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Monthly Update: 2018.08.31

George Singer edited this page Sep 2, 2018 · 2 revisions

Monthly Simula Update: 2018-08-31

MVP Complete

Behold Simula’s new MVP (running at 90fps):

Credit to David Kraeutmann for the tremendous amount of work he put into this. Also thanks to Ludvig Böklin for crafting the desk environment above (with levitation mechanics [not yet included in core simula-godot repo], library contributions, and lots of help debugging).

Video Demonstrations.

Note that the actual running MVP is crisp (some of these videos/pictures make Simula look grainy, but that’s just an artefact of the recording and not Simula itself).

Installation Instructions.

If you have a Vive, you can test out Simula right now. The rough installation instructions are as follows (in Ubuntu):

# 1. Install required dependencies: 
#    - libpixman-1-dev, libweston-3-dev, libegl1-mesa-dev
#    - SteamVR
#    - Godot 3.1 (master branch)
# 2. Launch SteamVR.
# 3. Run the following:

git clone
cd simula-godot
make run

Alpha Testers

Our primary goal for next month is to find a single person willing to use Simula for more than 1hr/day. Simple yet crucial. We look forward to talking with some of our former alpha testers, getting some of them to give our new MVP a shot, and even incrementally improving Simula off of early feedback.

In a nutshell, we’re deactivating “Zero to One” mode and turning on “Lean Startup” mode.


With a viable MVP, Simula is entering fundraising territory. The following documents outline Simula from an investment perspective:

If anyone on this list has any advice on the fundraising process, or knows someone who is interested in the chance at outsized returns, let me know.