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Logan's Personal Log

Logan Heckle edited this page Apr 30, 2018 · 30 revisions

Apr 22nd, 2018 - Apr 28th, 2018 (Week 34)

Finalizing things for 1.0 release; finishing touches and Issue resolutions, as well as making sure all of our requirements are met.

Apr 15th, 2018 - Apr 21st, 2018 (Week 33)

Demoed new revisions to client again, as well as resolving QA and last minute issues before finalized 1.0 Release as well; everyone has been assigned their last issues on GitHub, and they should be resolved by the latest on Monday.

Apr 8th, 2018 - Apr 14th, 2018 (Week 32)

Resolved a bunch of bugs that arose; unfortunately, we also had to deprecate our Facebook and Instagram APIs due to Cambridge Analytica scandal policies. Since social media platforms are now being more careful with to whom they release information, we need to be cautious with both Twitter and Reddit as well.

Apr 1st, 2018 - Apr 7th, 2018 (Week 31)

Continued with integration services; pseudo word-cloud as well as majority of behavioral tests have been implemented by Phillip, and the rest of us are resolving other issues as they arise as well.

Mar 25th, 2018 - Mar 31st, 2018 (Week 30)

Met with client and demoed results with details; will continue to be working on further implementations up until RC1, which includes Word Cloud and Instagram integration, among other things. This week, I also correctly modified the existing tests and created issues for additional tests (as per testing milestone dictates) as well as fixed an e-mail authentication error that had occurred.

Mar 18th, 2018 - Mar 24th, 2018 (Week 29)

Meeting with client next week to further discuss and detail more strict limitations for our application, since the current ones may not be feasible; also, missed Vidal meeting due to illness. I have personally e-mailed him numerous times regarding these situations, but have not had an individualized response back.

Mar 11th, 2018 - Mar 17th, 2018 (Week 28)

Spring Break! :D

Mar 4th, 2018 - Mar 10th, 2018 (Week 27)

Beta is still slightly delayed past predicted time, as well as unit and behavioral tests seemingly failing; will troubleshoot and resolve all of these issues most likely this weekend as well as during the break next week, since I'll be staying in Columbia for work-related as well as personal reasons. Will resolve any dependencies on Heroku host as well as closing any issues have been open for longer than 2 weeks (this includes personal logs; I will directly contact group members via SMS and let them know this before closing the issue).

Feb 25th, 2018 - Mar 3rd, 2018 (Week 26)

Met on Wednesday and further discussed and divided additional last-minute visual changes as well as client-specific feedback implementations. Data manipulation, display, and concurrency seem to be the most pressing issues at the present moment, and will most likely need slightly more time than the beta allows to be fully implemented. They will, however, be present for future client meetings as well as other requirements the client proposed.

Feb 18th, 2018 - Feb 24th, 2018 (Week 25)

Had a conference call with client, whom gave us feedback that was valuable for adhering to what they want and to improve the quality and usability of the application; next week will be the final week of Beta feature implementations, as well as various bug fixes, visual changes (to adhere to feedback), and more. Afterwards, another meeting will be established with the client to get feedback on the beta.

Feb 11th, 2018 - Feb 17th, 2018 (Week 24)

Catching up on some work I've missed from multiple classes last week; met with Vidal on Monday as well to discuss further revisions for the upcoming beta as well as assigned more issues and e-mailed client to schedule a meeting regarding feedback.

Feb 1st, 2018 - Feb 10th, 2018 (Week 23)

Had the flu, was pretty inactive as a result of being stuck in a bed with a fever for a week.

Jan 21st, 2018 - Jan 31st, 2018 (Week 21 & Week 22)

Met with Vidal on Monday, and discussed the milestones for this semester; planning on meeting with other teammates to divide up work as well on Wednesday at 11:30ish at the Thomas Cooper Library. We will most likely have to each finish an API as well in 2 week burst periods, as the one initially planned for last semester was never completed. Our unit and behavioral testing frameworks, as well as a test of each, need to be completed and mostly implemented by this Sunday as well.

Dec 17th, 2017 - Jan 20th, 2018 (Winter Break / First Week of Classes; Weeks 16 - 20)

Enjoyed my time off from school with my family and boyfriend; scheduled times for meetings with both Vidal and teammates. In about a week or so, we will have our first meeting on the 29th with Vidal as well and plan to discuss different implementations for Unit and Behavioral testing frameworks.

