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Releases: spatialos/UnrealGDK


17 Sep 15:33
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0.14.1 Pre-release

Unreal GDK version 0.14.1 has been released!

Release Notes


  • The GDK has been upgraded to use version 15.1.1 of SpatialOS.


  • You can find the corresponding UnrealEngine version(s) here.
  • You can find the corresponding UnrealGDKExampleProject version here.

Follow these steps to upgrade your GDK, Engine fork and Example Project to the latest release.

You can read the full release notes here or below.

Join the community on our forums, or on Discord.

Happy developing,

The GDK team

GDK for Unreal Release 0.14.0

17 Aug 15:00
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The release notes are published in both English and Chinese. To view the Chinese version, scroll down a bit for details. Thanks!

Release notes 将同时提供中英文。要浏览中文版本,向下滚动页面查看详情。感谢!

English version

Unreal GDK version 0.14.0 has been released!

Release Notes

Breaking changes:

  • The Handover variable specifier has been deprecated. It should be replaced with the standard Replicated variable specifier and restricting the replication with the new COND_ServerOnly replication condition in GetLifetimeReplicatedProps. Handover variables will try to replicate using the new replication condition, but support will be removed in the next release.
  • Reworked AlwaysInterested functionality to run on authoritative servers, and owning clients. The previous behaviour was for it to only run on PlayerController classes, on the client only.
  • bUseNetOwnerActorGroup actor setting has been removed with the default behavior now true inside LayeredLBStrategy. Extend this class if you wish to alter this default behavior.


  • Added a "Clean and Generate Schema" option to the Schema menu, which lets you delete the SchemaDatabase.uasset, all generated schema files, and run a Full Scan in one click.
  • GDK heartbeat settings are now used to control the worker heartbeat configurations.
  • Added a setting to control which CrossServer RPC implementation is used. Both feature mentioned below are only enabled when the RoutingWorker is the chosen implementation. Spatial commands are still the default for now.
  • Added reliable CrossServer RPC. Reliable CrossServer RPC now require a sender actor which will be the reference point for ordering in a multi-worker environment. An additional UFUNCTION Tag, Unordered, was added to opt-out of this requirement.
  • Added NetWriteFence UFUNCTION Tag. This tag is used when Network writes to an actor should be ordered with regard to updates to another actor. This is relevant in worker recovery/snapshot reloading to get some ordering guarantees when SpatialOS can write updates to entities in any order.
  • Inspector process is automatically started when starting PIE. This means you can re-use existing inspector browser sessions.
  • Visual Logger now supports multi-worker environments.
  • Gameplay Debugger now supports multi-worker environments.
  • Added StopInsights command to SpatialExecServerCmd, which takes no additional parameters and disables any Insight capturing on the target worker
    • Example usage: "SpatialExecServerCmd local StopInsights
  • Renamed StartInsights command args - trace -> channel and tracefile -> file
  • Added bEventTracingEnabledWithEditor setting to separate out the ability to enable Event Tracing in Editor builds from non-Editor builds.

Bug fixes:

