BMS to REAPER project (RPP) converter v0.9
- Improved parsing to handle more edge cases
- Replaced some errors (e.g. missing #WAVxx file) with warnings to avoid unnecessarily halting a conversion
- Fixed potential crash when converting a bms in a different folder from the script
- Add MP3 support (requires ffmpeg/avconv)
- Support BML files
- Support legacy long note channels 51-69
- Additional error/warning handling
Written by shockdude in Python 3.7
REAPER is property of Cockos Incorporated:
Uses pydub:
Usage: Drag-and-drop the chart file onto bms_to_rpp.exe
Or use the command line: bms_to_rpp.exe [output_file.rpp]
Supports WAV (PCM) keysounds.
If your BMS does not include WAV keysounds, recommend converting them to WAV first.
OGG/MP3 keysounds supported only if ffmpeg is installed, and processing will be very slow.
Supports BPMs, extended BPMs, measure lengths/time signatures, and STOPs.
Negative BPMs untested. Other BMS features may not be implemented.
Major props to the BMS command memo:
Major props to the DTX data format spec: