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Gauthier Quesnel edited this page Aug 26, 2013 · 1 revision

This page describes how to contribute to the VLE project. Achieving a patch occurs in three stages: download sources code, build patch and mail to the maintainer.

To work with VLE and Git:

# Clone the public branch of VLE
git clone git://

# Create a local branch (fix) where you build patchs:
git checkout -b fix origin/master

# Update the source code:
[...edit... emacs... vim... eclipse...]

# To add, move and remove files:
git add / git mv / git rm files

# Build a patch:
git commit

# return to step update the source code to add another commit
# or continue to send patchs.

# The final step, we create list of patchs (one by commit) since laste clone:
git format-patch origin/master

The last command is intended to create as many paths that commit. Send these files to the developers mailing list.

Style for Patchs

The commit-msg have a well-defined syntax in two parts. The first one briefly shows the goal of the commit. The second contains a complete description with references to the Github issues. For instance: (close #12345678, close #23456789)

  • The syntax:
library: 51 characters of text to briefly resume the commit

A complete description of the patch. How ? Why ?
The length of each lines does not exceed 80 characters.

* You can use lists, items.
* etc.
  • Remarks:

  • The string ''library'' defines the library you change. For instance graph: for libvlegraph, devs for libvledevs, etc. You can use win32 if your commit fix a bug or feature request in the Win32 port. examples for a commit in examples.

  • The first line must be short and understandable with classic words like: add, update, fix, delete.

  • The description should be as complete as possible.

  • Examples:

gvle: fix bug on removing pages from editor

To remove the pages of the container of the editor, a wrong algorithm was
applied. A segmentation fault was occurring when a new project was opened, and
remaining pages of the previous one still available. (closes #2895373).
oov: add julian date parameter for SimpleFile

The csv, rdata and txt outputs (inherit of SimpleFile) have a new julian-day
parameter to add a column called 'Julian-Day' to convert the simulation time
the julian date. (closes #2882339)

- Before: 421332 1.2 2.3 3.4
- After: 42332 2008/10/21:hh:mm::ss 1.2 2.3 3.4
gvle: fix bug on menu and modification indicator

* Several menu items are not hidden or shown in the correct situation
  (closes #2889921, #2889385, #2889418).
* Remove 'Top model' in ModelTree (closes #2889382).
* Clear ModelTree when a project is closing (closes #2889370).
* When a simulation is launching, the modification indicator is checked.
* Simplify OpenPackageBox and OpenVpzBox classes, and add selection of a vpz
  with double click or enter.
* Check new/delete operators.
* Check coding style.