Transportation Model for an optimal strategy for distributing a commodity from a group of supply centers to various receiving centers. Solved in C# Windows Form Application.
[1] Valentyn N Sichkar. Transportation Model for an optimal strategy for distributing a commodity from a group of supply centers to various receiving centers. Solved in C# Windows Form // GitHub platform [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of access: XX.XX.XXXX)
The general transportation problem is concerned with determining an optimal strategy for distributing a commodity from a group of supply centers, such as factories, called sources, to various receiving centers, such as warehouses, called destinations, in such a way as to minimize total distribution costs.
Each source is able to supply a fixed number of units of the product, usually called the capacity or availability, and each destination has a fixed demand, often called the requirement.
Transportation models can also be used when a company is trying to decide where to locate a new facility. Good financial decisions concerning facility location also attempt to minimize total transportation and production costs for the entire system.
There are 4 warehouse containing some number of units of the same type of product (see table 1), there is also 5 consumers depend on a certain amount of these products (see table 2). When shipping one unit from warehouse i to consumer j costs Pij arise. The magnitude of the costs is shown in the Table 3.
For the transportation K units from warehouse i to consumer j the total transportation cost is KPij. The task is to find a transportation plan in which the total transportation cost of all products to all consumers will be minimal.
[1] Valentyn N Sichkar. Transportation Model for an optimal strategy for distributing a commodity from a group of supply centers to various receiving centers. Solved in C# Windows Form // GitHub platform [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of access: XX.XX.XXXX)