  • An issue with AActor::SetAutonomousProxy has been fixed, where actors that were manually set as AutonomousProxy could get downgraded to SimulatedProxy. The functions SetAutonomousProxyOnAuthority and IsAutonomousProxyOnAuthority have been added to USpatialActorChannel, along with a change to ActorSystem::HandleActorAuthority which will upgrade an actor's role from SimulatedProxy to AutonomousProxy if the actor gains Authority when IsAutonomousProxyOnAuthority is true.
  • Added a pop-up message when schema generation fails, which suggests running a Clean and Generate to fix a bad schema state.
  • Fixed a bug that left the SchemaDatabase.uasset file locked after a failed schema generation.
  • Fixed an issue with migration diagnostic logging failing, when the actor did not have authority.
  • Fixed an issue where migration diagnostic tool would crash if the target actor's owner couldn't be found.
  • Fixed an issue where during shutdown unregistering NetGUIDs could cause an asset load and program stall.
  • Fix RPC timeouts for parameters referencing assets that can be asynchronously loaded.
  • Fixed the test settings overrides config filename in Spatial World Settings so that the file path is relative to the game directory.
  • Fix editor encountering exceptions when shutting down during a PIE session.
  • The runtime will shut down slightly faster after a PIE session.
  • Fixed a rare issue where one would see a change to the owner field but not the changes to owner-only fields.
  • Prevented a client crash that occurs if there is a mismatch between the client and server schema hash.
  • Fixed an issue for actors with bNetLoadOnClient. A dynamic subobject removed from such an actor while out of a client's view will now be properly removed on the client when the actor comes back into the client's view.
  • Fixed an issue that caused UnrealGDK/ to report sed: can't read : No such file or directory when run on macOS.
  • Static subobjects on bNetLoadOnClient actors are now removed on clients in a manner matching native unreal's behavior. This change affects subobjects removed by the server while the actor is not in the client's interest.
  • Fixed an issue where multicast rpcs could be overwritten and then dropped on authority flicker.
  • Fixed issue using the runtime snapshot endpoint with a local deployment, using localhost:5006/snapshot works again and creates a snapshot.
  • Dormant actors will now always have their channels closed correctly when entering dormancy.


  • Hide the Test MultiworkerSettings and GridStrategy classes from displaying in the editor. These are meant to only be used in Tests.
  • Reserved entity IDs previously expired after 3 minutes. Reserved Entity IDs now no longer expire, and persist until used.
  • A test was calling SetReplicates on an actor over which it did not have authority. This was causing warnings to be triggered. We've fixed this by reverting the actor's role at the end of the test, so that the actor is not left in an unexpected state.
  • Added support for clients to disconnect during a test in the automated test framework.
  • Modified ActorSystem's Ownership and Simulated Subviews to take player ownership into account.
  • Fixed an issue with registering spatial flow controllers in the Spatial Testing Framework.


  • You can find the corresponding UnrealEngine version(s) here.
  • You can find the corresponding UnrealGDKExampleProject version here.

Follow these steps to upgrade your GDK, Engine fork and Example Project to the latest release.

You can read the full release notes here or below.

Join the community on our forums, or on Discord.

Happy developing,

The GDK team

GDK for Unreal Release 0.13.1

03 Jun 13:08
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The release notes are published in both English and Chinese. To view the Chinese version, scroll down a bit for details. Thanks!

Release notes

虚幻引擎开发套件 0.13.1 版本说明:


English version

We have released Unreal GDK version 0.13.1!

The GDK for Unreal 0.13.1 is an internal release. There are some differences with an internal release compared to a public release:

  • Minimal public documentation.
  • No public announcement.

The default branch stays as a tag (0.11.0) which points open platform customers to the latest public release, as opposed to the latest internal release which is 0.13.1.

Release notes

This release introduces the following:

Breaking changes

  • We optimised event tracing to reduce overhead when tracing events, particularly when events are not sampled. We modified the tracing API to accommodate these improvements. You will have to modify your project if you use the API.

New features

  • Added SpatialExecServerCmd console command with one command StartInsights to dynamically enable insights capturing.
  • Format: SpatialExecServerCmd < server > < command > < args >
  • Example usage: "SpatialExecServerCmd local StartInsights -trace=CustomChannel -tracefile=MyNewTrace"
  • Visual Logger now optimized for multi-worker environments.
  • The GDK for Unreal 0.13.1 runs against SpatialOS 15.1.0. Older versions of SpatialOS do not work with the GDK for Unreal 0.13.1.
  • Added event tracing rotating log support (with bEnableEventTracingRotatingLogs, EventTracingRotatingLogsMaxFileSizeBytes and EventTracingRotatingLogsMaxFileCount).
  • Added event tracing filter support (configured with UEventTracingSamplingSettings).


