Welcome to the LeetCode Solutions repository! Here, you'll find daily solutions to LeetCode problems, complete with detailed explanations and code in multiple languages.
Problem Number | Problem Name | Jump into Code | Explanation | Difficulty Level |
40 | Combination Sum II | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
273 | Integer to English Words | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Hard |
350 | Intersection of Two Arrays II | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Easy |
386 | Lexicographical Numbers | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
432 | All O`one Data Structure | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Hard |
440 | K-th Smallest in Lexicographical Order | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Hard |
476 | Number Complement | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Easy |
567 | Permutation in String | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
632 | Smallest Range Covering Elements from K Lists | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Hard |
641 | Design Circular Deque | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
650 | 2 Keys Keyboard | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
664 | Strange Printer | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Hard |
670 | Maximum Swap | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
703 | Kth Largest Element in a Stream | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Easy |
719 | Find K-th Smallest Pair Distance | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Hard |
729 | My Calendar I | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
731 | My Calendar II | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
796 | Rotate String | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Easy |
840 | Magic Squares In Grid | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
862 | Shortest Subarray with Sum at Least K | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Hard |
885 | Spiral Matrix III | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
947 | Most Stones Removed with Same Row or Column | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
959 | Regions Cut By Slashes | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
962 | Maximum Width Ramp | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
1105 | Filling Bookcase Shelves | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
1106 | Parsing A Boolean Expression | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Hard |
1140 | Stone Game II | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
1277 | Count Square Submatrices with All Ones | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
1331 | Rank Transform of an Array | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Easy |
1381 | Design a Stack With Increment Operation | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
1405 | Longest Happy String | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
1460 | Make Two Arrays Equal by Reversing Subarrays | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Easy |
1497 | Check If Array Pairs Are Divisible by k | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
1509 | Minimum Difference Between Largest and Smallest Value in Three Moves | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
1545 | Find Kth Bit in Nth Binary String | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
1568 | Minimum Number of Days to Disconnect Island | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Hard |
1574 | Shortest Subarray to be Removed to Make Array Sorted | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
1590 | Make Sum Divisible by P | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
1598 | Crawler Log Folder | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Easy |
1671 | Minimum Number of Removals to Make Mountain Array | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Hard |
1701 | Average Waiting Time | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
1813 | Sentence Similarity III | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
1823 | Find the Winner of the Circular Game | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
1829 | Maximum XOR for Each Query | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
1894 | Find the Winner of the Circular Game | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
1937 | Maximum Number of Points with Cost | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
1942 | The Number of the Smallest Unoccupied Chair | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
1957 | Delete Characters to Make Fancy String | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Easy |
2022 | Convert 1D Array Into 2D Array | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Easy |
2044 | Count Number of Maximum Bitwise-OR Subsets | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
2053 | Kth Distinct String in an Array | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Easy |
2064 | Minimized Maximum of Products Distributed to Any Store | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
2070 | Most Beautiful Item for Each Query | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
2134 | Minimum Swaps to Group All 1's Together II | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
2275 | Largest Combination With Bitwise AND Greater Than Zero | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
2406 | Divide Intervals Into Minimum Number of Groups | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
2416 | Sum of Prefix Scores of Strings | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Hard |
2490 | Circular Sentence | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Easy |
2491 | Divide Players Into Teams of Equal Skill | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
2501 | Longest Square Streak in an Array | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
2530 | Maximal Score After Applying K Operations | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
2563 | Count the Number of Fair Pairs | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
2601 | Prime Subtraction Operation | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
2678 | Number of Senior Citizens | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Easy |
2684 | Maximum Number of Moves in a Grid | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
2696 | Minimum String Length After Removing Substrings | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Easy |
2707 | Extra Characters in a String | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
2751 | Robot Collisions | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Hard |
2938 | Separate Black and White Balls | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
3043 | Find the Length of the Longest Common Prefix | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
3163 | String Compression III | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
3254 | Find the Power of K-Size Subarrays I | C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go | Explanation | Medium |
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