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Controls Engineering in the FIRST Robotics Competition: Graduate-level control theory for high schoolers.


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Controls Engineering in the FIRST Robotics Competition

Graduate-level control theory for high schoolers

I originally wrote this as a final project for an undergraduate technical writing class I took at University of California, Santa Cruz in Spring 2017 (CMPE 185). It is intended as a digest of graduate-level control theory aimed at veteran FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) students who know algebra and a bit of physics. As I learned the subject of control theory, I found that it wasn't particularly difficult, but very few resources exist outside of academia for learning it. This book is intended to rectify that situation and provide a lower the barrier to entry to the field.

This book reads a lot like a reference manual on control theory and related tools. It teaches the reader how to start designing and implementing control systems for practical systems with an emphasis on pragmatism rather than theory. While the theory is mathematically elegant at times and helps inform what is going on, one shouldn't lose sight of how it behaves when applied to real systems.


A PDF version is available at (full link:

Running the examples

Example Python scripts can be obtained from frccontrol's Git repository at Furthermore, all scripts in the code directory are runnable by the user. They require Python 3.5+ and frccontrol. frccontrol can be installed with the following command.

pip3 install --user frccontrol

The scripts can be run as follows:


Some Linux platforms use tk as a backend for matplotlib, so that may need to be installed to see the plots.

Compiling the book

After installing the dependencies, just run make. It will produce a PDF named controls-engineering-in-frc.pdf.


To compile the book, the following packages are required.

Arch Linux

These can be installed via make setup_arch.

  • base-devel (for make to run the makefile)
  • biber (for generating bibliography)
  • ghostscript (to reduce size of final PDF for publishing)
  • inkscape (to convert SVGs to PDFs)
  • texlive-bibtexextra (for additional BibTeX styles and bibliography databases)
  • texlive-core (for latexmk and xelatex)
  • texlive-latexextra (for bibtex and makeglossaries)
  • python >= 3.6 (for generating plots)
  • python-pip (for installing required Python packages)


These can be installed via make setup_ubuntu.

  • biber (for generating bibliography)
  • build-essential (for make to run the makefile)
  • cm-super (for type1ec.sty)
  • ghostscript (to reduce size of final PDF for publishing)
  • inkscape (to convert SVGs to PDFs)
  • latexmk
  • texlive-bibtex-extra (for additional BibTeX styles and bibliography databases)
  • texlive-generic-extra (for miscellaneous LaTeX .sty files)
  • texlive-latex-extra (for bibtex and makeglossaries)
  • texlive-xetex (for xelatex)
  • python3 >= 3.6 (for generating plots)
  • python3-pip (for installing required Python packages)

Python packages

These packages are installed via pip3 (e.g., pip3 install --user frccontrol).

  • frccontrol (to provide FRC wrappers for Python Control and generate plots and state-space results)

The book's build process automatically sets these up in a venv so they don't have to be installed manually. Modifications to the Python package folders in build will be reflected in any scripts which use the venv.

The following packages are optional because the book can compile without them.

  • black (to format Python source code)
  • requests (for .tex HTTP link checker)

Style guide

All LaTeX labels, including bibliography entries, should use underscores to represent spaces between words instead of hyphens. Hyphens should only be used where the character being written is already a hyphen. .tex file names should use hyphens and .py file names should use underscores.

Glossary entries in glossary-entries.tex should be lexographically sorted by entry key. The entry key should be the same as the name. The words in the name should be lowercase, and the description should start with a capital letter and end with a period. The first sentence should be a fragment, but sentences after that, if applicable, should be complete.

Bibliography entries in controls-engineering-in-frc.bib should be sorted lexographically by label. Links to online videos should use the @misc tag. Links to online static resources like PDFs should use the @online tag.

Book content should answer the question why something works the way it does and how and when to use it to solve problems.

Future improvements

Teach topics more thoroughly

The book is still somewhat dense and fast-paced (it covers three classes of feedback control, two of which are for graduate students, in one short book). More examples of concepts should help slow the pace down. I should read through this book as if I was explaining it to my veteran software students and anticipate gaps in their understanding.

Add stubs for missing chapters, missing sections, and todo items.