虚幻引擎开发套件 0.13.1 版本现已发布!

虚幻引擎开发套件 0.13.1 属于内部发布版本。相较于公开发布版本,内部版本在以下方面有所区别:

  • 对应的公开文档更简洁。
  • 没有发布公告。

默认分支保留“0.11.0”标签,将开放平台用户引导至最新的公开发布版本 (即“0.11.0”),而不是最新的内部发布版本 (即“0.13.1”)。




  • 我们对事件追踪 (event tracing) 进行了优化,从而减少追踪事件时产生的开销。特别当这些事件没有被采样显示时,优化追踪框架可以有效节省成本。为此,我们修改了相关的 tracing API 以适应这方面的功能改进。如果您使用该 API,则需要对项目进行相应调整。


  • 添加了 SpatialExecServerCmd 控制台命令,只需一个命令 StartInsights 即可动态启动虚幻引擎应用性能分析工具 (Unreal Insights) 开始信息捕捉。
  • 命令格式: SpatialExecServerCmd < server > < command > < args >
  • 命令示例: "SpatialExecServerCmd local StartInsights -trace=CustomChannel -tracefile=MyNewTrace"
  • 可视记录器 (Visual Logger) 现已针对多 worker 环境进行了优化。
  • 虚幻引擎开发套件 0.13.1 运行在 SpatialOS 15.1.0 版本技术栈上。注意:如果还没有升级至 SpatialOS 15.1.0 版本,将无法使用虚幻引擎开发套件 0.13.1 版本。
  • 添加了事件追踪日志转储 (轮替) 支持,通过 bEnableEventTracingRotatingLogsEventTracingRotatingLogsMaxFileSizeBytesEventTracingRotatingLogsMaxFileCount 来实现。
  • 添加了事件追踪筛选功能支持,通过 UEventTracingSamplingSettings 来配置。

GDK for Unreal Release 0.13.0

17 May 21:22
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GDK for Unreal Release 0.13.0

The release notes are published in both English and Chinese. To view the Chinese version, scroll down a bit for details. Thanks!

Release notes

虚幻引擎开发套件 0.13.0 版本说明:


English version

We have released Unreal GDK version 0.13.0!

Release notes

The GDK for Unreal 0.13.0 is an internal release. There are some differences with an internal release compared to a public release:

  • Minimal public documentation.
  • No public announcement.

The default branch stays as a tag (0.11.0) which points open platform customers to the latest public release, as opposed to the latest internal release which is 0.13.0.

Major changes include:

  • The way you set the RPC Ring Buffer size and naming.
  • The uniqueness of FGameplay FGameplayAbilitySpecHandle.
  • Added a function flag AlwaysWrite that allows specifying an RPC to use a separate channel and allows overwriting unacked RPC calls.
  • Added experimental Unreal Insights support (internal Improbable use only).

Breaking changes

  • Removed support for UE 4.24.
  • Removed LaunchSpatial.bat from the Example Project and Starter Template. This is replaced by an in-Editor workflow that maintains a native development experience.

A full list of changes can be found in the changelog.


虚幻引擎开发套件 0.13.0 版本现已发布!


虚幻引擎开发套件 0.13.0 属于内部发布版本。相较于公开发布版本,内部版本在以下方面有所区别:

  • 对应的公开文档更简洁。
  • 没有发布公告。

默认分支保留“0.11.0”标签,将开放平台用户引导至最新的公开发布版本 (即“0.11.0”),而不是最新的内部发布版本 (即“0.13.0”)。


  • 设置 RPC Ring Buffer 范围大小和命名的方式。
  • FGameplay FGameplayAbilitySpecHandle 的唯一性。
  • 添加函数标记 AlwaysWrite,允许指定一个远程过程调用 (RPC) 使用单独的信道,并允许覆盖未确认 (Unacked) 的 RPC 调用。
  • 添加实验性的 Unreal Insights 支持 (当前仅限英礴内部使用)。


  • 删除了对虚幻引擎 4.24 版本的支持。
  • 从示例项目 (Example Project) 和 启动模板 (Starter Template) 中删除了 LaunchSpatial.bat。取而代之的是在虚幻编辑器中带来维持原生开发体验的工作流。

想了解完整的变化信息列表,请参见 更新日志

GDK for Unreal Release 0.12.0

02 Feb 11:50
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English version

GDK for Unreal 0.12.0 (internal only)

Release notes

Unreal GDK version 0.12.0 has been released!

