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Setup VoIP telephony

Piotr Oniszczuk edited this page Nov 12, 2020 · 4 revisions


MiniMyth2 offers very basic support for receiving/making telephony calls via SIP based VoIP telephony. Functionally it means that i.e. when there is incoming call - MiniMyth2 frontend will:

  • pause playback
  • display OSD with 4 user choices:
  • pressing numeric key "1" on remote will receive incoming call
  • pressing numeric key "2" on remote will resume playback, play voice-mail ann. and record call in background
  • pressing numeric key "3" on remote will play voice-mail ann. and listen caller
  • pressing numeric key "4" on remote will reject call and resume playback

Voice communication is realised by speakers connected to MiniMyth2 fronted (the same used as audio output in all MythTV functions) and microphone connected to MiniMyth2 frontend (currently only analog Mic was tested)

How It Works

MiniMyth2 has build-in simple SIP daemon. This MiniMyth2 build-in SIP daemon will:

  • register to local SIP server (i.e. Asterisk running on Your backed)
  • connect to MiniMyth2 audio speakers and microphone for audio communiction
  • control MythTV frontend (displaying OSD, controlling playback, showing phone-book on them menu, play & record voice-mail)
  • listen remote keys to receive user commands


To have working SIP telephony - basically You need to:

  1. setup central local SIP server (i.e. Asterisk)
  2. manage to get working Mic connected to MiniMyth2 frontend
  3. enable & configure SIP VoIP client function in MiniMyth2

Local SIP server setup

I developed MiniMyth2 VoIP functionality using Asterisk as local SIP server. In my setup it is Asterisk package installed on my home central server (which also runs MythTV backend). Following configuration was need to get my local SIP server working with multiple MiniMyth2 frontends and also with public VoIP provider offering for me public phone number usable as normal public phone number for incoming and outgoing calls:

Rest of Asterisk configuration files are can be factory default (they are my working setup). With above config You should be able to (after starting Asterisk):

  • register with Your public IP VoIP telephony provider
  • connect local SIP phone to this local SIP server
  • make local-to-local and local-to-public VoIP phone calls

Setup Mic connected to MiniMyth2 frontend

to be added...

Setup & Configure MiniMyth2 VoIP client

To Setup & Configure MiniMyth2 VoIP client You need to do following steeps:

  • First You need to configure MiniMyth2 SIP client by editing sip-daemon.conf. Key parameters to edit are:
sip_registrar                = <IP addr. of Asterisk SIP server>
user                         = konto-201[202..208]
password                     = <local_pass set in Asterisks sip.conf>

Above values should correspond to values You set in Asterisk config. When You correctly fill this file - You need to put this file in conf-ro dir.

  • Next You may edit phone-book and add desired phones numbers: phone-book.xml When You correctly fill this file - You need to put in in conf-ro dir.
  • Last steep is enable VoIP SIP feature in minimyth.conf file by adding: MM_VOIP_ENABLED='yes' and MM_VOIP_LOAD_CONFIG='yes' and reboot MiniMyth2 fronted.

After reboot You may examine SIP daemon log on MiniMyth2 build-in web server and see is frontend successfully registered in Your Asterisk SIP server.


When You enable SIP Telephony function - You should see new entry on MainManu called "Telephony". Entering this option will switch You to sub-menu where You can:

  • make outgoing calls
  • listen recorded voice-mails
  • terminate ongoing call