All chapters

  • Fix book glossary (less self-referential?) and define terms on first use
    • Box at beginning of each chapter with terms?
  • Redefine variables used at start of each chapter, or when saying "using this thing from a previous section".
  • Add summary page to each chapter with relevant equations.
  • Add executive summaries of each chapter to facilitate tl;drs similar to what has been said in 1-on-1 discussions online when students don't understand.
  • Decompress walls of math. The Kalman filter derivation is a particularly big offender.
  • Reintroduce variables in later chapters that came from earlier chapters to avoid confusion and needing to trace a tree of references.
  • Add exercises at the end of each chapter (with solutions) for reader practice. This book is supposed to be "practical" after all.
    • This should help me see the points I want to teach in each chapter (since the students should be able to complete the problems) so I can make sure the chapter teaches it sufficiently.
    • Basically like implicit learning outcomes?

State-space controllers

  • Reorganize feedforward chapter
    • Move plant inversion proof to derivations appendix.
    • Add proof of pseudoinverse based on plant inversion proof to derivations appendix.
    • Move QR-weighted pseudoinverse to appendix. Only the plant inversion version has generally been used.
  • Add test of P vs PD controller for flywheel
    • Simulate flywheel with stochastic force applied to slow it down (simulates shots)
    • Try P controller, PD controller, P + FF, PD + FF, and P + FF + u_error
  • Add links to implementations

State-space model examples

  • Add examples of u_error state-space models to frccontrol and reference them in the book. Also do C++ examples.

Nonlinear control

  • Ramsete improvements
    • Add diagram to Ramsete that shows global and vehicle coordinate frames to help explain what the pose represents.
  • Consider removing linear drivetrain model/controller in favor of nonlinear one
    • The velocity part of the derivation could be folded into the nonlinear section because the position states were just an augmentation at the end anyway, and the nonlinear controller removes them in favor of global coordinates.
    • Add 5-state nonlinear drivetrain model to differential drive example

System modeling

  • Manipulator equations and Jacobians
    • Try deriving all models using Lagrangian mechanics instead and introduce manipulator equations
      • See this post and previous post on Jacobians
  • Add troubleshooting advice for models/impls.
  • Add "Partial derivative" to calculus methods appendix.
  • Finish chapters on calculus and dynamics.

Supplementary background

State-space controllers

  • Add section on controllability/observability Grammian for determining which states are uncontrollable/unobservable or which states are more/less controllable/observable.
  • Finish implicit model following
    • Make implicit model following derivation more rigorous. It's missing steps from the one-line cost functional to the matrix form.
    • Add implicit model following simulation
  • Finite horizon, discrete time LQR
  • Add a section on polytopes for convex optimization? So far, I've seen it used for handling saturated control inputs to prioritize tracking some states over others using the limited control input.
    • See 971/y2017/control_loops/python/
    • Start with how to turn a set of constraints into a matrix equation of the proper form for a polytope, then how to leverage the polytope libs for enforcing those constraints.

Stochastic control theory

  • Add an appendix on Ito calculus to explain where the Wiener process comes from?
  • Add KF examples for nonlinear drivetrain pose estimation
    • EKF, UKF, and comparison of the two
  • Derive the two-sensor problem from first principles. The two-sensor problem uses p(x) and p(z_1|x).

Motion planning

  • Add derivations for trapezoidal and S-curve profiles to the derivations appendix.
  • Add section on spline generation to complement motion profiling
    • Mention circular arc approximation
  • Configuration spaces
    • See this post on using configuration spaces for mechanism collision avoidance

Any other results that are good for background but are unnecessary should be included in an appendix.

Miscellaneous fixes

State-space controllers

  • Modify to find and plot real Pareto boundary for LQR instead of using a hand-wavey approximation

Nonlinear control

  • Make use frccontrol's update_plant() and update_controller()

System modeling

  • Double check drivetrain J calculation. It doesn't include robot radius, which seems suspicious.


This project, except for the software, is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. The software is released under the 3-clause BSD license.


Controls Engineering in the FIRST Robotics Competition: Graduate-level control theory for high schoolers.



BSD-3-Clause, CC-BY-SA-4.0 licenses found

Licenses found






No packages published


  • TeX 74.6%
  • Python 24.8%
  • Makefile 0.6%