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Detailed Designs

Logan Heckle edited this page Nov 2, 2017 · 9 revisions

All the square Xs are places for logos. I am aware these are very...bare bones. I'm not good at this and I'm sorry and more than willing to make revisions as we further decide how to structure all this. Contact Us Page ContactUs

FAQ/About Page AboutPage

Saved Data Page

All the square Xs are places for logos. I tried to match the color schema but I am more than willing to make revisions as we further decide how to structure all this.

When a user enters a query, monomania server carry out the process of interacting with other social media platforms and returniing results,graph, and video that related to the query. Monomania server is a results gathering server. Monomania stores each query as the account search history. We are going to build a cloude or some kind of Database in order to keep track of account search history.

Account Setting Pages Account setting page leads to three other pages : Login, Sign up, Accout Setting.

  1. Login page is where the user can able to log on the monomania server.
  2. Sign up page is where the user can able to sign up an account for monomania server, but the user need authoried Code to able create an account.
  3. Account Setting page : User can able to upload their contact information in the website, and able to modify their password.

Logo to be used:


Image to be used on front page:


Login Page:

This page is only necessary if we decide login is required to use the site. loginpage

Home Page: The home page where a logged in user will land and the main page for the search bar. homepage

(Note: Logout button should be next to Account button for all pages as well)

Search Results:

This page contains multiple results, as well as selectors, for reviewing result criteria; data can be saved, manipulated, and filtered into graph creation upon immediate access. It can also be "exported" to the client computer by a data formatting system (TBD, but probably XML or a standardized set). Data can NOT be imported, as the specifics of each dataset imported would have to be checked; this also opens up security risks by allowing the user to upload, which is another reason this is not an option. Data also cannot be shared via the website.

To the right displays the linguistic and connotation info, as well as source distribution information; this is for personal and analytic usage, and is NOT included in the exportation (since it does not qualify as results and only additional information).

Refining the search pulls up additional search criteria, such as: date & time, source, geo-location, keyword manipulation, and more.

Previous Searches (up to 10) are saved in the "Saved Results" tab automatically; the oldest one is deleted automatically when a new one is formed, as logic dictates.


Graph Data:

This page allows you to manipulate the data in a multitude of facets; the most recent search is automatically selected, but it can be de-selected(it should be a check box I realize, instead of a radio button). Firstly, you can select from multiple graphs here; these are not tentative, but were, in my opinion, the best available options without being excessive.

Next you choose your dataset; this can be from multiple sources, and can be limited by "Refine Search" as well (might be renamed refine data criteria, as it's a little misleading). This allows you to manipulate data as you would with advanced search on existing datasets but in realtime. It should be noted that combining datasets does work, though it may produce varied results (i.e. two fields that may be similarly spelled and represent the same thing won't be merged, because they're not exact). It does have sorts of degrees of freedom however, as the "Customize Graph" section will allow you to dynamically alter which parts of the dataset you want in each part of the graph! For instance, if you have two searches and want "cars" in one and "happiness factor" in another, you could do so. Again, to make the data actually relevant though is moreover to the user themselves, not a job for the application (i.e. the user's searches need to be coherent, and combinations of data need to make sense). Only an actual user / analyst can determine things from data, the application's job is simply to gather it and give the tools to manipulate and display it in an aesthetically pleasing manner.

Finally, the "generate graph" button dynamically puts it on the right sidebar; from there, you can either export it (as a .png or EXCEL datasheet, there will be either an option in windows or just two buttons later on in development) or save the data for later in the saved results page.
