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slandelle edited this page Apr 13, 2012 · 6 revisions

To help Scala developers with the creation of Gatling simulations in Scala, we provide a Maven Archetype that will create a project with every dependencies set, and the ability to start Gatling Engine and Gatling Recorder from the IDE.

Using this archetype to create your simulations allows you to use autocompletion while writing the simulations.

Prerequisites #

You need a Scala development environment.

Eclipse users might want to have a look at the Gatling Development environment regarding m2e and m2e-scala installation instructions.

Installing the Maven Archetype #

Here are the Gatling Maven Archetype information:


Note: If you are using an Enterprise maven repository that acts as a proxy for other repositories on the internet, you'll have to set up a proxy for the following repository:

    <name>Excilys Repository</name>

This repository hosts Gatling binaries and all the required dependencies that are not hosted on maven central.

Running the Recorder #

Simply launch the Recorder Scala class located in the default package.

Simulations are generated in the src/main/scala directory (you might have to refresh your project).

Running the Engine #

Simply launch the Engine Scala class located in the default package.

Results are generated in the target directory.

04/12/2012 Gatling 1.1.3 is out


General Information

User Documentation

Developing Gatling

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