This project aims to solve the 8 puzzle problem using A* search algorithm.
The 8-puzzle problem is a puzzle invented and popularized by Noyes Palmer Chapman in the 1870s. It is played on a 3-by-3 grid with 8 square blocks labeled 1 through 8 and a blank square. The goal is to rearrange the blocks so that they are in order.
A* (A-star) search algorithm is used to solve the 8-puzzle problem.
- Anaconda distribution package
- Jupyter Notebook
Import the files into your project.
Run the project with Juypter Notebook.
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Tan Yuan Jie 💻 📖 🤔 |
lwleo02 💻 📖 🤔 |
kaii411 💻 📖 🤔 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!