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Ban a player

AXOME edited this page Mar 7, 2023 · 1 revision

Ban a player from your server using Austeritas

If nothing helps, a ban can be a great way of giving the players a chance to calm down between each other. Using Austeritas, you can ban players from the web interface. Follow this easy guide to learn how to ban players.

Step by step

  1. Log in to your Austeritas account.
  2. Select "Ban a player" from the dashboard.
  3. Enter the player name or select it from the list at the side.
  4. Type how long you would like to ban the player. On the left side, you can enter a number, while on the right side, you can enter a time dimension such as minutes, hours, days, weeks and months. If you need to ban the player permanently, simply enter ANY number on the left side and "permanent" on the right one.

Important to note!

Austeritas has a "clock" running inside of it, ticking every 10 minutes per default. You can change the interval in The clock checks the ban of each player each "tick". Therefore, bans may last for 10 minutes more than specified. The huge performance boost the clock system brings Austeritas overweights this little disadvantage, which is why it's built into it.


Players can try appealing their bans, which is why you should keep an eye to the "Player support" region of your dashboard. All players who asked for a removal of their ban are listed there. You can decide whether it's okay for them to join again or to keep the ban in place.