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Releases: zuazo/dockerspec

0.5.0 (2017-08-30)

30 Aug 20:41
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Travis CI 0.5.0 Build Status

Added in 0.5.0

Fixed in 0.5.0

  • Fix OS detection with Specinfra 2.71.
  • README: Fix small grammar error.

0.4.1 (2017-03-21)

20 Mar 23:59
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Travis CI Build Status

Fixed in 0.4.1

  • README: Fix latest dockerspec version in the instructions.

0.4.0 (2017-03-20)

20 Mar 16:51
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Travis CI master Build Status

Added in 0.4.0

Changed in 0.4.0

Removed in 0.4.0

  • Drop Ruby < 2.2 support.

Fixed in 0.4.0

Improved in 0.4.0

  • ItsContainer: rename container_name variable to avoid confussion.

Documentation Changes in 0.4.0

  • Document dir parameter in Builder#build_from_string.
  • CHANGELOG: Follow "Keep a CHANGELOG".
  • Add GitHub templates.
    • Document how to require the gem.
    • Add Presentations section.
    • Add a TOC.
    • Add documentation links.

0.3.0 (2016-02-28)

28 Feb 20:21
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Travis CI Build Status

Breaking Changes on 0.3.0

  • Enable options[:rm] by default.

New Features on 0.3.0

  • Add Docker Compose support.
  • Add Infrataster and Capybara support.
  • Add :wait option to docker_run and docker_compose.
  • Add described_image helper for docker_run.
  • Support integer values with have_expose matcher.
  • Make require 'dockerspec' optional.

Fixes on 0.3.0

  • Fix :env in docker_run with Serverspec.
  • Fix Must have id error when building images from IDs with tags.

Improvements on 0.3.0

  • Update RuboCop to 0.37, fix new offenses.
  • Runner classes split into Engine::Base and Runner::Base.
  • Add support for multiple testing engines.
  • Add a Configuration class to setup the internal modularization.
  • Rename many classes.

Documentation Changes on 0.3.0

    • Move the documentation below examples.
    • Add many examples.

0.2.0 (2015-12-11)

11 Dec 12:48
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Travis CI Build Status

New Features on 0.2.0

  • Set some opinionated RSpec configurations.
  • Print Docker errors in a more readable format.

Fixes on 0.2.0

  • Fix undefined method error in the outermost examples.

Documentation Changes on 0.2.0

  • Add examples for #have_cmd using string format.
    • Improve Ruby documentation.
    • Change gem badge to point to RubyGems.
    • Add Real-world examples section.

0.1.0 (2015-12-09)

11 Dec 02:39
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Travis CI Build Status

  • Initial release of dockerspec.