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RVLE Port for vle 1.1

rtrepos edited this page Oct 24, 2014 · 12 revisions

RVLE is a port of VLE on the software R. It offers the possibility to launch simulations of VLE models from R and to get results into the format of R structures.

Table of content:

### Get source code

An archive of source code can be found on the Download Page of vle-1.1

You can also get sources from git repository

git clone
cd rvle/
git checkout -b v1.1 origin/v1.1 

### Install package for Linux

Get source code and read the README.rst file at the root of the directory.

### Get binary for Win32

You can get Win32 binary of rvle on the Download Page of vle-1.1

### Generate binary on Win32 (not recommended)

It is assumed that you used the standard procedure described [here] (Get-vle-from-sources-for-vle-1.1#buildwin32) to build vle. Use a MinGW shell, not that we use the windows prompt for vle .

export PATH=/C/MinGW/msys/1.0/bin:/c/Program\ Files/R/R-3.1.0/bin/:/c/Rtools/bin:/c/gtkmm/bin:/c/natifvle/install/vle/bin:$PATH
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/c/gtkmm/lib/pkgconfig:/C/MinGW/lib/pkgconfig:/c/natifvle/install/vle/lib/pkgconfig
export BOOST_ROOT=/C/natifvle/install/boost

> install.packages("RUnit")
> q()

cd /c/natifvle/rvle
cd ..
R CMD INSTALL --build rvle