The GDK for Unreal 0.12.0 is an internal component release. The differences between this internal release and a public component release are:

  • Minimal public documentation.
  • No public announcement.
  • The default branch is now a tag (0.11.0) where before it was a release branch. This allows us to give access to 0.11.0 to open platform customers without affecting Improbable pipelines or scripts. This also allows us to keep 0.12.0 as an internal release.

This release includes:

  • Support for Unreal Engine 4.26 (we also support Unreal Engine 4.25 as the legacy version).
  • Support for SpatialOS Runtime 15.0.
  • Overhauled local deployment workflows with significantly faster local deployment start times (approximately 0.1s versus 7s).
  • SpatialDebugger improvements.
  • Load balancing workflow improvements.
  • General workflow improvements.

See the changelog for full details.

WARNING: If you are an existing customer on the release GDK branch, and you use ‘git pull’, you will upgrade to 0.12.0. If you do not want this, switch to the 0.11.0 tag branch.

Follow these steps to upgrade your GDK, Engine fork and Example Project to the latest release.

Chinese version

虚幻引擎开发套件版本 0.12.0 (仅供内部参考)


“虚幻引擎开发套件 0.12.0”是一次内部组件发布版本。相比公开组件版本,内部组件版本在以下方面有所区别:

  • 对应的公开文档更简洁。
  • 没有发布公告。
  • 总体而言,现在的默认分支是一个标签 (例如:0.11.0),而以前是作为一个发布分支 (release branch)。这种设置允许我们在不影响英礴流水线或脚本 (Improbable Pipeline/ Script) 的前提下,向公开平台用户开放 0.11.0 的访问权限;这也允许我们将 0.12.0 保留为一个内部版本。


  • 支持虚幻引擎 4.26 (注:我们也继续支持虚幻引擎 4.25 作为历史版本)。
  • 支持 SpatialOS 运行时 15.0。
  • 全面修改了本地部署工作流,带来本地部署启动时间的显著提升 (约从 7 秒降低至 0.1 秒)。
  • 改善了 SpatialDebugger。
  • 改善了负载均衡工作流。
  • 改善了一般流程。

更多信息,请参见 更新日志

重要信息:如果您是发布版 GDK 分支 (release GDK branch) 的当前用户,且使用 “git pull”,那么您将升级至版本 0.12.0。如果您需要其他版本,可切换至较新的 0.11.0 标签分支。

如何升级版本?请点击此处,按照步骤将您的开发套件 GDK、引擎分支和示例项目升级到最新发布版本。


  • You can find the corresponding UnrealEngine version(s) here.
  • You can find the corresponding UnrealGDKExampleProject version here.

Follow these steps to upgrade your GDK, Engine fork and Example Project to the latest release.

You can read the full release notes here or below.

Join the community on our forums, or on Discord.