Dec 10th, 2017 (Week 15, Final Week for Fall 2017)

Worked on further defining page handling, such as "logout" displaying and other context-sensitive user information being loaded; forced user to login to be able to search, as per client's request as well. Demoed application in timeslot on Thursday, from 2:45pm - 5:00pm, as well. Going to close any resolved issues in a few minutes as well, and possibly work some more on context analysis over the break (in early January, just as a refresher back into the project so I don't forget things!) as well as API handling. Our next primary focus for next semester will start at Unit Testing, as well as finalizing all the API calls and data acquisition necessary to build the proper structures and graphs.

Dec 3rd, 2017 (Week 14)

Fixed and resolved e-mail client issues, fixed style-sheet issues, integrated the login functionality and linked it to the database (this works with / can be managed by django's administrative tools as well, as they're using the same database), fixed random Chinese / ASCII issues that caused the login build to crash, created Development testing site ( to test drive any development commits in real time (this uses a separate database, so everything is isolated), and, lastly, implemented the canvas.js functionality, though it does need to be formatted. It's been a really busy week, and hopefully we can implement the API calls (though that's technically not even my assigned issue) before the Demo on Thursday. I'll most likely do the peer-reviews that Vidal has e-mailed out later today as well.

Nov. 26th, 2017 (Week 13)

Met with half of team on Monday and merged postgreSQL support online; now each team member does not have an error when editing due to dependencies, because the database server is always online rather than needing to be locally installed and configured on each machine! Additionally, waited for the login commit and then merged it appropriately to the Heroku-Dev branch; it still needs to be style-sheeted (if English permits me to make that into a verb) and made pretty, but the main handling of login credential information seems to be in place. We will meet with Vidal tomorrow as well as schedule what time for our final Demo works best!

Edit: Revised wording for clarity, and created site for developer builds: .

Nov. 19th, 2017 (Week 12)

Primary host domain did not actually support Python on free-tier, so I switched the host to Heroku. The site is now located at: . Full css and django integration were worked on this week, as well as complications resolved. Currently, everything on the site functions as intended, bar the login page which Charles is still developing. We will meet tomorrow, Monday the 20th, to discuss further integrations to the site as well as how we will merge existing code and test it. Currently, the host automatically retrieves any code updated to the master branch of the Git repository; I have also established a Dev branch to test functionality before implementing it, as to not break the hosted site. All that's basically left before the demo is the integration of features each person has individually been working on for the past month.

Nov. 12th, 2017 (Week 11)

Setup Apache configurations with mod-wsgi and Django Frameworks, registered Host and NameSpace Domain services as well, and uploaded working Apache configs to GitHub. We will now work on essentially combining our pieces of code into a working Demo for 2 weeks, which is both exciting and scary!

Nov. 5th, 2017 (Week 10)

Met with Vidal on Monday and discussed project management usages for GitHub; cleaned up the "code" section and will update with functional, working Django / Python back-end files shortly (they became broken after the research milestone due to file hierarchy inconsistencies, so they're being repaired and re-imaged currently). Additionally, adding functionality for the .json graphing sets and testing using randomly generated sets following a specified format. Will be meeting tomorrow to assess progress of project and move forward from there, addressing issues in a timely manner.

Oct. 29th, 2017 (Week 9)

Met as a group on Monday and discussed the Source Control milestone; had already previously watched the GitHub lectures from Week 1, and had already committed and done all of the necessary requirements. Researched deployment tactics and a checklist for Django deployment in particular: . We're still looking for possible web-hosting services, and developing pieces of the application before assembling them together and testing.

Oct. 22nd, 2017 (Week 8)

Met with Vidal on Monday; established some architectural and program semantics, and talked about getting a dedicated deployment supervisor for when the application itself is finished. Presented Django project to TA on Wednesday as well. Worked on the Architecture Milestone and watched the corresponding lectures, of course. Not the busiest of weeks, but a lot of semantics information has been laid out to avoid problems that may arise in the future as a result of inconsistencies.

