Releases: shockdude/bms_to_rpp
BMS to REAPER project (RPP) converter v1.00b
- Automatically group keysounds by prefix
- Fix keysounds looping themselves in the RPP
- Fix extra keysounds at the end of long notes
- Don't sort keysounds by index, output them in the order they appear in the file
- v1.00b: revert overlapping samples in same BMS channel overlapping themselves, misread the spec
Convert BMS charts (also BME, BML, PMS, DTX) into REAPER projects.
Usage: Drag-and-drop the chart onto bms_to_rpp.exe
Or use the command line: bms_to_rpp.exe [output_project.rpp]
PCM WAV keysounds recommended.
If your BMS does not include WAV keysounds, convert them to WAV first.
If your BMS includes WAV keysounds that don't work, try converting them to PCM WAV.
OGG/MP3 keysounds supported only if ffmpeg is installed, and processing will be very slow.
Written by shockdude in Python 3.7
REAPER is property of Cockos Incorporated:
Uses pydub:
Major props to the BMS command memo:
Major props to the DTX data format spec:
BMS to REAPER project (RPP) converter v0.92
- Support PMS
- Fix MP3 keysounds not working in the REAPER project
- Update README
Convert BMS charts (also BME, BML, PMS, DTX) into REAPER projects.
Usage: Drag-and-drop the chart onto bms_to_rpp.exe
Or use the command line: bms_to_rpp.exe [output_project.rpp]
PCM WAV keysounds recommended.
If your BMS does not include WAV keysounds, convert them to WAV first.
If your BMS includes WAV keysounds that don't work, try converting them to PCM WAV.
OGG/MP3 keysounds supported only if ffmpeg is installed, and processing will be very slow.
Written by shockdude in Python 3.7
REAPER is property of Cockos Incorporated:
Uses pydub:
Major props to the BMS command memo:
Major props to the DTX data format spec:
BMS to REAPER project (RPP) converter v0.9
- Improved parsing to handle more edge cases
- Replaced some errors (e.g. missing #WAVxx file) with warnings to avoid unnecessarily halting a conversion
- Fixed potential crash when converting a bms in a different folder from the script
- Add MP3 support (requires ffmpeg/avconv)
- Support BML files
- Support legacy long note channels 51-69
- Additional error/warning handling
Written by shockdude in Python 3.7
REAPER is property of Cockos Incorporated:
Uses pydub:
Usage: Drag-and-drop the chart file onto bms_to_rpp.exe
Or use the command line: bms_to_rpp.exe [output_file.rpp]
Supports WAV (PCM) keysounds.
If your BMS does not include WAV keysounds, recommend converting them to WAV first.
OGG/MP3 keysounds supported only if ffmpeg is installed, and processing will be very slow.
Supports BPMs, extended BPMs, measure lengths/time signatures, and STOPs.
Negative BPMs untested. Other BMS features may not be implemented.
Major props to the BMS command memo:
Major props to the DTX data format spec:
BMS to REAPER project (RPP) converter v0.85
- Allow running bms_to_rpp from anywhere, not just from inside the chart's directory
Written by shockdude in Python 3.7
REAPER is property of Cockos Incorporated:
Uses pydub:
Usage: python [output_file.rpp]
Or just drag-and-drop the chart onto
Supports WAV (PCM) keysounds.
If your BMS does not include WAV keysounds, recommend converting them to WAV first.
OGG keysounds supported only if ffmpeg is installed, and processing will be very slow.
Supports BPMs, extended BPMs, measure lengths/time signatures, and STOPs.
Negative BPMs untested. Other BMS features may not be implemented.
Major props to the BMS command memo:
Major props to the DTX data format spec:
BMS to REAPER project (RPP) converter v0.84
- Attempt to recreate DTX's handling of overlapping samples
- Fix incorrect channel merging/compounding implementation
- (v0.83) Add the rest of the DTX autoplay channels
- (v0.82) Fix parsing bugs and improve parsing robustness
Written by shockdude in Python 3.7
REAPER is property of Cockos Incorporated:
Uses pydub:
Usage: python [output_file.rpp]
Or just drag-and-drop the chart onto
Supports WAV (PCM) keysounds.