Happy developing,

The GDK team

Breaking changes:

  • We no longer support Server Travel. This feature is being re-designed and will be reintroduced in a future version.
  • The condition for sending Spatial position updates has been changed, the two variables PositionUpdateFrequency and PositionDistanceThreshold have now been removed from the GDK settings. To update your project:
    1. Set the value of PositionUpdateLowerThresholdCentimeters to the value of PositionDistanceThreshold and the value of PositionUpdateLowerThresholdSeconds to 60*(1/PositionUpdateFrequency). This makes sure that Actors send Spatial position updates as often as they did before this change.
    2. Set the value of PositionUpdateThresholdMaxCentimeters and PositionUpdateThresholdMaxSeconds to larger values than the lower thresholds.
      NOTE: If your project does not use custom values for the PositionUpdateFrequency or PositionDistanceThreshold then, by default, the updates will be sent with the same frequency as before and no action is required.
  • Removed the OnAuthorityLossImminent Actor event.
  • 'WorkerLogLevel' in Runtime Settings is split into two new settings - 'LocalWorkerLogLevel' and 'CloudWorkerLogLevel'. Update these values which will be set to 'Warning' by default.
  • The Unreal GDK has been updated to run against SpatialOS 15.0. Older version of SpatialOS will no longer work with the Unreal GDK.
  • In SpatialWorkerFlags.h some renaming took place around using delegates on flag changes.
    These functions and structs can be referenced in both code and blueprints and it may require updating both:
    1. Delegate struct FOnWorkerFlagsUpdatedBP has been renamed FOnAnyWorkerFlagUpdatedBP,
    2. Delegate struct FOnWorkerFlagsUpdated has been renamed FOnAnyWorkerFlagUpdated,
    3. Function BindToOnWorkerFlagsUpdated has been renamed to RegisterAnyFlagUpdatedCallback
    4. Function UnbindFromOnWorkerFlagsUpdated has been renamed to UnregisterAnyFlagUpdatedCallback
  • Worker configurations must now be stored in the launch config for local deployments. These can be added in the SpatialGDKEditorSettings as before.
  • Spot and SpatialD (Spatial Service) dependencies have been removed.
  • Compatibility Mode runtime is no longer supported.
  • Running without Ring Buffered RPCs is no longer supported, and the option has been removed from SpatialGDKSettings.
  • The schema database format has been updated and versioning introduced. Please regenerate your schema after updating.
  • The CookAndGenerateSchemaCommandlet no longer automatically deletes previously generated schema. Deletion of previously generated schema is now controlled by the -DeleteExistingGeneratedSchema flag.


  • The DeploymentLauncher tool can be used to start multiple simulated player deployments at once.
  • Schema bundles are generated by default (in addition to the schema descriptor). Specifying a Schema bundle location via -AdditionalSchemaCompilerArguments="--bundle_out=..." will result in the bundle being written to both the default location (build/assembly/schema/ and the location specified by the additional arguments.
  • Spatial Position Updates are sent based on a different logic. Previously, a position update was sent to Spatial if enough time had passed since the Actor's last update(computed using the SpatialUpdateFrequency) AND if the Actor had moved more than PositionDistanceThreshold centimeters. This change allows for Spatial position updates to be sent if any of the following is true:
    1. The time elapsed since the last sent Spatial position update is greater than or equal to PositionUpdateLowerThresholdSeconds AND the distance travelled since the last update is greater than or equal to PositionUpdateLowerThresholdCentimeters.
    2. The time elapsed since the last sent Spatial position update is greater than or equal to PositionUpdateThresholdMaxSeconds AND the Actor has moved a non-zero amount.
    3. The distance travelled since the last Spatial position update was sent is greater than or equal to PositionUpdateThresholdMaxCentimeters.
  • New setting "Auto-stop local SpatialOS deployment" allows you to specify Never (doesn't automatically stop), OnEndPIE (when a PIE session is ended) and OnExitEditor (only when the editor is shutdown). The default is OnExitEditor.
  • Added OnActorReady bindable callback triggered when SpatialOS entity data is first received after creating an entity corresponding to an Actor. This event indicates you can safely refer to the entity without risk of inconsistent state after worker crashes or snapshot restarts.
  • Added support for the main build target having TargetType.Client (<ProjectName>.Target.cs). This target is automatically built with arguments -client -noserver passed to UAT when building from the editor. If you use the GDK build script or executable manually, you need to pass -client -noserver when building this target (for example, BuildWorker.bat GDKShooter Win64 Development GDKShooter.uproject -client -noserver).
  • Added ability to specify USpatialMultiWorkerSettings class from command line. Specify a SoftClassPath via -OverrideMultiWorkerSettingsClass=MultiWorkerSettingsClassName.
  • You can override the load balancing strategy in-editor so that it is different from the cloud. Set Editor Multi Worker Settings Class in the World Settings to specify the in-editor load balancing strategy. If it is not specified, the existing Multi Worker Settings Class defines both the local and cloud load balancing strategy.
  • Added BroadcastNetworkFailure with type OutdatedClient on client schema hash mismatch with server. Add your own callback to GEngine->NetworkFailureEvent to add custom behaviour for outdated clients attempting to join.
  • You can see the Spatial Debugger in-editor mode similar to the one you see in play mode. Select Spatial Editor Debugger from the drop-down menu on the Start Deployment button on the toolbar to toggle the visibility of the worker boundaries on and off in-editor.
  • Enabled the bUseSpatialView property by default and added the --OverrideUseSpatialView flag.
  • Added facilities to manipulate worker interest and Actor authority in SpatialFunctionalTest.
  • Allow specifying the locator port via ?locatorPort= URL option when performing client travel.
  • You can now enable/disable the multi-worker load balancing strategy with an in-editor toggle so that no Uasset files are changed. Select Enable Multi-Worker from the drop-down menu on the Start Deployment button on the toolbar to use the multi-worker strategy or de-select to use a single worker strategy in the editor. The Enable Multi-Worker toggle in World Settings and the command line option -OverrideMultiWorker have been removed as they are now redund...
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GDK for Unreal Release 0.11.0

