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Type Interfaces : Zippable

johnmcclean-aol edited this page Nov 22, 2016 · 1 revision

The Zippable interface

A Zippable represents a type that is combinable with an Iterable or reactive-streams Publisher using a user supplied function.

In cyclops-react it various overload versions of this method

  • zip : lazily (assuming type is lazy) combines the current Zippable with another Iterable or Publisher using the user supplied function


       .zip(Maybe.just(10),(a,b)->a+b))//asynchronously apply the adding function when loadData completes

     .zip(ReactiveSeq.of('a','b','c'),(a,b)->""+a+":"+b);    //["1:a","2:b","3:c"]
//executes eagerly as ListX is eager (see LazyListX in cyclops-reactor for Lazy Implementations     


CollectionXImpl, CompletableFutureTSeq, CompletableFutureTValue, DequeXImpl, Eval.Module.Always, Eval.Module.Later, EvalTSeq, EvalTValue, FeatureToggle.Disabled, FeatureToggle.Enabled, FutureW, FutureWTSeq, FutureWTValue, Ior.Both, Ior.Primary, Ior.Secondary, LazyImmutable, ListTSeq, ListTValue, ListXImpl, Maybe.Just, Maybe.Lazy, Maybe.Nothing, MaybeTSeq, MaybeTValue, Mutable, MutableBoolean, MutableByte, MutableChar, MutableDouble, MutableFloat, MutableInt, MutableLong, MutableShort, OptionalTSeq, OptionalTValue, PBagXImpl, POrderedSetXImpl, PQueueXImpl, PSetXImpl, PStackXImpl, PVectorXImpl, QueueXImpl, SetTSeq, SetTValue, SetXImpl, SortedSetXImpl, StreamableTSeq, StreamableTValue, StreamTSeq, StreamTValue, Try.Failure, Try.Success, TryTSeq, TryTValue, Value.ValueImpl, ValueSubscriber, Xor.Primary, Xor.Secondary, XorTSeq, XorTValue

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