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BehzadKhosravifar edited this page Oct 10, 2015 · 2 revisions

Make Class Schedule


The Professor class has an ID, Name, Branch of Professor, Email, Education Degree and free time Schedule. It also contains a list of classes that a professor teaches.


For adding free times schedule to a professor, click on "Schedule" button's to open the following window.


And select free times slot in weekdays. Weekdays be started from Saturday to Friday, and day times for university is from 8 to 20 by 1 hour steps.

Schedule column's in Professor Data form's is free times schedule but compiled by this grammar:

/// Schedule Scanner and Parser Grammar's:
///   S -> ɛ;
///   S -> FREE;
///   S -> A;
///   B -> & A;
///   B -> ɛ;
///   A -> E { T } B;
///   E -> SUN;
///   E -> MON;
///   E -> THU;
///   E -> WED;
///   E -> THR;
///   E -> FRI;
///   E -> SAT;
///   D -> & T;
///   D -> ɛ;
///   T -> N ~ N D;
///   N -> 8;
///   N -> 9;
///   N -> 10;
///   N -> 11;
///   N -> 12;
///   N -> 13;
///   N -> 14;
///   N -> 15;
///   N -> 16;
///   N -> 17;
///   N -> 18;
///   N -> 19;
///   N -> 20;

So to make changes on the compiled free times schedule's, must be used of grammar. For example, a professor have free times on Sunday from 12 to 18 hours and on Tuesday from 10 to 14 hours. Then compile the free time schedule for him is such: "SUN { 12 ~ 13 & 13 ~ 14 & 14 ~ 15 & 15 ~ 16 & 16 ~ 17 & 17 ~ 18 } & THU { 10 ~ 11 & 11 ~ 12 & 12 ~ 13 & 13 ~ 14 }"

  • However, if a professor is to free all the time. Then compile free time schedule is : "FREE".
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