Oct. 15th, 2017 (Week 7)

Met with Clients on Monday to better ascertain a firm grip of what could and could not reasonably be done; client has offered to pay for some services that he wants if the desired effects cannot be achieved with free software. Watched the Development Methodologies lectures and put together a list of functions for the app that should be the majority of what we need in a general form. Worked on (and roughly finished?) Django project tutorials, mainly on a lot of back-end testing and development sequences, as well as commands and syntax for python and HTML. The demo itself looks extremely terrible because the majority of the time was spent in Django and not CSS, HTML, or JavaScript to make it look pretty; this will most likely be implemented before Wednesday's demonstration, just for consistency.

Oct. 8th, 2017 (Week 6)

Met with Vidal and better familiarized myself with the requirements of the application; will be talking to the client on more reasonable conditions as well, since we're not a replacement for a company's product and shouldn't reflect as such. Meeting is scheduled for tomorrow at 10:10AM, at the Innovation Center. Also started to work with the Django framework and plan to watch the Development lectures and begin concrete functional requirements for the application as well.

Sept. 30, 2017 (Week 5)

Met with team on Monday to assign roles and discuss concepts of design process; e-mailed secretaries of Swearingen to schedule a room, but still haven't heard back. Will be meeting with clients probably next week instead. Took minutes for meeting as per usual, and they are included in the same OneNote Notebook as each link below indicates. Finalized two pages "Results" and "Graph Data" using MockFlow, and cleaned up the issues for GitHub. Research on the development tools is slightly slower than expected, since first exams have been this week and next week for me, but my personal GitHub for the newest upcoming Milestone was established. We decided on the backend framework being Django as well, since Powell is familiar with similar tools. Other than minor meeting setbacks, this week has been particularly productive in regards to overall design procedure.

Sept. 22, 2017 (Week 4)

Met with clients, Brian and Linda Mihalik, on Tuesday to discuss overall vision for application; notes have been included in OneNote Notebook, which has a read-only link (!AkdDhWNrX_gV0V8XF_qLiBRAw5HL). Following the ideas and trends that were given, I completed a first rough design and put it on the Wiki, in addition to assigning the rest of the members their own rough design as well (Charles was given two, via a randomizer online, where he has to have one of the pages have more than one design with same functionality). Re-invited everyone to the Gitter, so we can have a centralized place to talk since our newest member, Powell, does not have iMessage. Reviewed all of the previous video lectures (they were watched in previous weeks, but not really reported since we were required to watch them anyways and it seemed redundant to include that) and watched the Web-Application lectures to better understand how to start this application. Our team will meet this coming Monday and discuss research tactics and starting points; things to consider are: HTTPS and SSL certifications for account access, development platforms (javascript, python, etc.), back-end handling of data analysis, data retrieval (social media API calls), etc. Additionally, we need to schedule a follow-up meeting with our clients in 2 weeks, to show them our rough / final drafts and the information we've gathered after these initial stages.

Edit: Created Side-bar for better management and cleaned up repo logs, issues, and wiki content formats; this week's milestone is completed, and we'll establish assignments early at tomorrow's meeting to focus on our final designs and application development.

Sept. 16th, 2017 (Week 3)

Established a time for client meeting via email, which was set to be next Tuesday, Sept. 19th at 1:30PM. Scheduled weekly tasks out as issues on GitHub, and will be finishing up my own Persona for Milestone 4, which is due tomorrow at 11:59pm. Additionally, I'll send out a reminder via the iMessage group for everyone to do their personal weekly logs, because as of the time of this post the other ones aren't updated. Next week is our first meeting with Vidal on the 18th at 10:00am, and we will begin Rough Draft Designs of our application as well as the necessary tools for developing it. Research should be intermittent as well for web development lectures and related information.

Sept. 8th, 2017 (Week 2)

Participated in Friday's meeting at 2:30pm and took minutes; organized the roles and facilitated discussion of overall group guidelines, conflict resolution, and how the project in general will be handled. Distributed contact information, formed iMessage group, and e-mailed link to OneNote Notebook for minutes. All future notes and distributed details will be here, and the link is online, read-only:!AkdDhWNrX_gV0V8XF_qLiBRAw5HL .

Lastly, I e-mailed the client to initiate a meeting to better understand their vision, and created my first log (as seen here); I will add all of the Milestone markers to the GitHub repository later today as well.

Week 0 + 1 were preliminary setup requirements for my GitHub account and e-mailing with members to coordinate a meeting time

Clone this wiki locally