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Liam edited this page Oct 7, 2019 · 3 revisions

Key Points

  • Presentation went well
    • Feedback:
      • Differentiate between adult / child Wilbur easily
      • Fixed Level Design needs increasing difficulty. Levels should progressively get more complex/difficult.
    • Started writing the design docs and came up with a few level ideas which are linked in the "Level IDeas" page.
    • Decided that it would be best to create an info-graphic for the design doc showcasing our main character, the main mechanic that the game is based around (time travel), level design ideologies, and a basic Domain Model UML to show the relations between the entities in the game.
    • The team started programming the basic mechanics of the game and having a base project that everyone is able to clone and work on top of.
    • Asset creation is being done on the side by some team members as well as further ideas for level design
    • The team is also spending time learning Unity on their own

Next Steps

  • The team plans on taking a pair programming approach where we program in 3 groups of 2 and are assigned a level or a physics component that has to be implemented.
  • The team also plans on still brainstorming on level designs and puzzles