03 Sep 11:30
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The release notes are published in both English and Chinese. To view the Chinese version, scroll down a bit for details. Thanks!

版本发布说明 (Release notes) 将同时提供中英文版本。如需浏览中文版本,请向下滚动页面查看详情。感谢!

English version

We have released Unreal GDK version 0.11.0!

Release notes

This release introduces:

  • Unreal Engine 4.25 as the primary supported UE version in the GDK. We maintain support for legacy version 4.24. We no longer support version 4.23. See the Versioning scheme for more information.
  • The new in-game tutorial, which introduces key SpatialOS concepts you need to know for your own game development: Actors and entities, SpatialOS components, cross-server RPCs, Multicast RPCs and multi-server offloading.

This release also includes a number of new features and bug fixes which are listed here in the changelog.

Breaking changes

Please see the breaking changes in this release here.


The corresponding Engine versions are:

4.25-SpatialOSUnrealGDK-0.11.0 (primary UE version)

4.24-SpatialOSUnrealGDK-0.11.0 (legacy UE version)

The corresponding Example Project version is:

Follow these steps to upgrade your GDK, Engine fork and Example Project to the latest release.

Happy developing,

The GDK team


虚幻引擎开发套件 (GDK) 0.11.0 版本已发布!



  • 虚幻引擎 4.25 版本将作为 GDK 主要支持的 UE 版本。请注意:我们将继续对历史版本 4.24 进行支持,但不再继续维护历史版本 4.23。相关信息,请参见 版本控制方案
  • 新增的 游戏内教程 将带您了解游戏开发所需掌握的 SpatialOS 重要概念,包括:Actor 和实体、SpatialOS 组件、跨服 RPC、多播 RPC 以及多服负载拆分。

本次版本发布还包括一系列新功能介绍和问题修复说明,详情参见 更新日志


点此 浏览本次版本发布中的重大变更。


相应 引擎 版本为:

4.25-SpatialOSUnrealGDK-0.11.0 (主要 UE 版本)

4.24-SpatialOSUnrealGDK-0.11.0 (历史 UE 版本)

相应 示例项目 版本为:

请按照 这些步骤 进行操作,将您的 GDK、引擎分支和示例项目升级为最新版本。


GDK 团队

GDK for Unreal Release 0.10.0

08 Jul 20:29
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The release notes are published in both English and Chinese. To view the Chinese version, scroll down a bit for details. Thanks!

