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Hypnootize edited this page Oct 27, 2023 · 5 revisions

The HUD features different color presets that can be applied from the customization menu, you can choose to either apply a custom theme or manually fine tune each color.

NOTE: All color changes, Damage preset excluded, require a game restart


When a theme is selected the HUD will automatically apply the selected theme color to certain HUD elements: Health Buff, Full Ubercharge and Menu Accents

If you wish to change some aspect of the theme you can then manually fine tune the color by using the preset color pickers under each HUD element.

Here is a quick showcase of the colors:


You can choose to apply the selected colors to the HUD shadows or directly to the numbers, here is a showcase of both:


In the chance that the color you are looking for isn't part of the presets, you can opt to edit the colors directly from m0rehud/resource/scheme/colors_scheme.res, in this file you can find a long list of color aliases which can be modified at your pleasure by editing the R(Red) G(Green) B(Blu) A(Alpha) code attached to each color name!

NOTE: The colors that were previously applied from the menu will have priority over this file, however this is only true for this part of the file, any edit made to these colors won't be shown unless the previously applied colors are reset. To reset the colors the m0_colors_reset alias can be run in console.