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Type Interfaces : To

johnmcclean-aol edited this page Nov 22, 2016 · 1 revision

The To interface

A To represents a type that is convertable in a fluent manner to another type. To's allow both type conversion and custom operators

To contains a single method

  • to : execute the user supplied function, which recieves the current instance and returns a user defined value


ListX<Integer> list = ListX.of(1,2,3)




CollectionXImpl, CompletableFutureTSeq, CompletableFutureTValue, DequeXImpl, Eval.Module.Always, Eval.Module.Later, CompletableFutureTSeq, CompletableFutureTValue, DequeXImpl, Eval.Module.Always, Eval.Module.Later, EvalTSeq, EvalTValue, FeatureToggle.Disabled, FeatureToggle.Enabled, FutureW, FutureWTSeq, FutureWTValue, Ior.Both, Ior.Primary, Ior.Secondary, LazyImmutable, ListTSeq, ListTValue, ListXImpl, MapXImpl, Maybe.Just, Maybe.Lazy, Maybe.Nothing, MaybeTSeq, MaybeTValue, Mutable, MutableBoolean, MutableByte, MutableChar, MutableDouble, MutableFloat, MutableInt, MutableLong, MutableShort, OptionalTSeq, OptionalTValue, PBagXImpl, PMapXImpl, POrderedSetXImpl, PQueueXImpl, PSetXImpl, PStackXImpl, PVectorXImpl, QueueXImpl, SetTSeq, SetTValue, SetXImpl, SortedSetXImpl, StreamableTSeq, StreamableTValue, StreamTSeq, StreamTValue, Try.Failure, Try.Success, TryTSeq, TryTValue, Xor.Primary, Xor.Secondary, XorTSeq, XorTValue

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