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Hypnootize edited this page Oct 26, 2023 · 3 revisions


HUD Crosshairs can be enabled and edited directly from m0rehud's Customizations Menu, here the size, style, color and flashing can be adjusted, however there are some extra features not yet implemented in the menu:

Crosshair Positioning

The HUD Crosshair, once enabled, can be manually repositioned from m0rehud/Resource/UI/Customizations/Crosshair/Crosshair_Base.res by editing the "xpos" and "ypos" under "CustomCrosshair", it will be set to "cs-0.5" by default which I find the best positioning method as it allows the use of decimal values to almost perfectly center the crosshair. For example, you can use values such as "cs-0.515", to move the crosshair pixel by pixel until is perfectly aligned!

Multiple Crosshairs

Inside m0rehud/Resource/UI/Customizations/Crosshair/Crosshair_Base.res you can find two crosshair elements "CustomCrosshair" which is the main crosshair that is directly edited by the customizations menu and "CustomCrosshair2" which can be used as an extra crosshair along side the main one, this is the one we want to focus on.

The extra crosshair can be enabled by setting it's "visible" value to "1", while the style can be changed by editing the "labelText" (you can see which values you can use from the screenshot above) and the size by editing the "font" value, the size goes from 10 to 32 but only takes even numbers!


Just like the Crosshairs Hirmarkers can be enabled and edited directly from m0rehud's Customizations Menu, but the positioning needs to be manually adjusted, this can be done from m0rehud/Resource/UI/Customizations/Crosshair/Hitmarker_Base.res by once again adjusting the "xpos" and "ypos" values.

So far the Customization Menu offers a limited amount of hitmarkers, however it can be manually edited to show any of the crosshair styles in the picture above. To do so inside Hitmarker_Base.res edit the "labelText" value to feature any of the characters from the crosshair picture, then open the game and run in console the m0_hitmarker_style_clear alias to make sure any previous Hirmarker selection is reset.