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johnmcclean-aol edited this page Mar 23, 2015 · 2 revisions


ReactPool provides a mechanism for caching simple-react REACTORs (SimpleReact, EagerReact, LazyReact). You can use a ReactPool to manage configured REACTORs or create new ones as needed elastically.

ReactPool options

  • bounded : to use a bounded ReactPool supply a collection of REACTORs on intiatialisation. These will be the only REACTORs allowed with the pool
  • unbounded : creation of an unbounded ReactPool is similar to unbounded ReactPool - in that users provide the initial REACTORs. The pool will accept additions later on however, if needed.
  • synchronous : a synchronous ReactPool will only allow a single ReactPool to be used, being transferred synchronously between clients (when one finishes, another can start).
  • elastic : an elastic ReactPool will create new REACTORs on demand.

Elastic ReactPool

Elastic SimpleReact pool :

ReactPool<LazyReact> pool = ReactPool.elasticPool(()->new SimpleReact());

Elastic EagerReact pool :

ReactPool<LazyReact> pool = ReactPool.elasticPool(()->new EagerReact());

Elastic LazyReact pool :

ReactPool<LazyReact> pool = ReactPool.elasticPool(()->new LazyReact());

To use the pool

   List<String> result = pool.react( (REACTOR) -> REACTOR.react(()->"hello",()->"world").block() );

Clients will share instances already created within the pool where available, but new ones will be created if neccessary.

Preconfigured pools

simple-react provides a range of both Parallel and Sequential React Pools pre-configured.

  • ParallelElasticPools.simpleReact : SimpleReact pool with each REACTOR having parallelism equal to number of processors

  • ParallelElasticPools.eagerReact : EagerReact pool with each REACTOR having parallelism equal to number of processors

  • ParallelElasticPools.lazyReact : LazyReact pool with each REACTOR having parallelism equal to number of processors

Sequential (free thread)
  • SequentialElasticPools.simpleReact : SimpleReact pool with each REACTOR having parallelism of 1

  • SequentialElasticPools.eagerReact : EagerReact pool with each REACTOR having parallelism of 1

  • SequentialElasticPools.lazyReact : LazyReact pool with each REACTOR having parallelism of 1

Bounded ReactPool

To create a bounded pool, pass in a collection of REACTORs

ReactPool<EagerReact> pool = ReactPool.boundedPool(asList(new EagerReact(),new EagerReact()));

Any attempt to execute a Stream using the pool, will use one of the preconfigured REACTORs or block until one becomes free.

pool.react( (er) -> er.react(()->loadData(),()->loadData()).then(DAO::save));
pool.react( (er) -> er.react(()->loadData(),()->loadData()).then(DAO::save));
pool.react( (er) -> er.react(()->loadData(),()->loadData()).then(DAO::save));
pool.react( (er) -> er.react(()->loadData(),()->loadData()).then(DAO::save));

If the pool has two REACTORs available, the 3rd and 4th request will likely be blocked for sometime, until a new REACTOR becomes available.

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