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Component: Variable Catalog

Toni Moreno edited this page Nov 2, 2021 · 9 revisions

Variable Catalog

The variable catalog let us to define variable names ( and its default values if not redefined before) to use on STRINGEVAL metric types, These variables could be redefined on each device maintaining the metric formula definition across devices.


Available Variables are shown as table. This will appear every time you navigate from menu.


Add/Edit Variables to the catalog

  • Add: In the catalog list click on new button New Button

  • Edit: In the catalog list click the edit's button Edit Button

The Create/Modify form will show up:


Configuration Parameters

These are the following parameters, that let you create an usable Variable

Type of settings Config Parameter Description
Variable settings ID Text String that uniquely identify the variable ( and will be placed on STRINGEVAL formulas)
type The type of the variable ( STRINGEVAL could be used to generate numbers as well as strings, as the evaluation engine let us a lot of expresions see ! EVALUATION MANUAL
Value The default value if not redefined elsewhere
Extra settings Description Some useful description to administrators

Variable Redefinition

All variables could be redefined on the host definition as "Device Variables" with its custom value , if not redefined but used on any of the measurements defined in the device the default value will be taken.

Multi edit in Variable Catalog

Multi edit has 2 options: Remove and Change property

  1. Remove: Allows to remove all the selected items

  2. Change property: Allows to change the selected property of all the selected items. The properties are the same defined in the configuration.

Property Type Options/Values
Type Input Type of the new variable
Value Input Value of the new variable