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shthead edited this page May 12, 2016 · 3 revisions

System Requirements

First make sure that you have a working copy of Perl along with the required modules installed. See the System Requirements page for a list of required modules and installation instructions.

Install ExaBGP

Install ExaBGP as usual.

For the instructions that follow below, we will be assuming that the ExaBGP configuration resides in /etc/exabgp. If the files go in a different directory in your installation, substituate it in all relevant commands.

Configure ExaBGP

A sample ExaBGP configuration file is included in the repository. The BGP peer should be configured as normal in ExaBGP but a "process" should be defined for each service in the configuration file.

As an example, if you have 2 services configured, you will need to add two process lines like this (replace service1 and service2 with your real service names):

  process service1 {
    run /etc/exabgp/ -c announce -n service1;

  process service2 {
    run /etc/exabgp/ -c announce -n service2;


Copy the file from the repository to /etc/exabgp. Make sure it is executable (chmod +x /etc/exabgp/


Create a configuration file for the script at /etc/exabgp/healthcheck.conf. It is possible to install the configuration file anywhere you like, but for this installation we will keep it simple.

The configuration file is an ini style configuration, it must contain at least two sections. The first section should be the [global] configuration - the global configuration settings will be used for all services but you can override them on a per service basis if required. The second section should be the first service you would like to create, subsequent services can be defined if required as well.

For a complete overview on the configuration options as well as samples of the configuration see the Configuration File page.

Create Directories

By default the script requires write access to these directories:

  • /var/healthcheck - The status for services will be written to files in this directory

To change the /var/healthcheck directory to a different location, edit and change the value of $healthdir.

The script will also require write access to the directory where the logs will be stored. The log file path is set per service (or globally), so ensure that it can be written to.

Validate configuration

Run the script with the validate option to validate the configuration file - if anything is missing it will let you know:

root@server:~# /etc/exabgp/ -c validate
Validating configuration for check service1: Valid
Validating configuration for check service2: Valid

Test run

Run the script with the announce option - this will run the script the same way ExaBGP will run it. Debug messages will be printed to the console, no routes will actually be announced. You should do this for each service defined. After it has started wait for a few seconds to let the first checks run, you should see an announcement line shortly after. As an example:

root@test:~# /etc/exabgp/ -c announce -n service1
2016/05/12 14:07:09 700 DEBUG service1: Check start
2016/05/12 14:07:09 700 DEBUG service1: Attempting to fork and run check command [timeout 2 host -t soa testingresolution-$(date +%s).com | grep -q "has no SOA record"]
2016/05/12 14:07:09 700 DEBUG service1: Executed check command [timeout 2 host -t soa testingresolution-$(date +%s).com | grep -q "has no SOA record"]. Return code [0]
2016/05/12 14:07:09 700 INFO service1: Last check succeeded. Service needs 4 checks to succeed before it is active
2016/05/12 14:07:09 700 DEBUG service1: Check complete. Sleeping 3 seconds before next check
2016/05/12 14:07:12 700 DEBUG service1: Check start
2016/05/12 14:07:12 700 DEBUG service1: Attempting to fork and run check command [timeout 2 host -t soa testingresolution-$(date +%s).com | grep -q "has no SOA record"]
2016/05/12 14:07:12 700 DEBUG service1: Executed check command [timeout 2 host -t soa testingresolution-$(date +%s).com| grep -q "has no SOA record"]. Return code [0]
2016/05/12 14:07:12 700 INFO service1: Last check succeeded. Service needs 3 checks to succeed before it is active
2016/05/12 14:07:12 700 DEBUG service1: Check complete. Sleeping 3 seconds before next check

Start ExaBGP

You can now start ExaBGP. Verify that your router is receiving the BGP announcements. Everything should be working.

I recommend having a read of the CLI Usage page once everything is running.