Release notes 将同时提供中英文。要浏览中文版本,向下滚动页面查看详情。感谢!

English version

We have released Unreal GDK version 0.10.0!

Release Notes


We have made significant performance improvements to the GDK to reduce latency, egress and CPU use.

We have also introduced a new SpatialOS Runtime variant called Standard, which is now the default Runtime for the GDK. You can change back to the Compatibility Mode Runtime variant if you need to.

Mobile Support: Android and iOS [Preview]

Android and iOS are now in preview. We support workflows for developing and doing in-studio playtests on Android and iOS devices, and have documentation for these workflows. We also support macOS (also in preview) for developing and testing iOS game clients. We’d love to hear your feedback on this!

User Experience

  • We have introduced a new tutorial to take you through how to use multiserver offloading, using a new game mode in the Example Project.
  • You can now fully build and deploy to the cloud without leaving the Unreal Editor. The Start Deployment button in the Cloud Deployment Configuration dialog box now generates schema and a snapshot, builds all selected workers, and uploads the assembly before starting the deployment.
  • In the Cloud Deployment Configuration dialog box you can generate a launch configuration file from the current map, or you can click through to the Launch Configuration Editor.
  • Full Scan schema generation now uses the CookAndGenerateSchema commandlet, which results in faster and more stable schema generation for big projects.
  • We have created a new drop-down menu in the GDK toolbar to configure how to connect your PIE client or your Launch on Device client.

…and much more! For the full details on what’s new in this release, including bug fixes, see the 0.10.0 changelog.

SpatialOS Tooling Compatibility

If you're using the Standard Runtime variant, there are several compatibility issues. For more information, see the changelog.

Known Issues

Please see the full list of known issues in this release here.


The corresponding Engine versions are:
4.24-SpatialOSUnrealGDK-0.10.0 (primary UE version)
4.23-SpatialOSUnrealGDK-0.10.0 (legacy UE version)

The corresponding Example Project version is:

Follow these steps to upgrade your GDK, Engine fork and Example Project to the latest release.

Happy developing,

The GDK team


虚幻引擎开发套件 (GDK) 0.10.0 版本已发布!

Release Notes


我们对 GDK 进行了重大的性能改进,以减少延迟、出口流量和 CPU 使用。

我们还引入了新的 SpatialOS 运行时变体,称为 “标准体” (Standard),这是 GDK 的默认运行时。如有需要,您可以将其改回 “兼容模式” (Compatibility Mode) 运行时变体。

移动端支持: Android 和 iOS [预览]

Android 和 iOS 现处于 预览中。我们支持在 Android 和 iOS 设备上进行游戏开发和工作室内测试的工作流,并提供工作流的相关文档。我们还支持在 macOS (也在预览中) 计算机上开发和测试 iOS 游戏客户端。我们非常愿意聆听您的反馈意见!


  • 提供了新的 教程,指导您在示例项目中通过新的游戏模式使用多服务器负载拆分。
  • 现在,您无需离开虚幻编辑器即可完全构建并部署到云中。通过 Cloud Deployment Configuration 对话框中的 Start Deployment 按钮生成结构描述 (schema) 和快照,并且在部署启动前构建所有选定的 worker 和上传程序集。
  • Cloud Deployment Configuration 对话框中,您可以从当前地图生成启动配置文件,或是点击打开 Launch Configuration editor
  • 完全扫描 (Full Scan) 生成结构描述的方法现在使用 CookAndGenerateSchema 命令行开关,这样可以为大型项目更迅速、更稳定地生成结构描述。
  • 在 GDK 工具栏中创建了一个新的下拉菜单,用来配置如何连接您的 PIE 客户端或是设备上启动的客户端。

