BMS to REAPER project (RPP) converter v0.8
- Add DTX support
- Look for .WAV and .OGG keysounds even if the original chart doesn't use .WAV or .OGG
- Assume Shift-JIS encoding for charts
Written by shockdude in Python 3.7
REAPER is property of Cockos Incorporated:
Uses pydub:
Usage: python bms_to_rpp.exe [output_file.rpp]
Or just drag-and-drop the chart onto bms_to_rpp.exe
Supports WAV (PCM) keysounds.
If your BMS does not include WAV keysounds, recommend converting them to WAV first.
OGG keysounds supported only if ffmpeg is installed, and processing will be very slow.
Supports BPMs, extended BPMs, measure lengths/time signatures, and STOPs.
Negative BPMs untested. Other BMS features may not be implemented.
Major props to the BMS command memo:
Major props to the DTX data format spec: