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Soft Requirements Specification

hayahals edited this page Jul 12, 2019 · 31 revisions


This documents details the user and developer requirements of the Orange website. This covers personal user needs and wants as well as hardware and software requirements for accessing the website. It also provides the goals and scope of the Orange website and provides useful information for developer requirements.


With the increase in concern for unhealthy eating, consumers are struggling to improve the quality of their diets. It is difficult for consumers to know what they need to eat and to motivate themselves enough to make a consistent change to their culinary lifestyle. To address this issue, Orange is dedicated to improving nutritional awareness and management, providing users with the information they need to eat healthy. Orange aims to fulfil this goal by utilising relevant research into healthy mineral, vitamin, sugar, fat and protein intakes, which can be calculated to provide each user with a personalised, daily health goal. Furthermore, Orange has a new, innovative food scanning feature, allowing users to easily manage diet tracking. This easy to use feature along with the detailed, personal food diary makes maintaining a nutritional and well balanced diet easier than ever before.


There are three main functions that make up the Orange service range: Track Food Intake (TFI); Scanning Ingredients (SI); Contact Profesionals (CP);

TFI is based on the users food diary results to determine what elements are lacking in the user's diet. The nutritional intakes are displayed as measurements and percentages of the daily intake, in visual, horizontal bar display. Users can easily see and manage their daily intake requirements in their profile settings.

SI is the innovative feature that Orange introduces to the mobile health market. Users can easily upload or take a picture of food to instantly add it to their food diary. This feature exists to make food tracking easier and less time consuming.

CP is an optional feature that gives users access to a range of professional in the food and diet industry. These professionals are advertised to the users so that any issues or questions can be quickly handled.

For the initial stages of development, the scope of the product is defined as an adaptive website optimised for desktops/laptops and mobile devices. The site will include the above TFI, SI and CP features. It will also include basic information about the Orange service as well as company information.

In Scope Out of scope
Allowing users to sign up and log in Developing the motivational goals notification system
Enabling users to scan or manually add food Linking the website with restaurants so that users can scan menu items
Allowing users to track nutritional intakes Integrating the food planner for meal planning
Enabling users to view food nutritional content and relevant contacts Providing food and restaurant recommendations for specific dietary requirements

Use cases

Actor & Stakeholder Table

Actor Description
Unauthorized User A user who has not created an account with their personalized details or a user who is not logged in
Authorized User A user who has a valid account with their personal information and who is logged in

Main Use-Case

• Create account
• Edit profile
• Scan food item
• Manually input food item to daily intake
• View food history
• View daily progress for each individual nutrient
• Access contact details for professional

User Stories

Personas are fictional representations of our users helping us design with greater clarity and understanding. Creating personas for the most common user types aid deeper focus on outcomes we aim users to experience. Focusing on the persona’s wants and needs builds empathy. The app was designed and built with their

User Case: 1 - Veronica Natalie

Veronica is a 20-year-old university student, personal trainer and vlogger. She aims to keep fit, stay healthy and lose weight while receiving help with her diabetic condition. The scenarios in which she would use Orange is to keeps an eye on vitamins and minerals and track her sugar intake. Her concerns are the security of data, and the accuracy of calculations and data. Her tasks which she performs on Orange are checking the weight graph, taking photos of her meals to input, setting daily intake plans, and checking recommendations. Her pain points are the slow process of entering data, tracking weight manually being troublesome, and balancing sugar levels.

User Case: 2 - Peter Donald Parker

Peter is a Professor in Philosophy living in China as an expatriate with no Chinese, age 42. Mid-life crisis and vegan. His work environment is at a Chinese University with limited food in the cafeteria. His scenario in which he would use Orange is to find and manage his vegan diet. His concerns over the use of Orange is the quality of suggestions for food. His tasks which he would perform on Orange is to check recommendations. His pain points is the difficulty level he experiences in tracking the minerals in his diet, especially as he also has difficulty in finding food to stick to his diet.

Authorized User

Authorized users are able to log in with a username and password, with an option that remembers the account.

Authorized users are able to update account information for a personalized experience. Users are able to input their personal information and settings. Users are able to alter their personal information over time.

Authorized users are able to view the daily intake, food diary and weight graph. Users nutritional tracking is updated live as they add food and weight changes.

Authorized users are able to update food information for the daily intake. Users are able to input their food by using the scanning feature. Users are able to input the food information manually.

Authorized users are able to access the website from a desktop computer or a mobile device. The display will change to suit the device the user is accessing the webpages from.

Authorized users are able to access professional contacts details. Users are able to be provided correct contact information.

Unauthorized User

Unauthorized users are able to create an account to utilize the features that Orange offers.

Unauthorized users are able to information about Orange and TechPot. Users are able to have access to Orange email, phone number, location, and working hours.

Non-functional Requirements

Hardware and Software Requirements

Hardware and software requirements for developers:

Type Tool Description Used for
Hardware Mobile Device Any touch interface smart phone, preferably made within the last five years Testing the website for mobile devices
Hardware Computer A desktop computer that Needed for programming, documentation and running the web server
Hardware Internet Greater than 2mb/s internet connectivity Required to use specific software, and to run the website
Software GitHub Online project hub Used to organise the project and track updates to the code made by different team members
Software Django Backend framework Used to simplify the backend programming of the website
Software Bootstrap Frontend UI framework Used to encode the frontend with responsive features
Software Google Chrome Web browser Viewing and testing webpages
Software Adobe Photoshop CC Photoshopping software Creating UI designs
Software Diagram designing webtool Creating system diagrams for documentation
Software Microsoft Word Word-processing software Drafting documentation
Software Adobe Illustrator CC Vector Graphic Software Designing TechPot logo

Hardware and software requirements for users:

Type Tool Description Used for
Hardware Laptop, Desktop or Mobile Device Any personal smart device capable of running an up to date web browser Accessing the Orange website
Hardware Internet Internet with a strong connection that can access the web server Connecting to the web server
Software Browser Any up to date web browsing software, like Google Chrome For accessing the web address

User Interface Prototype

Desktop Mock Ups

Mock Up About Mock Up Add Food (popup) Mock Up Add Food Mock Up Contact Mock Up Dashboard Mock Up Food Diary Mock Up Login Mock Up Profile Mock Up Sign Up Mock Up Start Page Mock Up Talk To A Pro

Mobile Mock Ups

Mobile About Mobile Add Foods (popup) Mobile Add Foods Mobile Contact Mobile Dashboard Mobile Food Diary Mobile Log In Mobile Profile Mobile Sign Up Mobile Start Page Mobile Talk To A Pro