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Project Rubric Scoring Criteria

matthew low edited this page Jul 2, 2019 · 1 revision
Grade: A to A-
Mark: 100% to 86%
Grade: B+ to B-
Mark: 85% to 70%
Grade: C+ to C-
Mark: 69% to 60%
Not Satisfactory
Grade: F
Mark: 58% to 0%
Total Points
  • Delivery was professional and fluent.
  • Text, graphics & structure enhanced communication of ideas.
  • Key points were clearly and concisely explained.
  • Managed time very well, dividing time between topics appropriately for their relevance.
  • No spelling, punctuation or grammar errors.
  • Delivery was clear and professional in nature.
  • Text, graphics & structure sup­ported communication of ideas.
  • Key points were clearly explained.
  • Managed time fairly well, dividing time between topics somewhat appropriately for their relevance.
  • Very few spelling, punctuation or grammar errors.
  • Delivery was mostly clear and professional.
  • Text, graphics & structure were mostly appropriate.
  • Key points were communicated adequately.
  • Parts of the presentation were rushed, or some topics should have been given more time.
  • Some spelling, punctuation or grammar errors.
  • Delivery was stilted, awkward or unprofessional.
  • Text, graphics or structure were at times inappropriate or misleading.
  • Key points were at times not clearly presented.
  • Presentation was rushed or too short, or time was poorly balanced between topics.
  • Significant spelling, punctuation or grammar errors.
  • Teamwork and Management (20%)
  • The team worked well together to achieve objectives.
  • Each member contributed in a valuable way to the project.
  • Members demonstrated a high level of mutual respect and collaboration.
  • Appropriate issues and risks were clearly identified and very well managed.
  • The team worked well together most of the time, with only a few occurrences of communication breakdown or failure to collaborate appropriately, which were resolved quickly.
  • Members mostly contributed in a valuable way to the project.
  • Members were almost always respectful of each other.
  • Appropriate issues and risks were identified and well managed.
  • The team worked well together most of the time, there were times of communication breakdown or failure to collaborate, but these issues were resolved in a timely manner.
  • Members contributed fairly consistently to the project.
  • Members were mostly respectful of each other.
  • Obvious issues and risks were informally identified and tracked.
  • The team did not collaborate or communicate well.
  • Some members were inconsistent in their contribution; or worked independently, without regard to objectives or priorities.
  • A lack of respect and regard was frequently noted.
  • Issues and risks were managed too casually or not at all.
  • Project Demo (40%)
  • Creative demonstration generated enthusiasm for the product.
  • Demonstration effectively conveyed ideas to the audience.
  • Features were very well illustrated, giving a clear sense of the product as a cohesive whole.
  • Demonstration generated interest in the product.
  • Demonstration effectively conveyed most of the ideas.
  • Almost all features were clearly demonstrated, giving a good idea of the product's capability.
  • Demonstration held audience's attention.
  • Demonstration effectively conveyed main ideas.
  • Core features were fairly clearly demonstrated, giving a general idea of the product's capability.
  • Demonstration failed to capture the interest of the audience.
  • Demonstration summarized a few of the main ideas or was unclear.
  • Few features were demonstrated, or the product's capabilities were not clearly presented.
  • Technical Solution (30%)
  • Presentation gave a clear impression of a high quality software deliverable.
  • Underlying logic was clearly articulated and easy to follow.
  • Diagrams or analyses enhanced and clarified presentation of ideas.
  • Presentation gave an impression of a good quality software deliverable.
  • Underlying logic was articulated and generally easy to follow.
  • Diagrams or analyses were consistent with text and commentary.
  • Presentation gave an impression of a software deliverable of adequate quality.
  • In a small number of areas, the underlying logic or flow of ideas were difficult to follow.
  • Diagrams or analyses were occasionally inconsistent with text or commentary.
  • Presentation gave an impression of a software deliverable of poor quality.
  • Underlying logic was not articulated well or was difficult to follow in several areas.
  • Diagrams or analyses were missing or often inconsistent with text or commentary.
  • Total:

    A passing mark for the prototype demonstration is 60% or higher.


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