If your BMS does not include WAV keysounds, recommend converting them to WAV first.
OGG keysounds supported only if ffmpeg is installed, and processing will be very slow.
Supports BPMs, extended BPMs, measure lengths/time signatures, and STOPs.
Negative BPMs untested. Other BMS features may not be implemented.
Major props to the BMS command memo:
Major props to the DTX data format spec:
BMS to REAPER project (RPP) converter v0.83
- Add the rest of the DTX autoplay channels
- (v0.82) Fix parsing bugs and improve parsing robustness
Written by shockdude in Python 3.7
REAPER is property of Cockos Incorporated:
Uses pydub:
Usage: python [output_file.rpp]
Or just drag-and-drop the chart onto
Supports WAV (PCM) keysounds.
If your BMS does not include WAV keysounds, recommend converting them to WAV first.
OGG keysounds supported only if ffmpeg is installed, and processing will be very slow.
Supports BPMs, extended BPMs, measure lengths/time signatures, and STOPs.
Negative BPMs untested. Other BMS features may not be implemented.
Major props to the BMS command memo:
Major props to the DTX data format spec:
BMS to REAPER project (RPP) converter v0.82
- Fix parsing bugs and improve parsing robustness
Written by shockdude in Python 3.7
REAPER is property of Cockos Incorporated:
Uses pydub:
Usage: python [output_file.rpp]
Or just drag-and-drop the chart onto
Supports WAV (PCM) keysounds.
If your BMS does not include WAV keysounds, recommend converting them to WAV first.
OGG keysounds supported only if ffmpeg is installed, and processing will be very slow.
Supports BPMs, extended BPMs, measure lengths/time signatures, and STOPs.
Negative BPMs untested. Other BMS features may not be implemented.
Major props to the BMS command memo:
Major props to the DTX data format spec:
BMS to REAPER project (RPP) converter v0.8
- Add DTX support
- Look for .WAV and .OGG keysounds even if the original chart doesn't use .WAV or .OGG
- Assume Shift-JIS encoding for charts
Written by shockdude in Python 3.7
REAPER is property of Cockos Incorporated:
Uses pydub:
Usage: python bms_to_rpp.exe [output_file.rpp]
Or just drag-and-drop the chart onto bms_to_rpp.exe
Supports WAV (PCM) keysounds.
If your BMS does not include WAV keysounds, recommend converting them to WAV first.
OGG keysounds supported only if ffmpeg is installed, and processing will be very slow.
Supports BPMs, extended BPMs, measure lengths/time signatures, and STOPs.
Negative BPMs untested. Other BMS features may not be implemented.
Major props to the BMS command memo:
Major props to the DTX data format spec:
# BMS to REAPER project (RPP) converter v0.7
- Fix mishandling of keysound filenames with spaces in them
- Fix skipping the last measure of keysounds
Written by shockdude in Python 3.7
REAPER is property of Cockos Incorporated:
Uses pydub:
Usage: python [output_file.rpp]
Supports WAV keysounds.
If your BMS does not include WAV keysounds, recommend converting them to WAV first.
OGG keysounds supported only if ffmpeg is installed, and processing will be very slow.
Supports BPMs, extended BPMs, measure lengths/time signatures, and STOPs.
Negative BPMs untested. Other BMS features may not be implemented.
Major props to the BMS command memo:
BMS to REAPER project (RPP) converter v0.6
- Cut overlapping samples
- Untested negative BPM handling
- Other minor fixes
Written by shockdude in Python 3.7
REAPER is property of Cockos Incorporated:
Uses pydub:
Usage: python [output_file.rpp]
Supports WAV keysounds.
If your BMS does not include WAV keysounds, recommend converting them to WAV first.
OGG keysounds supported only if ffmpeg is installed, and processing will be very slow.
Supports BPMs, extended BPMs, measure lengths/time signatures, and STOPs.
Negative BPMs untested. Other BMS features may not be implemented.
Major props to the BMS command memo: