Releases: JiHong88/suneditor
Releases · JiHong88/suneditor
- Romanian (ro) translation added. #379 (@andreyciocan)
New feature
- An image gallery has been added. #270
- An image gallery button has been added to the image modal.
option has been added.- ImageGallery has been added to the button list for use at toolbar.
- Updated
feature.- Feature of responsive toolbar and more button. #368
- Feature of alignment of the button groups.
option has been added. #342shortcutsHint
options have been added. #387- toggleCodeView and toggleFullScreen events have been added. #386
- Fixed an issue when inserting a custom tag in the editor. #375 , description
- Modified to return the file list can be returned in the "uploadBefore" event . #378
- When the menu is activated, the direction and length of the menu change depending on the margin of the browser. #382
- The video tag has been modified to work properly even if a source tag is added. #381
- Deleted the behavior of adding a new row when inserting a component. #390
- Line break is visible even when selecting a component.
- Fixed a bug where ZeroWidthSpace is deleted from minified js file. #356
- Fixed a tabIndex of the toolbar buttons. #370 (@madarche)
- Fixed a bug where browser compatibility of minimized css files was broken. #300
- Fixed a bug when checking the wrong image structure. #374
- Fixed a bug where previously set options were initialized when using setOptions method. #342 #383
- Fixed a bug where the line break appeared even when the editor was disabled. #376
- Fixed a bug that occurred when re-creating after removing the editor. #368 (comment)
- Fixed a bug that space is delete when paste from MS word. #338
- Fixed a bug where format tags were not created in certain situations. #385, #388
- Fixed a bug where a table was deleted when delete text. #389 #393
- 테이블 셀에서 쌍자음 입력시 한글 문자가 깨지던 버그 수정.
- Updated *.d.ts files #371
- Added property: util.isOSX_IOS
- Italian(it) translation added #323 (@regololab)
New feature
- Added tableCellControllerPosition option to define the position of the table cell controller. #355
- Added tabDisable option to disable default editor's tab action. #343
- Added getFilesInfo function to get file infomation list.
- Added file upload to video plugin.
- options:
- events:
- options:
- Added audio plugin.
- options:
- events:
- options:
- Added fileManager and component module.
- A iframeCSSFileName option have been modified to allow data url. #360 (@rwhite226)
- Fixed onDrop event to be called before data is applied. #349
- Updated to support shadow DOM. #365 (@rwhite226)
- Fix onBlur type definition of d.ts file. #351 (@wxjzeke)
- Fixed a bug that caused an error when the
option was false. #347 #357 - Fixed a bug where file information such as images were not initialized after using the
method. - Fixed a bug where single quotes became double quotes after viewing the source #335 #337 (@rwaldron)
- Fixed a bug when using
option #339 - Fixed a bug where the tag disappeared after node modification in certain situations. #331 #327
- Fixed a bug where tables were not deleted due to selection and deletion when there were only tables in the editor. (in Firefox) #333
- Fixed a bug the size not applied of inserted image at
method. #353 - Fixed a bug where cleanHTML not working when paste in IE. #345
- Fixed error when component check action. #336
- Fixed a bug when node change where nested line.
- Fixed a bug where image caption is positioned incorrectly when rotating an image.
- Modified
style to nomal. #340 - Deleted a
variable. - Modified a
- A fixed column width button has been added to the table editing controller.
- A onVideoUpload event and getVideosInfo function has been added.
- Fixed A bug that caused a blur event when clicking lineBreaker #318
- Fixed a bug where data was not accurately counted according to the charCounterType option when pasting.
- Fixed a bug where other option values "height", "maxHeight" and "minHeight" were not applied when using defaultStyle.
- Fixed a bug when deleting and check components such as images and videos.
- d.ts files have been added so that the editor can support TypeScript. #287 #293 #311 (@tswistak)
- Modified the z-index of the controller to be higher than the toolbar. #313
- Fixed a bug where the focus object was set outside the editor in certain situations. #312
- Fixed a bug that could not modify the image after calling redo or undo.
- Fixed a bug where the line breaker did not appear in the center of the on left or right aligned components.
- Fixed a bug where the vertical size did not change when specifying the percentage size in the resizing module.
- Changed name of util.changeIcon -> util.changeElement
Hotfix (v2.28.1)
- Fixed a bug with text nodes disappearing when changing text style in nested lists
- Improved the display location of the balloon-toolbar and submenu when there is not enough space on the page. #294
- Fixed a bug that sometimes the focus did not move to the end depending on the type of the inserted node in the functions.insertHTML method.
Hotfix (v2.28.0)
- Fixed a bug where the editor did not work properly when using the iframe and fullPage options in FireFox.
- Fixed a bug where the image and table were deleted when deleting a character after selecting a range from table or image.
- Added line breaker to add lines when there are no lines above or below the component.
- The underline has been replaced from
. #285 - Added options imageHeight and videoHeight. #305
- Added type the "byte-html" to the charCounterType option. #281
- Improve the consistency check before rendering the HTML in the editor. #292 #297 #299
- The method of adding of the custom plugin has been improved. #custom_plugins
- Fixed a bug where the text was erased when changing the text style in certain situations.
- Fixed a bug where history stack was not added after pasting a text node #296
- Fixed a bug in which text style changes of externally pasted tables did not work properly. #291 (#288 #289 #290)
- Fixed a bug an HTML comments rendering #286
- Fixed a bug where rows above a table cannot be deleted #284
- Fixed a bug onChange event is not fired when removing styled text #301
- Fixed a bug where select tags disabled in custom plugin #302
- Fixed a bug where submenu would appear in the wrong location when the toolbar width is short than submenu width #294
- Adjusted the call location of functions related to history more efficiently.
- Properties added or modified to the functions:
getCharCount, insertHTML - Properties added or modified to the core:
nativeFocus, insertNode, removeNode, cleanHTML, convertContentsForEditor - Properties added or modified to the util:
isTextStyleElement, splitElement
- The following options has been added.
- The onInput event have been added.
- Fixed a bug where HTML comments were added as text to the body. #277 #278
- 범위 선택없이 텍스트 노드에 스타일을 줄때, 해당 노드에서 처음 한글입력시 한글 조합이 깨지던 버그 수정 #268
- Properties added or modified to the util:
isIE, isIE_Edge, getByteLength, getPageStyle
- Fixed a bug that caused an infinite loop in certain situations when the LI tag containing a nested list was deleted.
- Removed the web font and replaced it with Inline svg. (The "fonts" folder has been deleted) #215
- Added a index.d.ts TypeScript file. #197 #243 @serialine
- Added a showController event. #231
- Added a defaultStyle option and setDefaultStyle function. #25
- Added a functions object to "core".
- Fixed a bug that caused the editor to focus after setContents. #246
- Fixed a bug that wrong text node change. #249
- Fixed a bug where the last cell was not selected when selecting multiple cells in a table. #261
- Fixed a bug that wrong range selected after list indent.
- Fixed a bug that cannot delete selected content when the first element is "contenteditable=false" #237 #254
- Fixed a bug where some styles were missing when pasting in Chrome. #248
- Fixed a bug that sometimes generated font tags when deleting span tags. #259
- Fixed a bug that key event in table and editor. #250 #251 #252 #253 #256 #258
- Fixed a bug where onChange was not called when charCount was max. #255
- Fixed a bug where the function of the plugin could not be used when only the plugin was added. #263
- Fixed a bug where onBlur event was called when selecting a submenu. #257 #261
- Fixed a bug selected align option icon does not change. #262
- Chinese(zh_cn) translation has been fixed. #204 @zhaoyao91
- Added balloon-always mode. #208 #241
- Added a math plugin that uses the "KaTeX" library. #219 @himalay
- The katex option added.
- Added nested lists feature. #217 #233
- Added a blockquote command plugin.
- The method of adding a custom formatBlock and the class name have been modified. ("freeFormat" added)
- The pre(code) tag format has been modified to match that of other editor. (Like Froala editor)
- The formatBlock has been modified so that the name of the format menu is displayed instead of the tag. #190
- The toolbar no longer appears when the focus is on a table when in balloon mode. #209 #213
- Added onBlur and onFocus events. #198 #238
- Added addTagsWhitelist, pasteTagsWhitelist and attributesWhitelist options to possible edit the whitelist in the editor. #200 #203 #239
- Added onImageUploadBefore and imageUploadHandler functions. #220 #205
- The "core" object has been added to the arguments of events and functions.
- Added functions and hasFocus to the "core" object. #229 #238 #235
- Fixed a bug where the toolbar would not disappear when reselecting after selecting a text range in balloon mode. #212
- Fixed a bug where the toolbar would not disappear from the table when in balloon mode. #194
- Fixed a bug with the position of the balloon toolbar in divs with automatic overflow. #216
- Fixed a bug where history update and change event would not be called after using align button. #195
- Fixed a bug where the table was edited even when the editor was "disabled". #210
- Fixed a bug in the setOptions method. #202
- Fixed a bug where the history object was not removed immediately when calling the destory function. #226
- A bug that prevented the dialog window from working correctly when the imageFileInput option value was "false" was fixed. #230
- Fixed a bug that caused an error when adding "media(image, video)" with the setContents function in the fullPage option. #229
- Updated a how to create custom plugins and how to create "container" plugins. #225
- Added events:
onFocus, onBlur, onImageUploadBefore, imageUploadHandler - Methods added to the core object:
commandPlugins, splitNestedElement, splitElement, detachList, actionCall - Methods added to the util object:
setStyle, isFreeFormatElement, getFreeFormatElement, mergeSameTags, getArrayItem, detachNestedList, sortByDepth