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Configuration File

shthead edited this page May 13, 2016 · 3 revisions

Configuration Structure

The configuration file is an ini style plain text file. There must be at least two sections, a [global] section for default values and a section for each service that you would like to check and announce for.

The settings in the [global] section can also be specified per service - if you have 10 checks and the [global] section contains the line metric=10 all routes will be advertised with a MED of 10. If in one of the services you add metric=20 that specific service will be advertised with a higher metric than the others.

Note that any changes made to the configuration file will automatically be applied once it has been saved - you do not need to reload/restart any services, it is all automatic. When you make a change to the config it is validated first, if the validation does not pass it will not be reloaded.

Configuration Options

Global Options

These options can all be set in the [global] section, the service checks will then inherit these options. All options set in the [global] section can be set on a per service basis.


# The interval determins how often health checks are ran (in seconds).
# An interval of 3 will wait 3 seconds between each health check.

# Wait N seconds for the check command to execute. The timeout must be
# lower than the interval. If the timeout is reached the service is assumed
# down and the process of withdrawing the route begins.

# The MED of all routes being announced. Must be between 1 and 1000.

# How many times the service check must pass before the service is considered
# up. If this is set to 5, the service must pass 5 health checks before the
# route will be announced.

# How many times the service check must fail before the service is considered
# down. If this is set to 5, the service must fail 5 health checks before the
# route will be withdrawn.

# Log location. This must be a full path to a file. If the file does not exist
# it will be created (if the permissions allow it). If the file cannot be
# created the script will error and exit. Errors will be logged to
# [filename].err and debug to [filename].debug (if enabled).

# Log the output of the check command to the debug log. Requires debug=yes

# Enable the debug log

Service Options

The following options are set per service and are required, these are the bare minimum configuration options you can set for each service. You can also set any of the [global] values if required.


# The next hop IP address for the route to be advertised with BGP. This will
# usually be the servers main IP address. This IP must belong to the same
# address family as the IP's being announced.

# The command to use for health check. This can be anything you like - a bash
# one liner or a script etc. The command that is executed MUST have an exit
# code of 0 for success. Any other exit code is considered fail.

# IP addresses to announce. You can specify as many as you like. Ensure that
# the IP addresses all belong to the same address family as the nexthop IP.
# If you do not specify a mask for the IP address it is assumed to be /128 for
# IPv6 and /32 for IPv4.

# If this file exists the service will be considered down. You can use this to
# disable the service easily - simple touch the file and the routes will be
# withdrawn. Once you are done, remove the file and the service will start
# being checked again.


Advertise IPv4 and IPv6 services

For this example, we will create a service named servicev4 which will advertise the IPv4 address and A second service will be named servicev6 which will advertise the IPv6 address fd12:3456:ffff:1::1/128. The server running ExaBGP has the IPv4 address and the IPv6 address 2001:0DB8::1.


