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Special search parameters

Brian Wandell edited this page Jan 27, 2019 · 5 revisions

We added some utility parameters that are for 'quality of life.'

Search string

You can add a parameter 'string', which does a free form search within the other parameter constraints. For example, this is a search for acquisitions that have the string 'BOLD_EPI' somewhere in a label, name, or note.

[acquisitions,srchCmd] ='acquisition',...
    'project label exact','ALDIT', ...


It is possible to search for information about the groups using the database. This information includes their project names and users. For example, to list all of groups use'group','all')

Other 'group' search parameters are'group','all names');       % All group names'group','name',groupName);  % Details about a particular group'group','users',groupName); % Users from a group'group','all labels');      % Groups appear to have both labels and names

Partial and exact matches

When searching for an object based on its label (or name), you can specify an exact match or a partial match. For example, on the vistalab site we have a project with the label 'VWFA' and several other projects that include 'VWFA' in the label.
A search based on 'contains' is case insensitive; 'exact' is case-sensitive.

When we search for a project label exact 'VWFA'

projects ='project',...
    'project label exact','VWFA');
Found 1 (project)

It is possible to find all the projects that contain the string 'VWFA' as well.

projects ='project',...
    'project label contains','vwfa');
Found 3 (project)

 project label
	1 - VWFA FOV 
	2 - VWFA 
	3 - VWFA FOV Hebrew 

Labels and names

Most objects are described by a label. There is one exception, however. When we search for files we search on the name, not the label. The exact vs. contains options are used for the label describing session, analysis, acquisition, collection, and the file name.

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