not Pull Requests, preventing checks from running on contributions from forked repositories (#253)
- Fixed a 404 error getting thrown while attempting to pull NFL stats (#250)
- Fixed an issue where the NFL game result was displayed incorrectly in case of a tie or if the game hasn't been played yet (#246)
- Fixed an issue where the incorrect NBA home team records were being captured (#258)
- Fixed an encoding error being thrown in the exhaustive tests when a player with an accent in his/her name was printed on the Windows platforms (#260)
Dependency Updates
- Updated pytest to 5.3.0
- Updated attrs to 19.3.0
- Updated pandas to 0.25.3
- Updated pytz to 2019.3
- Updated six to 1.13.0
- Updated urrlib3 to 1.25.7
- Updated numpy to 1.17.4
- Updated pyparsing to 2.4.5
- Updated pytest-cov to 2.8.1
- Updated python-dateutil to 2.8.1