What's Changed
- jsonnet/manifests/example: Update/generate nodeSelector to kubernetes.io/os instead of beta.kubernetes.io/os by @slashpai in #241
- Add bucket replicate component by @yeya24 in #237
- Add functions to implement Thanos Receive split functionality by @ianbillett in #244
- Example: Fix missing common resources for (compact|store)-shards/receive-hashrings by @maxbrunet in #234
- Support scraping config-reloader sidecar for Thanos Ruler by @philipgough in #245
- Compact: make service headless by @stevehipwell in #247
- Update dns discovery links (#242) by @aletessier in #250
- Add extra env vars to all components deployed with kube-thanos by @mwasilew2 in #251
New Contributors
- @slashpai made their first contribution in #241
- @ianbillett made their first contribution in #244
- @philipgough made their first contribution in #245
- @stevehipwell made their first contribution in #247
- @aletessier made their first contribution in #250
- @mwasilew2 made their first contribution in #251
Full Changelog: v0.22.0...v0.23.0