除此之外,还有更多其他内容!要了解此版本中新功能的详情,包括问题修复,查看 0.10.0 更新日志

SpatialOS 工具兼容性

如果您正在使用运行时的标准体,需要注意一些兼容问题。具体内容,查看 更新日志


点击 此处 查看完整的已知问题列表。


4.24-SpatialOSUnrealGDK-0.10.0 (主要 UE 版本)
4.23-SpatialOSUnrealGDK-0.10.0 (历史 UE 版本)


按照 以下步骤 将 GDK、引擎分支和示例项目升级到最新版本。


GDK 团队

GDK for Unreal Release 0.9.0

06 May 17:02
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The release notes are published in both English and Chinese. To view the Chinese version, scroll down a bit for details. Thanks!

Release notes 将同时提供中英文。要浏览中文版本,向下滚动页面查看详情。感谢!

English version

Unreal GDK version 0.9.0 is go!

Release Notes

  • Multiserver offloading is external-playtest-ready: we have improved the stability and performance of offloading and validated it in a public playtest of partner Midwinter Entertainment’s game Scavengers. Midwinter uses offloading to increase the AI count in the game, beyond what they could achieve with the native Unreal single server.

  • Improved performance: driven by Scavengers and other partner games, we have made significant performance improvements to the GDK to reduce latency, egress and CPU use. These improvements are available as new default settings in the GDK where possible.

  • UE 4.24 support: 4.24 is now fully supported, and 4.23 support is maintained as legacy to enable teams to upgrade.

For the full details on what’s new in this release, see the 0.9.0 changelog.


The corresponding Engine versions are:
4.24-SpatialOSUnrealGDK-0.9.0 (primary UE version)
4.23-SpatialOSUnrealGDK-0.9.0 (legacy UE version)

The corresponding ExampleProject version is:

Follow these steps to upgrade your GDK, Engine fork and Example Project to the latest release.
Happy developing,

The GDK team


虚幻引擎开发套件 (GDK) 0.9.0 版本已发布!

Release Notes

  • 多服务器负载拆分可用于公开测试:我们提高了负载拆分的稳定性和性能,并在合作伙伴 Midwinter Entertainment 的游戏《Scavengers》的公开测试中对其进行了验证。 Midwinter 使用负载拆分功能增加了游戏中的 AI 数量,这超出了使用原生虚幻引擎单一服务器所能实现的结果。

  • 性能提优:在《Scavengers》和其他合作伙伴游戏的推动下,我们对 GDK 性能进行了大幅优化,以减少延迟、出口流量和 CPU 使用。这些优化在 GDK 中作为新的默认设置提供。

  • UE 4.24 支持:现已完全支持 4.24 版本,并保留 4.23 版本支持作为旧版本以供开发团队升级。

有关此版本中新功能的完整详细信息,查看 0.9.0 更新日志


4.24-SpatialOSUnrealGDK-0.9.0 (主要 UE 版本)
4.23-SpatialOSUnrealGDK-0.9.0 (历史 UE 版本)


按照 以下步骤 将 GDK、引擎分支和示例项目升级到最新版本。

GDK 团队

GDK for Unreal Release 0.8.1

17 Mar 13:03
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Unreal GDK version 0.8.1 is go!

Follow these steps to upgrade your GDK, Engine fork and Example Project to the latest release.

You can read the full release notes here.

Happy developing!

GDK team

GDK for Unreal Release 0.8.1-preview

17 Mar 12:23
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Unreal GDK version 0.8.1-preview is go!

Note: this is a preview release. Preview releases are only tested against Improbable partner projects and have incomplete documentation. We do not recommend upgrading to this version unless you have production support from Improbable. We are preparing a public release including all these changes in the near future. For more details see the Versioning Scheme page.

Follow these steps to upgrade your GDK, Engine fork and Example Project to the latest release.

You can read the full release notes here.

Happy developing!

GDK team